Tsuruya Shokudo - Miyazu

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tsuruya Shokudo

住所 :

848 Nakano, Miyazu, Kyoto 629-2232, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 629-2232
Webサイト : https://www.uminokyoto.jp/gourmet/detail.php%3Fgourmet_id%3D14

848 Nakano, Miyazu, Kyoto 629-2232, Japan
ともじんしんば on Google

1日目に海鮮丼定食、2日目に鍋焼きうどんを食しました。 海鮮丼は普通に美味しかったです。 卵の黄身が丼ぶりのど真ん中に乗せてあり、海鮮と混ぜて食べれば最高に美味しかったです。 小鉢に赤米うどんが添えられていました。赤米うどんは、蕎麦のような食感でタンパクな味でした。私は好みではありませんでした。 鍋焼きうどんの麺は、赤米うどんなので、好みではありませんでした。 白菜、ネギ、椎茸、えのき、出汁は美味しかったです。 正直なところ、次回はありません。
I had a seafood bowl set meal on the first day and a nabeyaki udon on the second day. The seafood bowl was usually delicious. The egg yolk was placed in the middle of the bowl, and it was delicious when mixed with seafood. Red rice udon was attached to a small bowl. Red rice udon had a soba-like texture and a protein taste. I didn't like it. I didn't like the Nabeyaki udon noodles because they are red rice udon noodles. Chinese cabbage, green onions, shiitake mushrooms, enoki mushrooms, and soup stock were delicious. To be honest, there will be no next time.
南形浩 on Google

金樽いわし丼(赤米うどん付き)を食べました。小振りな鰯なのに、妙に脂が乗った評判通りの美味しさです。以前 テレビの食レポ番組で見た、この鰯を使ったオイルサーディンの缶詰め 美味しそうだったので土産物にも。連れ合いは、お宝丼をオーダー( 地イカ、アカモク、バイ貝)此もまた美味だったそうです。
I ate Kindaru sardine bowl (with red rice udon). Even though it is a small sardine, it is delicious as it has a reputation for being strangely greasy. Canned oil sardines using this sardine, which I saw on a TV food repo program before, looked delicious, so it's also a souvenir. As for the companionship, I ordered a treasure bowl (local squid, akamoku, baby shellfish), which was also delicious.
ラララフランソワ on Google

たれ漬け込んだイワシをソテーしたという丼をいただきました? 生姜と甘辛いたれの味が美味しかったです。付け合わせのお蕎麦もモチモチして美味しかった! お聞きすると正月三が日は付近の道路もお店もすごく混んでいたとのこと。今日(1/4)はお昼過ぎということもあり、ゆっくり出来て良かったです!
I got a bowl of sautéed sardines soaked in sauce ? The taste of ginger and sweet and spicy sauce was delicious. The garnished soba was also chewy and delicious! I heard that the roads and shops nearby were very crowded on New Year's Day. Today (1/4) is after noon, so I'm glad I was able to relax!
Ben Tsang on Google

The food there is delicious.
Peggy Yu on Google

Good place, but have to reserve more time to wait.
Jim Chan on Google

Nice seafood lunch set and ice cream with fantastic view outside
Chris Chan on Google

Great kaisendon (seafood with rice) set with sides. Tourist information centre sold us a discounted food ticket, so be sure to check that out for other restaurants too! This place has comfortable seating and tables are spacious. Wooden interior design is neat too.
Jesse Efron on Google

Purple soba! Red udon! Great options. Locally sourced seafood and ingredients. All right near Amanohashidate. Of course I'm giving it 5-stars. I love this restaurant. This region is famous throughout Japan for seafood, and Tsuruya has great options ranging from local sardines, to a seafood rice bowl packed with local seafood, and even Ine Yellowtail served shabu-shabu style (which can be really expensive). But for all that seafood, Tsuruya Shokudo also has a good balance, because sometimes you just don't want seafood, especially when it's everywhere. This restaurant also has two really unique noodle dishes, a red udon made with ancient red rice, and purple soba. I love soba, but I also really like sardines, and as luck would have it the sardine rice bowl was served with a small side of soba and miso soup to boot. I think it was around 1500 yen, which is a little higher than I would usually like to pay for lunch, but considering the amount of food, the uniqueness of the food, and that a lot of it is local, I was quite happy. I should also mention that the person I was with is vegan, and they were so accommodating that they even made miso soup using kombu stock instead of fish stock. I didn't even talk about the location. This restaurant is right between Moto Ise Kono Shrine and the Kasamatsu Park cable car, on a really cute street with different shops. It's a 3.6 km walk from Amanohashidate Station across one of the three most scenic views in Japan where no cars are allowed. Just gorgeous. I should have taken more pictures but I was just so excited to start eating.

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