UCC Cafe Plaza - Fukuyama

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact UCC Cafe Plaza

住所 :

30-1 Sannomarucho, Fukuyama, Hiroshima 720-0066, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899
Postal code : 720-0066
Webサイト : http://www.ufs.co.jp/brand/ucp/index.html

30-1 Sannomarucho, Fukuyama, Hiroshima 720-0066, Japan
桜子 on Google

昔ながらの喫茶店。明太子のパスタランチを注文。 味も普通。ミニサラダとコーヒー付きで970円でした。 コーヒーはサイフォンで落としたものをテーブルでカップに注いでくれます。
Old-fashioned coffee shop. I ordered a pasta lunch of mentaiko. The taste is also normal. It was 970 yen with mini salad and coffee. The coffee is siphoned and poured into a cup at the table.
と金 on Google

A full-scale coffee shop that offers siphon-style coffee on the table
コッコ on Google

海鮮丼が良かったです❗海鮮のネタも大きくて美味しくいただきました。 人も多い過ぎることなくてゆったりとして落ち着いた感じです。
The seafood bowl was good ❗ The seafood material was big and delicious. It feels relaxed and calm without too many people.
松岡良治 on Google

Coffee is a delicious restaurant. There are also four types of mornings.
ssmm (せつ) on Google

Used in the morning. A calm space. After all coffee is delicious. Butter toast is also full of butter ◎
趣味は食 on Google

The taste of coffee is standard. Customer service is also standard. A perfect shop for customers rushing to the Shinkansen. There were many variations of morning. Good luck at the store ^^
マック on Google

たまに行くけど 駅の喫茶店って 何故かテンション上がりますね。 コーヒー良いしサンドも良い。
I go there once in a while, but for some reason the coffee shop at the station gets a lot of tension. Good coffee and good sandwiches.
K S on Google

UCCに35年ぶりの入店。 バイトしてた頃が懐かしい。 コーヒーとモーニングセットを注文。¥690 コーヒーはサイホンでわかせるタイプ。昔ながらです。 香りよし。
Entered UCC for the first time in 35 years. I miss the time when I was working part-time. Order coffee and breakfast set. ¥ 690 Coffee is a siphon type. It's old-fashioned. Good scent.

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