Ichibō Chaya - Isumi District

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ichibō Chaya

住所 :

793 Kozawamata, Otaki, Isumi District, Chiba 298-0278, Japan

Postal code : 298-0278

793 Kozawamata, Otaki, Isumi District, Chiba 298-0278, Japan
ok牧場 katu on Google

養老の滝展望台と駐車場の横にある茶屋です。 甘い物以外にもお蕎麦などのちゃんとした食事もできます。 又、テラス席があり、滝を見ながらの食事もできます。
It is a teahouse next to the Yoro Waterfall Observatory and the parking lot. Besides sweets, you can also have a proper meal such as soba. There are also terrace seats where you can dine while watching the waterfall.
sa hi on Google

他の方の口コミにあるように、薄々のめんつゆと薄々のおしるこでした。テラス席、景色も風通しよくおすすめですが、食べ物は最盛期の海の家に近いノリです。 水のコップにアレが…(店員さんにその場で伝えたけど田舎は仕方ないのかな)
As in the reviews of other people, it was a thin noodle soup and a thin shiruko. The terrace seats and the scenery are also recommended, but the food is close to the seaside house at its peak. There is a glass of water ... (I told the clerk on the spot, but I wonder if there is no help for the countryside)
tori yaki on Google

山菜そばと唐揚げ3個を頂きました 山菜そば800円は優しい味付けで非常に食べやすく普通に美味しい 唐揚げも揚げたてで野菜もついてたのは嬉しいが少し小振りで380円はちょっと高い 雰囲気はバッチリでしたがデッキからの景色は木で覆われてしまい微妙 店の外の駐車場からはよく見えます
I received 3 wild vegetable soba and 3 deep-fried chicken Wild vegetable soba 800 yen is easy to eat with a gentle seasoning and is usually delicious I'm glad that the fried chicken was fried and had vegetables, but it was a little small and 380 yen was a little expensive The atmosphere was perfect, but the scenery from the deck is covered with trees and subtle You can see from the parking lot outside the store
Rieko. F on Google

2回ほど行ってます。 外観からは分かりませんがテラス席があり 風が気持ちいいです。 お料理は凝ったものはありませんが焼きそばひとつにしても、丁寧に作ってくれています。 唐揚げもキチンと揚げてくれてアツアツです。 温かいものはテラス席の風で冷めるのが早いですが(笑)それでも座りたくなります。 冷やし甘酒も美味しいですよ。 店員さんも
I have been around twice. I do not know from the exterior, but there are terrace seats The wind is nice. There is no fancy dish, but even if it is one yakisoba, it is carefully made. Deep-fried chicken is also hot and fried with chitin. It is quick to cool down with the wind on the terrace seats (laughs) I still want to sit down. Chilled sweet sake is also delicious. The clerk also
voxy 8778 on Google

家内とざるそばと山菜そばを頂きました。 景色は良いです。食券方式です。
I had my wife, Zaru soba and edible wild plants soba. The view is good. It is a meal ticket method.
on Google

20年以上前はおじいちゃんがやってたんだけど 亡くなられたらしく女性従業員が2人いました。 テーブル席があり、外にもテラス席がありテラスの方に座りました。 鳥の囀りが聞こえたり自然なのでとても気分が上がりました。 昔とは味が違く、私が頼んだうどんは美味しかったのですが 山菜蕎麦は美味しくなかったです。 というか薄すぎて水を飲んでるかと思いました。 これじゃ人来ないし次はもういいかな。 継いでるなら味もちゃんと継いで欲しいな おじいちゃんが可哀想
Grandpa used to do it over 20 years ago There were two female employees who seemed to have died. There were table seats, and there were terrace seats outside, so I sat on the terrace. I felt very uplifted because I could hear the birds singing and it was natural. The taste was different from the old days, and the udon I ordered was delicious. The edible wild plants soba was not delicious. Or rather, I thought I was drinking water because it was too thin. This isn't crowded and I wonder if it's okay next time. If you inherit it, I want you to inherit the taste properly Grandpa is sorry
chi- oty on Google

山菜そば、外のテラスでゆっくりといただきました。つくろげる素敵な茶屋でした。薄味と言う口コミを見かけましたが、逆で濃い感じ。薄い薄いと言われて濃くしたのかな? 濃い味が好きなので良かったです。
I had it slowly on the terrace outside, soba noodles with edible wild plants. It was a nice teahouse to make. I saw a word of mouth called light taste, but on the contrary, it felt dark. Is it thick because it is said to be thin? I like the strong taste, so it was good.
Alexander Pravdin on Google

Fried chicken was very nice

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