Tsutsumori Momiji Valley

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tsutsumori Momiji Valley

住所 :

Tsutsumori, Otaki, Isumi District, 〒298-0266 Chiba,Japan

Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Tsutsumori, Otaki, Isumi District, 〒298-0266 Chiba,Japan
今井俊明 on Google

It's a quiet place, it has a taste
Shoji N on Google

Even though it was the end of November, it wasn't colored yet ... The reason why it hasn't become a tourist destination may be that there is no such thing as this.
石井健一 on Google

Now is the best time to see it.
露崎慎一 on Google

You can enjoy the autumn colors of the Boso region until the latest in the Kanto region. This area continues to be in full bloom until the beginning of December every year.
yukie shiozawa on Google

The autumn leaves were in the final stages, but the atmosphere of Momiji Valley was a place where you could fully feel it. I want to go there again at the peak.
ナギコ on Google

2021.11.26訪問 紅葉?見頃過ぎだったようですがキレイでした。そこへ向かう道が狭かったです。
Visited on 2021.11.26 Autumn leaves ? It seems that it was in full bloom, but it was beautiful. The road to that was narrow.
賢狸 on Google

養老渓谷の紅葉のスポットのひとつ。今日は、バス停筒森もみじ谷の道路脇に車を停めて、歩いて15分。車で、目的地に行くことも可能。駐車場あり。 紅葉も進み、すばらしい。
One of the spots for autumn leaves in the Yoro Valley. Today, I parked my car on the side of the road at the bus stop Tsutsumori Momijidani and walked for 15 minutes. You can also drive to your destination. There is a parking lot. The autumn leaves are also advancing and it is wonderful.
netarou hyakunen on Google

紅葉が絶好調の時は★4ですね。 途中から道が細くなりますので対向車に注意ですよ〜。 駐車場は特に注意して!!! 必ず貴重品は持って降りてください! 数年前に車上荒らしが居ました?
When the autumn leaves are in great shape, it's ★ 4. Be careful of oncoming vehicles as the road becomes narrower from the middle. Pay particular attention to the parking lot! !! !! Be sure to bring your valuables with you! There was a car vandalism a few years ago ?

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