
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 鶴盛楼

住所 :

Tsurugamine, Asahi Ward, Yokohama, 〒241-0022 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–10PM
Sunday 11AM–10PM
Monday 11AM–10PM
Tuesday 11AM–10PM
Wednesday 11AM–10PM
Thursday 11AM–10PM
Friday 11AM–10PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Tsurugamine, Asahi Ward, Yokohama, 〒241-0022 Kanagawa,Japan
かずよし on Google

It was next to the railroad crossing. I've known it since then. The royal road Chinese restaurant.
如月マリオ君 on Google

No matter what you eat, it gives you a salty impression! I went twice. I will never go again! ️
Hiro N on Google

地元の人には懐かしくも有り、美味しくもあり、一番は本当にお店の人が優しすぎるお店です。此方に伺うとやっぱり一度に3つの味を味わえる”ラーメンセット”(ラーメン、小さい炒飯、2個の細長餃子)を頼んでしまいますね。お店はこじんまりしていますが気さくで居心地が良いです。おそらくご家族で営業されているのだと思いますがお店に入ると直ぐお水を持って来てくれるおばあちゃんをお見かけしないのが心配ですが。いずれにしてもお店の人は何時も笑顔で対応してくれる人情味のあるお店です。ですので常連さんも多く人手が無い時にはお客さんが手伝っています。周りにはラーメン屋さんやチェーン店さんも有りますが、やはりあの店主さんの笑顔を思い起こすと此方に足が向いてしまいますね。(笑)これからも頑張ってください。 陰ながら応援しておりますし、これからも他の商品も試みたいので‼️ チョット残念なのはお店には駐車場が無いのでココロット(そのお店が有るビル)に併設されている駐車場に車を停めるのですがその駐車場料金が高過ぎ(相鉄ローゼンボリすぎだろう?)、お店から30分無料のサービス券を貰っても時間が過ぎて追加料金を払う事が有ります。お店のせいでは無いのですが。(笑)
The locals are nostalgic and delicious, and the first is that the shop staff are really too kind. If you visit here, you will end up asking for a "ramen set" (ramen, small fried rice, and two elongated dumplings) that you can taste three flavors at once. The shop is small but friendly and cozy. I think it's probably a family business, but I'm worried that I won't see a grandmother who will bring water as soon as I enter the store. In any case, the shop staff is a friendly shop that always smiles and responds. Therefore, when there are many regulars and there is no manpower, customers are helping. There are ramen shops and chain stores around, but when you think of the smile of the shop owner, you'll turn to this one. (Laughs) Please continue to do your best. I support you in the shadow, and I want to try other products in the future! ️ Unfortunately, there is no parking lot in the shop, so I park my car in the parking lot attached to Cocorot (the building where the shop is located), but the parking lot fee is too high (Sotetsu Rosenbori is probably too ?) ), Even if you get a 30-minute free service ticket from the shop, the time may pass and you may have to pay an additional fee. It's not the store's fault. (Lol)
ブイサン on Google

An old-fashioned Chinese restaurant where you can rest assured that the soup made with chicken and pork is a beach kid. The tanmen and long and thin handmade dumplings eaten with this soup are delicious. If you're hungry, Chinese rice. Stir-fried onions and peppers are also delicious.
Atsumi Matsuda on Google

The smell in the store is annoying at first, but for some reason it disappears when you eat a bite and you can enjoy it. The old-fashioned Chinese cospa is outstanding.
ゴルロク on Google

昭和を感じるお店です。 良い感じ。
It is a shop that feels Showa. I feel good.
かなあゆみ on Google

持ち帰りで注文しましたが、チャーハンベチャベチャで食べれた物ではありませんでした、お金を返して頂きたいくらいです。 老舗で美味しいという口コミを見て期待していましたが残念すぎます。 持ち帰りでは絶対に頼まない方がいいです。 お店が忙しそうで満席でしたが、持ち帰りを適当に作られたのかと思うとガッカリです。 チャーハン以外も頼みましたが、普通以下でした。
I ordered it as a takeaway, but it wasn't something I could eat at fried rice, so I'd like you to return the money. I was expecting to see the word of mouth that it is a long-established store and delicious, but it is too disappointing. You should never ask for it when you take it home. The shop seemed to be busy and was full, but I was disappointed to think that the take-out was made properly. I asked for something other than fried rice, but it was less than normal.
三觜貴宏 on Google

昔ながらの「昭和のラーメン」を味わえるお店です。 「五目チャーハン」等、メニューに記載されていない料理もリクエスト次第でご提供頂けます。 料理が美味しい上に、店員さんの対応も柔軟且つ丁寧で、鶴ヶ峰にお寄りの際は是非お勧めしたい中華料理店さんです。
It is a shop where you can enjoy the old-fashioned "Showa ramen". We can also serve dishes not listed on the menu, such as "Gome fried rice", upon request. The food is delicious, and the staff are flexible and polite, so I would definitely recommend this Chinese restaurant when you visit Tsurugamine.

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