Tsukuba Mental Clinic - Tsuchiura

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tsukuba Mental Clinic

住所 :

1 Chome-7-15 Minatomachi, Tsuchiura, Ibaraki 300-0034, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89888
Postal code : 300-0034
Webサイト : https://www.tsukubamentalclinic.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30–11:30AM
Sunday 8:30–11:30AM
Monday 8:30–11:30AM
Tuesday 4:30–8:30PM
Wednesday 4:30–8:30PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 4:30–8:30PM

1 Chome-7-15 Minatomachi, Tsuchiura, Ibaraki 300-0034, Japan
Te Ka on Google

I've been manic since my panic disorder, and I've been helping you for many years. Since it is not a reservation system, it will be the order in which they came. If you don't go before you start, you will have to wait a long time. You can trust because the teacher also listens to the site well.
さくはる on Google

家族の付き添いで行きました。 受付がとにかく冷たい。 先生に1度名前を呼ばれて、聞き逃してしまったらすぐ次の人を呼ばれてしまう。 3時間待たされました。(初診が多かったようですが) 受付の方に、「順番呼ばれましたよね?抜かされてしまったようなのですが…」と聞いてみたところ、受付はきちんと聞いていなかったあなたが悪いといった感じで「さっき呼ばれてましたよ、聞いてなかったんですか?」と、それだけ。 精神科で、心の病を患っている方もいるのにあの態度は本当に最悪でした。 先生はよく話を聞いてくれてアドバイスもくれますが、ヘラヘラ笑いすぎて逆に嫌悪感を持たれる方もいるかもしれません。 でも、よく話を聞いてくれるし待ち時間が長いのは信頼している患者さんが多いからなのだろうとは思います。 けれど、もう来ることはありません。
I went with my family. The reception is cold anyway. The teacher calls my name once, and if I miss it, the next person is called immediately. I've been waiting for 3 hours. (It seems that there were many first visits) When I asked the receptionist, "You were called in order? It seems that you were skipped ...", the receptionist didn't listen properly. Didn't you hear that? " In psychiatry, some people suffered from mental illness, but their attitude was really the worst. The teacher often listens to me and gives me advice, but there may be people who laugh too much and feel disgusted. However, I think that the reason why they listen to me often and the waiting time is long is because there are many patients who trust me. But I won't come anymore.
藤田英樹 on Google

16年ほど前に自殺未遂をしたあとにたどり着いたクリニックです。信じられない程いつも混んでいますので、3時間待ちとか4時間待ちは普通です。そして、通院し始めて16年もたつと診察時間が5分ということもあります。 先生はどうでもいい世間話のようなことを振ってくることが多いですが、どうもその受け答えの中から今のこちらの状態を探っているようですから、そういうもんだと思って診察を受けるのがいいと思います。 私の場合、当初疑われていた病状が、7年ぐらい経ってから違うものであったと診断されました。精神疾患の場合、私もそうですが、自分の病状を隠すような行動や言動をとることも多いですし、自分はもう大丈夫だと思って薬を勝手にやめたり、たくさん飲んだりすることがあります。 そのため正しい診察を受けるには、長い時間をかけて辛抱強く待つしかない部分もあるのだと思います。精神疾患というのは、診断も治療もとても時間がかかるものです。すぐに「ああ、うつ病ですね。」と薬を出し、2年くらいで「もう大丈夫でしょう。」と治療が終わってしまう医者も多い中、ここの寺島先生は信頼できると思います。だから混んでいるわけで、本当はおすすめしたくないというのも事実。もっと混みますからね。(笑) あと、看護婦長は先生の奥さんですが、注射がとてもうまいです。注射が苦手な人は婦長さんを指定するといいです。
It is a clinic that I arrived at after attempting suicide about 16 years ago. It's incredibly always crowded, so waiting 3 or 4 hours is normal. And 16 years after starting to go to the hospital, the consultation time may be 5 minutes. The teacher often pretends to be something like a small talk that doesn't matter, but it seems that he is looking for the current state from the answers, so I think that's the case and get a medical examination. I think it's good. In my case, the initially suspected medical condition was diagnosed as different after about 7 years. In the case of mental illness, as I do, I often take actions and behaviors that hide my condition, and I think I'm okay and stop taking medicine or take a lot of medicine. There is. Therefore, I think that there is a part where you have to wait patiently for a long time to receive a correct medical examination. Mental illness is very time consuming to diagnose and treat. I think that Dr. Terashima here is reliable, as many doctors immediately give out medicine saying "Oh, it's depression." And finish the treatment saying "It's okay." In about two years. That's why it's so crowded that I don't really want to recommend it. It will be more crowded. (Lol) Also, the chief nurse is the teacher's wife, but the injection is very good. People who are not good at injections should specify a lady.
Ben Mrazek on Google

