
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact UDX駐車場バイクウォッシュ

住所 :

Sotokanda, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0021 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88788
Webサイト : http://udx-carwash.com/
街 : Tokyo

Sotokanda, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0021 Tokyo,Japan
大図孝男 on Google

We ask you to coat once a year and wash your car once a month! We are satisfied with the very polite and beautiful finish! A reasonable price is one of the attractions! Above all, there are few shops where you can wash your motorcycle, which is very helpful!
scarface202202 on Google

いきなり行っても受付はしてくれないと思います。要予約のお店です。 スタッフさんの対応は非常に丁寧。 簡易コーティングですが、お値段は非常にリーズナブル。 仕上げも丁寧です。なんといっても立地が魅力。
I don't think we will accept you even if you go suddenly. Reservation required. The staff is very polite. Although it is a simple coating, the price is very reasonable. The finish is also polite. The location is attractive.
E U on Google

ツーリングで長時間の雨中走行で微細なダストや油分など色々なものがこびりつき、これはもう自分では無理、プロに頼むしかないと考え予約。すっきり綺麗にしてもらえた。 翌日、日光の下で細部をチェックすると車体の右側と左側で仕上げに差があることを発見。まあ、基本的に洗車はユーザーが普段から一定レベルを維持していることを前提にして、清浄とコーティングを提供するお店と理解した。あとは持ちが長いことに期待したい。
A lot of things such as fine dust and oil stick to the touring and long running in the rain, so I booked because I could not ask myself anymore and I had to ask a professional. It was neat and clean. The next day, when I checked the details in sunlight, I found that there was a difference in the finish on the right side and the left side of the car body. Well, I basically understood that car wash is a store that provides cleaning and coating, assuming that the user always maintains a certain level. I also want to expect that it will last a long time.
43 h on Google

バイクの洗車をお願いできる貴重なお店。 個人的なオススメはマジックガラスコーティング、艶感と汚れ落ちの良さが気に入って定期的に通っています。 洗車なんて自分でも出来ると思うなかれ、仕上がりの違いがプロの仕事を実感させます。
A valuable shop where you can ask us to wash your motorcycle. My personal recommendation is the magic glass coating, the glossiness and the goodness of dirt removal and I go there regularly. I don't think you can do a car wash yourself, but the difference in the finish makes a professional job feel.
東亰チキン on Google

バイクのコーティングを行うショップは近所で探しても見つけることができますが、洗車まで含めたサービスを行っているショップは今のところこちらのショップさん以外では見つけることができませんでした。 コーティングも洗車もしっかりやっていただけます。
You can find a shop that coats motorcycles in your neighborhood, but so far I couldn't find a shop that offers services including car washing. You can do the coating and car wash well.
Tatsuki Isobe on Google

Car wash is a hassle. If you leave your bike in a corner of the UDX underground parking lot, you can do it while shopping in Akihabara. Moreover, it is cheaper than the car wash service of a certain motorcycle accessory store, but the experienced and polite person cleans the details, which is the best car wash service. Various coatings such as glass coating are recommended. Reservations are required, so don't forget to make a reservation online.
k t. on Google

スタッフさんがとても気さくな方ばかり、仕事は勿論きっちりとやって頂けます。 待ち時間は長いですが、秋葉原やアメ横まで徒歩すぐな為苦になりません。
All the staff are very friendly, and of course you can do the work properly. The waiting time is long, but it doesn't bother you because it's a short walk to Akihabara and Ameya.
那由多 on Google

HP上では電話とウェブ双方での予約を受け付けている様だが、未だかつて電話をして出た試しが一度も無い。 実質ウェブのみの受け付けであると言っても過言では無いと思う。 サービス内容も知る限りでは名称や料金体系が変わっていたりするので「おや?」と思う事もしばしば(以前はマジックコーティングというものがあったが3Dコーティング▶ダズルコーティング?という内容に変わっている様だ) 不景気なご時世なので値上げなどは致し方ない所ではあると思うが、作業の内容が一部雑であったりする事が目立った為、値段とサービス内容を加味して満足度はこの点数かなと思う。
It seems that HP accepts reservations both by phone and on the web, but I have never tried to make a phone call. I think it is no exaggeration to say that only the web is accepted. As far as I know the service content, the name and fee system have changed, so I often think "Oh?" (There used to be magic coating, but it seems that it has changed to 3D coating ▶ dazzle coating? is) I think it is unavoidable to raise the price because it is a recession, but since it was noticeable that the contents of the work were partly complicated, I think that the satisfaction level is this score considering the price and the contents of the service.

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