TSUTAYA - Esca underground shopping center store - Nagoya

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact TSUTAYA - Esca underground shopping center store

住所 :

6-9先 Tsubakicho, Nakamura Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 453-0015, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 453-0015

6-9先 Tsubakicho, Nakamura Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 453-0015, Japan
大谷秀幸 on Google

It's convenient because you can see the store run by your brother while you're at the hospital.
西木野あかり on Google

I like the arrangement of books so it's easy to choose. It is a bookstore that I want you to stay there forever.
後藤彰弘 on Google

The area is small. The access is good, so I think it is suitable for seeking seasonal books.
伊原修二 on Google

駅にほぼ直結。エスカは駅西だが、駅東西に広がる地下街とは繋がっていないので要注意。こちらは東側より狭いがその分凝縮されていて利便性は高い。案外便利なのはコインロッカー。駅構内は繁忙期は直ぐに満杯になるが、ここは意外と知られていなくて穴場。有名な飲食店が幾つかあるがピーク時は行列必至。昭和レトロ的な飲食店もあり、そちらはあまり混雑しない。ファッション等もそこそこ多く、まずまず安くて品揃えも良い。駅西のビッグカメラ等へ移動する場合はここを通れば遠回りだが混まず天気の影響もない。退避場所としても良い。 意外に小型有名店もあり便利。地下街下には駐車場。トイレは一ヶ所のみで分かり難い。喫煙コーナー無し。休憩場所にベンチ等も皆無。故に滞留せずに通過される場合が殆ど。男性客少ない。チケットショップがあり、新幹線等利用時にゆとりがあれこちらで購入すると安くて時短にもなる。混雑時の名古屋駅券売機は大行列。
Almost directly connected to the station. Esca is west of the station, but be careful as it is not connected to the underground shopping mall that stretches east and west of the station. This is narrower than the east side, but it is more convenient because it is condensed accordingly. A coin locker is unexpectedly convenient. The station yard fills up quickly during the busy season, but it's a little-known spot. There are several famous restaurants, but a line is inevitable during peak hours. There is also a Showa retro restaurant, which is not very crowded. There are so many fashion items, it is reasonably cheap and the product lineup is good. When moving to a big camera in the west of the station, it is a detour if you pass through here, but it is not crowded and there is no influence of the weather. It may be used as a shelter. Surprisingly, there is also a small famous store, which is convenient. There is a parking lot under the underground mall. There is only one toilet and it is difficult to understand. No smoking corner. There are no benches in the rest area. Therefore, in most cases, it passes without staying. There are few male customers. There is a ticket shop, and if you buy it here when you use the Shinkansen etc., it will be cheaper and faster. The ticket vending machines at Nagoya Station are lined up during times of congestion.
愛読精神 on Google

I think the location is in a good place. I think that the latest topic book is TUTYA. The area is small.
まえかわすみこ(はな) on Google

凄い狭いけど、丁寧。 本をたくさん買ったら持てますかね?って聞いてくれて嬉しかった。 困っていたら、紙袋をくれて助かりました。 品揃え結構いいと思う。女性雑誌は有名なのはほとんどあります!センスいいね!
Very narrow, but polite. If I buy a lot of books, can I have one? I was happy to hear that. If I was in trouble, I was saved by giving me a paper bag. I think the product lineup is quite good. Most women's magazines are famous! Good sense!
Yusuke Mori on Google

メガネかけた小太りのおばさん、態度が不快。 もうちょっと感じよく話しかけろ。セルフレジしかないの知らずに呼び出しベル鳴らした時も、雑な声掛けの仕方。操作説明も端折った説明。喋り方の口調がヤケに尖った言い方。不快過ぎて、名札の名前確認してTSUTAYA本社にメールしてやろうか思った。 見た目あんなんなんだから、もうちょっと感じよくしたら?(笑)
A fat aunt with glasses, unpleasant attitude. Talk a little more comfortably. Even when the ringing bell rings without knowing that there is only self-registration, it is a rough way of calling. The explanation of the operation is also broken. A way of saying that the tone of the way of speaking is sharp. It was too unpleasant, so I thought I should check the name on the name tag and email it to the TSUTAYA head office. It looks like that, so why not make it feel a little better? (smile)
Wai Ho Wu on Google

Go at 515pm... Lots of seat n good food

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