Despite being a psychiatrist, waiting for 2-3 hours is a matter of course. Home visit time is 3 to 5 minutes. Not patient first. When I pointed out that, he said, "You can't do it unless you sell a lot of profits." I can't trust it.
多美由紀華姫 on Google

朝受け付けしたら診察終わるのが夕方になるケースが良くあった。お弁当とか持って一日居るか、受け付け終わったら、何時に戻れば良いか聴いて出直す。 今は分からない。 何処まで改善されたか定かではない。今は外食推奨できないしねぇ。コメントには待ち時間が二、三時間?それくらいで終わってたっけ?参考になれればさいわいです
In many cases, when the examination was accepted in the morning, the examination ended in the evening. Ask if you'll be there for a day with your lunch, or when you're done accepting it, ask what time you should return. I don't know now. I'm not sure how much it has improved. I can't recommend eating out right now. Is there a couple of hours waiting for comments? Did it end with that? I hope you find it helpful
さやまる on Google

受付の方が心無い方で、とても気分が悪くなりました。 対応、発言、とても不愉快でした。 ですが、先生は話を親身に聞いてくれる方だなぁといった印象でした! 堅苦しい感じではなく、話しやすい所も良かったです。 噂通り待ち時間はとても長いですが、それだけ先生が患者さんと向き合ってくれているのかな?と言った感じです!
The receptionist was a heartless person and I felt very sick. Correspondence, remarks were very unpleasant. However, I had the impression that the teacher was a person who listened to the story kindly! It was nice that it was easy to talk to, not a formal feeling. As rumored, the waiting time is very long, but is the teacher facing the patient that much? I feel said!
金ちゃん on Google

辛くて泣いてるときも、話を聞かずに診察室を追い出して、症状や薬の副作用が辛いときも、私の話を聞かない先生でした。 がんばれとか痩せましょうとか、ひどい先生です。この病院に通った意味あったのかな? あと、彼氏は出来たか?とか早く結婚しましょうとか、仕事はどこで何をしてるのかな?とか色々病気の症状は、聞かないのにプライベートの話は聞いてきて、とても不愉快でした。
He was a teacher who didn't listen to me when he was crying because he was crying, and when he was banished from the doctor's office without listening to him and when his symptoms and side effects of medicines were painful. I'm a terrible teacher, trying hard and losing weight. Did it make sense to go to this hospital? Also, did you have a boyfriend? Where and what do you do at work, such as getting married early? I didn't hear about the symptoms of various illnesses, but I heard private stories, which was very unpleasant.
A shi on Google

とても信用できる先生です。気さくで話しやすく、どこからどこまでも丁寧です。 処方してくださる薬について優しく教えてくださったり、苦しい時はこういった考え方をするのはどうかな?と親身になって接して下さります。 こちらでお世話になっている疾患以外で気になる事があるとわざわざネットで調べてくださりアドバイスをしていただけます。丁寧で優しいです。とても信用できます。よく話を聞いてくださったり変化に気づいて下さる為ありがたいです。 ただ、待ち時間がかなり長いです。具合が悪いなか来ている人が多いのに待合室で大声で会話している方が多々居るため、先生に呼ばれた時に聞こえなかったり、会話内容が不愉快なものだったりするため度が過ぎている時は受付の方が注意してくださるとありがたいです。 また、病院が開く前に傘や椅子を置いて場所取りをしている方が多く見受けられて毎回気になります。場所とりをしなくても良い環境にしていただけますとありがたいです。
He is a very reliable teacher. Friendly and easy to talk to, polite from anywhere to anywhere. Why don't you kindly tell me about the medicines you prescribe, or think like this when you have a hard time? Thank you for your kindness. If you have any concerns other than the illnesses you are taking care of here, please check them online and give us some advice. It is polite and gentle. I can trust you very much. Thank you for listening to me and noticing the changes. However, the waiting time is quite long. There are many people who are coming in while they are not feeling well, but there are many people who are talking loudly in the waiting room, so when the teacher calls me, I can not hear it or the conversation content is unpleasant, so it is too much. I would be grateful if the receptionist would be careful when I was there. Also, there are many people who put up umbrellas and chairs to take up space before the hospital opens, which is annoying every time. I would appreciate it if you could create an environment where you do not have to take up space.

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