Nomono Akihabara

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nomono Akihabara

住所 :

Chiyoda City, 〒101-0028 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト :
街 : Tokyo

Chiyoda City, 〒101-0028 Tokyo,Japan
kk mi on Google

なにより一等地にあるのと新鮮な食事を頂けるのがいい、東北生まれにはほっとする空間です。 下にもめずらしい雑貨やお菓子など、郷土のものがあるのもうれしい。
Above all, it would be nice to have a fresh meal as well as being in a prime location. It's nice that there are local items such as rare items and sweets below.
Maa on Google

It is unavoidable that there is a vinyl sheet between the cash register and the store, but do I have to reach out even though the product that has read the barcode is on the side of the clerk? Please put it in a place that is easier to get from here. unkind…
yu on Google

帰り道まっすぐ帰る予定が、のものに寄った時発見。今まで気づきませんでした。 のもの入口横から階段があり、そこから二階へ。 清潔感ある店内。 女性のお一人様も多い。 充電用コンセントもあり、混んでないので居心地もいい。 お値段もそう高くなく、ドリンク付きでもお手頃。隣の男性お一人様は、ビールと一品料理。 目の前のカウンターのお姉さんはソフトクリーム。向こう側ではコーヒーとお仕事をしている人もいる。明るくて長居もできるのもプラス。 ご当地食材での料理が食べれて、帰りに美味しかったものを買って帰る。良いシステムです。 駅中なので気軽に行けるのもいいですね。
I plan to go straight on my way home, but I found it when I stopped by. I didn't notice it until now. There is a staircase from the side of the entrance, and from there to the second floor. Clean interior. There are also many women. There is also a charging outlet, so it's comfortable because it's not crowded. The price is not so high, and it is reasonable even with a drink. One man next door has beer and a dish. The older sister at the counter in front of me is soft serve ice cream. Some people work with coffee on the other side. It is also a plus that it is bright and you can stay longer. You can eat dishes made with local ingredients, and buy something that was delicious on your way home. It's a good system. It's nice to be able to go easily because it's in the station.
なめこ on Google

I buy local craft beer here, but I don't like sticking a tape with a name on each beer because of my bag. Moreover, on the label! !! I want you to be careful when you remove the label and collect it. It's more expensive than beer around! I'm not thinking about anything
真崎結衣 on Google

女性1人でも入れる駅ナカのおしゃれなカフェ的なお店! 母と妹とフラッと立ち寄らせていただきました! がっつりお肉系のメニューもオシャレに盛り付けられていて◎ 値段も安くて色々頼みやすかったです! 平田牧場炙り豚丼 豚肉の秘伝のタレ焼 おやき 野沢菜 ねぎ味噌(カボチャ→間違って出てきた) はちみつアンドバターパンケーキ 炙り豚丼はスタンダードな豚丼ですが、出汁も付いてきて途中で加えると出汁の味とお肉の旨味、タレの味が混ざってなんとも言えない美味しさ! 私は出汁を入れた後が好きでした! おやきは1つづつ頼め、おやきとドリンクのセットもあってお得な感じ! お店の方のオーダーミスで全種類制覇できました笑 全部とても美味しかったです!でもやはりおやきは野沢菜派です笑 パンケーキは耳?の部分はカリッとして中央はフワモチ☺️ 生地に紅茶が入っていて香りが◎ ただ知らなくて紅茶嫌いが頼んだら食べられないですね? 全体的に女性向け!居心地◎ ただ、全体的に量が少なめかなといった印象でした。 値段安いし、足りなかったらおやきを注文でちょうどいいのかな? 私が大食いの可能性が高いですが、、 また行きたいお店のひとつになりました! ごちそうさまでした✨
A stylish cafe-like store in Naka, a station where even one woman can enter! I dropped by with my mother and sister! The meat-based menu is also fashionably arranged ◎ It was cheap and easy to order! Hirata ranch pork bowl Secret sauce of pork Oyaki Nozawana Green onion miso (pumpkin → came out by mistake) Honey and butter pancakes Broiled pork bowl is a standard pork bowl, but if you add soup stock and add it in the middle, the taste of soup stock, the taste of meat and the taste of sauce are mixed and delicious! I liked after putting the dashi stock! You can order each oyaki one by one, and there is also a set of oyaki and drink, so it's a great deal! I was able to conquer all kinds of mistakes due to order mistakes from the shop lol Everything was delicious! But after all the oysters are the Nozawana school lol Is the pancake an ear? The part is crispy and the center is fluffy ☺️ The dough contains black tea and the scent is ◎ If you don't know and don't like black tea, you can't eat it if you ask ? Overall for women! Comfort ◎ However, the overall impression was that the amount was small. It's cheap, and if you don't have it, why not just order an oyster? I'm more likely to eat big, It has become one of the shops I want to visit again! It was a treat ✨
うじまっちゃ on Google

広大なJR東日本エリアの様々な名産品を集めたお店です。大きなターミナル駅にあります。駅ナカのお店と駅ソトのお店があり、ここは改札内の駅ナカのお店です。 普段スーパーではお目にかかれないような魅力的な商品で溢れています。地方にはまだまだ知られていない美味しそうなものがいっぱい。東北への旅がしたくなるように仕組まれているのかもしれません。きっとそうです。
It is a shop that collects various specialty products from the vast JR East area. Located at a large terminal station. There is a station Naka shop and a station Soto shop, and this is the station Naka shop inside the ticket gate. It is full of attractive products that you wouldn't normally see at a supermarket. There are many delicious things that are still unknown in the region. It may be designed to make you want to travel to Tohoku. I'm sure it is.
Armand WooW!! on Google

Trường BVF on Google


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