Tsumugi - Sendai

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tsumugi

住所 :

1F 3 Chome-5-3 Nagamachi, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 982-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 982-0011
Webサイト : https://tsumugi.gorp.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 5–11PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 5–11PM
Tuesday 5–11PM
Wednesday 5–11PM
Thursday 5–11PM
Friday 5–11PM

1F 3 Chome-5-3 Nagamachi, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 982-0011, Japan
長谷部誠太郎 on Google

海鮮が美味しそうだったので長町でご飯を探していたときにこの居酒屋へ入りました。まず佇まいが厳かで入るのにやや緊張しました・・・でも中の居心地はよかったです。 酒飲みなので、基本飲みがメインになることが多いので宮城に住んでいる友達を呼び出して美味しくお酒が飲めればいいというスタンスでお店を探して入ったのですが、ここはご飯もすごく美味しかったです。もちろんメインの海鮮は文句なしに美味しくて、一品料理も見た目もこだわっている感じで美味しかった!お酒も美味しくいただきました。
The seafood seemed delicious so I entered this tavern when I was looking for rice in Nagamachi. First of all, the appearance was harsh and I was a little nervous, but the inside was nice. Since it is a drinker, basic drinks are often the main, so I called a friend living in Miyagi and looked for a shop with a stance that I should drink deliciously, but here the rice was also delicious is. Of course, the main seafood was delicious without any complaints, and it was delicious with a feeling of sticking to the dish and appearance! The sake was also delicious.
金本リサ on Google

Because it is made using seasonal ingredients, it is delicious to eat any rice and the sake goes on and on! The cooking level may be good at the cooking level. So the freshness of the fish was very good. They serve dishes that are more than ordinary izakaya, so it's a good idea to come here if you want to eat solid Japanese food. Because it is about 250m from Nagamachi Station, I think it's easy to find near the station. The shop is only a counter and a table, but the taste is certain, so I often come to drink alone or with friends. I'm planning to go again soon, so I'm looking forward to it now.
k taka on Google

雰囲気は好きですがテーブル席が落ち着きませんでした。個人的にはカウンターの方が良さそうかなと。 揚げ物は油吸いすぎが酷く、素人以下のレベル。蕎麦、牛タン、天ぷらは普通でした。魚は美味しかったです。お酒は美味!
I like the atmosphere, but the table seats were uncomfortable. Personally, I think the counter is better. Deep-fried food sucks too much oil and is below the level of amateurs. Soba, beef tongue and tempura were normal. The fish was delicious. Sake is delicious!
ぷーちゃん on Google

冷やしそばのランチを頂きました。 初めて伺いましたが、更科のとてもお蕎麦でした。付け合わせの煮物もとても丁寧に作られていて、細やかな気配りを感じました。 膳が配られる前にお品書きを拝見しましたが、季節のおいしい食材を提供されているようで、夜のお店に来訪する楽しみが出来ました。また参ります。
I had a chilled soba lunch. I visited for the first time, and it was a very soba noodle from Sarashina. The simmered garnish was also made very carefully, and I felt the delicate attention. I saw the item description before the set was distributed, but it seems that delicious seasonal ingredients are being served, and I enjoyed visiting the restaurant at night. I will come again.
秋武丈 on Google

落ち着いた雰囲気で、料理も豊富で美味しかったです。東北を中心とした旬の物を使っているのもポイントも高いし、お酒は色々なものが取り揃えてある。 穴子の天ぷらを頼んだ時の事ですが、2人で行ったので2つに別けて提供して頂いて、とても嬉しかったです。また、行きたいと思います。
The atmosphere was calm and the food was abundant and delicious. The point is that it uses seasonal products mainly from Tohoku, and there are various types of sake. It was when I ordered the conger eel tempura, but since we went there together, I was very happy to have them served separately. I think I want to go again.
桜井克也 on Google

I was asked by an acquaintance. I felt the threshold was high, but it was very comfortable and the food was delicious. Especially the white liver skewer and recommended Kodama vinegar tightening were excellent. It was nice that the plates and the arrangement were stylish. It was a fresh surprise that soba noodles came along with Sarashina soba and it had a yuzu flavor. I would love to visit again.
MOTHER姫 on Google

エビの唐揚げが食べたくて検索したらこちらのお店が出て来たのでお邪魔しました? 予約で混んでいてようでカウンターならとお席に案内してもらいました? おしゃれな落ち着いた店内 お料理はどこにも行き届いた盛り付けと板前さんの気持ちがこもってるのを感じるような料理 お酒が美味しくなります? 聞いたことがない日本酒が多くて利き酒セットのようなものをお願いしました? グラスいっぱいに注いでもらい美味しかったので違う銘柄をもう一度お願いしましたが、グラス8番目までしか注いでもらえず少しがっかりしてしまいました? 出してくれる方によって量が違うようです? 大切な人とゆっくり食事を楽しむのには良いお店ですね?
I searched for fried shrimp and found this shop, so I bothered you ? It seems that it is crowded with reservations, so I was guided to the seat at the counter ? Fashionable and calm interior The dishes are arranged in a perfect manner and you can feel the feelings of Mr. Itamae. The sake will be delicious ? I asked for something like a sake set because there are many sakes I have never heard of ? I asked for a different brand again because it was delicious because I had it poured into a full glass, but I was a little disappointed because I could only pour up to the 8th glass ? It seems that the amount varies depending on the person who puts it out ? It's a good place to enjoy a meal with your loved ones ?
Yasuyoshi Fukui on Google

This TSUMUGI restaurant is one of my most recommended authentic Japanese style Izakaya tavern in Japan, as I know all about Japanese food culture. The owner chef always shows his hospitality during my stay there and every staff was kind and open mind to me. He has his strong commitment of local and seasonal cuisine such as SASHIMI and so on. Also, you must try their unique SAKE selections with their fine seafoods. Enjoy the marriage!!

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