やきとり将 神田店

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact やきとり将 神田店

住所 :

Uchikanda, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0047 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
街 : Tokyo

Uchikanda, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0047 Tokyo,Japan
Xao Nhieu Nhieu on Google

糞です。。。残念。。。。 特にお通しが屑です。。。 レベルの低いお客さんにはちょうどよいかな
It is feces. .. .. Too bad. .. .. .. Especially, it's scraps. .. .. Is it right for low level customers?
長老 on Google

出張で、早く仕事が終わったら、4時頃から一人でも行くお店です。 焼き鳥は、美味しいですよ。 ももクロ・競馬が大好きな、マスターが焼き鳥焼いてます。
If you finish your work early on a business trip, you can go to it alone from around 4pm. Yakitori is delicious. Yakitori is grilled by the master who loves peach and horse racing.
Sunday Morning on Google

週末15時頃ふらふらと歩いていて吸い込まれた。 レバタレつまみながら芋焼酎ソーダ。 少し小ぶりだが馬刺しも美味。 綺麗とは言えない店内、雰囲気は良かった。 軽く飲むには良い感じ。
I was walking around at 15:00 on the weekend and I was sucked. Soba shochu soda with a spinach. It's a little small, but the horse stab is also delicious. The atmosphere in the store was not clean. It feels good to drink lightly.
水谷大輔 on Google

神田で飲食難民中にご訪問です。 腹ごしらえしっかりさせて頂きました。 値段の割に美味しく、雰囲気通りのお店です。 新橋にもお店があるらしいので今度行ってみます。 古き良き居酒屋さんでした。
This is a visit during eating and drinking refugees in Kanda. I was hungry and firm. It's delicious for the price, and it's a restaurant that has the same atmosphere. It seems that there is a shop in Shimbashi, so I will go there next time. It was a good old izakaya.
Yoji Takahisa on Google

昼飲み出来る焼き鳥メインのザ・大衆居酒屋 神田北口からすぐ、呑み屋が密集した路地の一角 大きな赤提灯、道路にもテーブル出して外飲み可、小汚い外観と店内、喫煙オッケーで、焼き鳥を焼く煙と相まって、店内はモクモク、若い人やおじさんたちで満席でガヤガヤと賑やか 付け出しは、ピリ辛の漬け物であっと言う前に食べてしまい、スタートから好感触 フライドポテトは皮付きでカレー粉まぶしてあり、ほんのり香ばしく、牛すじポン酢は茗荷谷がたっぷりで大人向けな味 焼き鳥は塩とタレを選べる 名物というジャンボつくねは、軟骨のコリっとした食感もあり食べ応え十分で美味しかった セセリ・カシラなどは、塩にしたが、全般的にかなり塩味が強く、酒あまり飲まずに、食事楽しみたい人には厳しいレベル、酒が進む進むように、クレームが出るギリ一歩手前まで塩効かせてる感じ タレの方が普通の範疇でおすすめ、つくね以外だと、ピーマンの肉詰が印象に強く残った オクラのおひたし、アスパラのクリームチーズ和え、ホタルイカのヌタなど、ハズレなしで、普通に美味しく頂いた 料理はリーズナブルだが、飲み物が庶民的な店としてはやや高めなので、たくさん飲む人はちょっと高く感じるかも 仲間と食べ飲みながらワイワイするのにピッタリの店 3.0 Average ★★★……近くに寄ったら来るかも 3.5 Good ★★★★……また来たい 4.0 Excellent ★★★★★…定期的に来たい
The popular izakaya with yakitori that you can drink for lunch A corner of an alley with a lot of drinkers, just off the north exit of Kanda Large red lanterns, table on the road and drinkable outside, dirty appearance and inside, smoking is okay, combined with smoke burning yakitori, the inside is full of mokumoku, young people and uncles and it is lively It's a spicy pickle, and I ate it before I knew it, so it felt good from the start. French fries are covered with curry powder and sprinkled with curry powder, and are slightly fragrant. Beef tendon ponzu has plenty of Myogadani and has a taste for adults. Yakitori can choose salt and sauce The specialty, jumbo meatballs, had a crunchy texture of cartilage and was delicious enough to eat. Skippers, Kashira, etc. are salted, but generally they are quite salty, so it is a tough level for people who want to enjoy a meal without drinking too much alcohol. Feeling like Sauce is recommended in the normal category, except for Tsukune, the meat stuffing of peppers left a strong impression. Okra soup, asparagus with cream cheese, firefly squid nuta, etc. were delicious without any loss. The food is reasonable, but the drinks are a little expensive for a typical restaurant, so people who drink a lot may feel a little expensive. A perfect place to eat and drink with your friends 3.0 Average ★★★ …… May come if you get close 3.5 Good ★★★★ …… I want to come again 4.0 Excellent ★★★★★… I want to come regularly
Moguko Mogu on Google

神田でお店を探してぷらり、 路面の方にもお客さんが座ってて大盛況してましたが、運良く二階のお席が空いていたので入れました。 なんていうかザ!居酒屋!!!!って感じのお店でした。 全体的にバランス感良く美味しいお店。 リーズナブルで、ボリュームもほどよくありました。 不味いなって感じたものはなかったです! でも…、2件めで既に酔ってたたため、細かい味のレビュー控えておきます笑 正確じゃ無い可能性が高いので!! ご馳走様でした!またお邪魔します。
Looking for a shop in Kanda, Customers were sitting on the road and it was a great success, but fortunately the seats on the second floor were vacant so I entered. What the hell! Izakaya! !! !! !! It was a shop like that. A delicious restaurant with a good balance overall. It was reasonably priced and had a good volume. I didn't feel it was bad! But ... I was already drunk in the second case, so I'll refrain from reviewing the detailed taste lol It's likely not accurate! !! It was a treat! I will bother you again.
Y1 Y2 on Google

To be honest, I was a little disappointed. The mustard mustard was very delicious, and Kirin's autumn-flavored middle bottle was immediately emptied. I ordered yakitori from the right side of the menu for 150 yen. There were a lot of customers, but it took a long time for the food to come out. In the meantime, I ate the reddish horse sashimi on the thawed onions with grated garlic. Subsequent liquor is Imo Shochu Rock! The additional chicken and chicken were also delicious. Recently, I've been touring the yakitori restaurants in Kanda, but the price and taste of yakitori from Goro Sakaba are unmatched. There are many kinds of sake and it is cheap, so I think it's a waste. There was also a second floor and it was prosperous.
Kevin on Google

Nice place! Friendly staff

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