Uchikoshi Tenjin Kitano Shrine - Nakano City

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Uchikoshi Tenjin Kitano Shrine

住所 :

5 Chome-8-1 Nakano, Nakano City, Tokyo 164-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 164-0001

5 Chome-8-1 Nakano, Nakano City, Tokyo 164-0001, Japan
Greg Gence on Google

Lors de mon premier voyage, j'ai eu la chance de passer presque tous les jours devant ce petit parc ou se trouve un temple, dont je ne savais pas grand chose, si ce n'est qu'il se trouve au beau milieu d'habitation, et offre un coin zen, très beau, un oasis tout proche de Nakano Broadway.
During my first trip, I had the chance to pass almost every day in front of this small park where there is a temple, of which I did not know much, except that it is in the middle of house, and offers a Zen corner, very beautiful, an oasis very close to Nakano Broadway.
SEIKO on Google

住宅地にボン!と出てくる神社です。ここら辺で木があるとは、神社だけなので、真夏でも涼しさを感じます。残念なのは、手水の所に水ではなくタバコがあったこと。 とても素敵な場所なので、キレイになると良いなぁ。
Bonn in a residential area! It is a shrine that comes out. The only trees around here are shrines, so you can feel the coolness even in the middle of summer. Unfortunately, there was a cigarette in the Chozuya instead of water. It's a very nice place, so I hope it's beautiful.
山﨑清 on Google

The precincts are a park. It's not that wide. It's a small park.
塩焼きアジサバ on Google

It doesn't have this characteristic, but if you pass in front of it once in a while, you'll want to pray. It's such a simple shrine.
Jordi Mallol i Comas on Google

Es un temple molt petit però amb encant. Envoltat d’un petit parc, ideal per asseure-s’hi i passar una estona. とても小さいけれど魅力的なお寺です。 小さな公園に囲まれ、座って過ごすのに理想的です。
Es un temple molt petit però amb encant. Envoltat d’ un petit parc, ideal per asseure-s’hi i passar una estona. It's a very small but attractive temple. Surrounded by a small park, it is ideal for sitting down.
齋藤鹿渓 on Google

住宅街の中の静かな神社で、周りは小さいながらも鎮守の森となっており、公園になっています。 普段は静かですが、夏祭りの時はステージが組まれて盆踊りが行われ、近隣の人達が集まってささやかな盛り上がりを見せます。また、節分の豆撒きなどもおこなわれていたように記憶しています。 昔は、青梅街道方面から新井薬師に参拝する人達のための道しるべになっていた神社のようです。境内には庚申塚などもあり、古くから地元の人達の信仰の中心であったことをしのばせます。 かつては子供達の遊び場で、夏にはくぬぎの木の樹液にカナブンやハナムグリが集まったものですが、近頃は子供も減り、少し寂しく思います。
It is a quiet shrine in a residential area, and the surrounding area is a small but guarded forest and a park. It is usually quiet, but during the summer festival, a stage is set up to perform a Bon Odori, and nearby people gather to show a little excitement. Also, I remember remembering soy bean soup. In the past, it seems to be a shrine that has become a signpost for those who worship Arai Yakushi from the direction of Ome Kaido. In the precincts, there is a Buddhist alpine mound and so on. It used to be a playground for children, and in the summer it was a collection of cannabis and hamamuri in the sap of a kungi tree, but recently there are fewer children and I feel a little lonely.
まきたしげこ on Google

目立たないところにあり、建物も小さいが、地元の町内会の人々に大事にまもられている。拝殿-本殿が南向きなのに、3体の貴重な石仏が本殿の足元に東向きに安置されているので、うっかりすると見逃してしまう。うち青面金剛像(中央)都如意輪観音像(左)は江戸元禄期造立され、元は神社前の新井薬師に通じる参道で参拝客の安全をいのり、道しるべの役割も果たしていたそうである。 地元の保育園児、母親連れの幼児の遊び場になっていることが多い。
It is inconspicuous and the building is small, but it is well protected by the local neighborhood associations. Haiden-Although the main shrine faces south, three precious stone Buddhas are enshrined eastward at the foot of the main shrine, so you may inadvertently miss it. Of these, the statue of Shomen Kongo (center) and the statue of Kannon Miyako (left) were built during the Edo Genroku period, and were originally built on the approach leading to Araiyakushi in front of the shrine to protect the safety of worshipers and also serve as a guide. .. It is often a playground for local nursery school children and toddlers with mothers.
Michael Pfaff on Google

A very nice shrine in a quiet area in nakano. There is also a playground behind the shrine where all the local kids go to play while parents pray at shrine

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