Tsumekuro Shrine - Sakuragawa

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Contact Tsumekuro Shrine

住所 :

863 Kamishiro, Sakuragawa, Ibaraki 309-1454, Japan

Postal code : 309-1454

863 Kamishiro, Sakuragawa, Ibaraki 309-1454, Japan
tabrin tabrin on Google

The legitimate route is difficult to understand.
みけねこ on Google

御祭神は磐長姫命。境内の由来碑によれば,創建は応永32(1425)年。中郡庄太田郷(岩瀬町犬田)の地頭太田伊勢守貞経が応永年中(1394-1427)に橋本山に城郭(橋本城・別名吉所城)を構え,その鬼門に当る大手先に伊豆國雲見嶽磐長姫命(静岡県賀茂郡松崎町雲見浅間神社)を奉遷し,城の守護神としたのが始まり。明治6年村社列格,大正10年供進指定。結城街道から狭い道路を南下していくと,いつの間にか境内に到着しました。まずいことに車がいっぱい人いっぱい。どうやら1週間後の例祭(11月15日)の事前準備ではないかと思われます。人見知りのみけねこは,「怪しいやつ!名を名乗れ!」と詰問されやしないか心中は千々に乱れてしましたが,表面上はとりあえず威風堂々。お賽銭を入れ,二礼二拍手一礼。大急ぎで境内を回って,リトルカブで逃げるように立ち去りました。神社には横入りしたのですが,社殿と鳥居の向きからして正参道は・・・うーん。茂みの先の獣道がそれらしいです。今日は氏子さんらに見られているので探検は諦めました。また,社殿の裏手から尾根づたいに橋本城跡へ行けるようですが,それも時間がないのでパス。 ちなみに,鳥居の上に石がいくつも置かれていましたが,石をうまく鳥居の上に乗せられると,いい嫁っ子がもらえるらしいですぞ。
The deity is Iwanaga Himemei. According to the monument of origin in the precincts, it was founded in Oei 32 (1425). Ota Isemori Sadasuke, the head of the town of Shota, Nakagun (Inuda, Iwase-cho), set up a castle (Hashimoto Castle, also known as Yoshisho Castle) on Mt. Hashimoto during the year of Oei (1394-1427). It began with the transfer of Izu Kuni Unmitake Bancho Himemei (Kumomi Sengen Shrine, Matsuzaki Town, Kamo District, Shizuoka Prefecture) as the guardian deity of the castle. It was designated as a village shrine in 1897 and donated in 1918. As I went south from the Yuki Kaido on a narrow road, I arrived at the precincts before I knew it. Unfortunately, there are a lot of cars and a lot of people. Apparently, it is a preparation for the annual festival (November 15th) one week later. The shy cat was confused as to whether he was asked, "Suspicious guy! Give yourself your name!", But on the surface, it was dignified. Put in a gift and give two bows, two clappings and one bow. I hurried around the precincts and left to escape with a little cub. I entered the shrine sideways, but from the direction of the shrine and the torii, the main approach is ... well. The beast path beyond the bush is like that. I gave up the expedition because it was seen by the parishioners today. Also, it seems that you can go to the ruins of Hashimoto Castle from the back of the shrine to the ridge, but that is also a pass because there is no time. By the way, there were many stones on the torii gate, but if you put the stones on the torii gate well, you will get a good bride.

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