
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 熊谷肉飯店

住所 :

Tsukuba, Kumagaya, 〒360-0037 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88789
街 : Saitama

Tsukuba, Kumagaya, 〒360-0037 Saitama,Japan
yutaro hayashi on Google

Is delicious! I like the most Jiro ramen I've ever eaten. It is said that noodles can be increased to 150-300g and vegetables can be increased to 800g or more. The volume is so satisfying even if it's normal, so I'm worried about what happens to the ramen size. I'm sure it's garlic-free, but I'm glad I got the toppings. I recommend it.
Edward Green on Google

個人的な感想ですが、スープが弱いです。 もっと旨味と塩気を増強した方がいいです。 カラメも変えた方がいいかも。 シャキシャキのヤサイは普通でもボリュームあるのでそこは高評価。 とはいえ二郎を食べ慣れていない人にはこれくらいあっさりしている方がいいのかなぁ。 接客はかなり良いと思います。
It is a personal impression, but the soup is weak. You'd better enhanced the more flavor and salty. It might be better to entwined also changed. The crunchy Yasai is usually high volume, so it is highly evaluated. I wonder if it is the good that is frankly much this is to people who are not accustomed to eat although Jiro and. Hospitality is I think pretty good.
飯島大貴 on Google

この写真だと ラーメン 麺300 野菜少なめ アブラマシマシ ニンニクあり です
In this photo ramen Noodles 300 Less vegetables Abra Mashimashi With garlic is
桜パパ(桜パパ) on Google

もうオッさんなので、美味しく食べれる量を注文しました? 野菜少なめ、麺200g、アブラマシ、ニンニクマシです‼️ 十分美味しく食べました〜 ちょっと麺が固すぎな感じかなぁ〜
I'm already an old man, so I ordered an amount that I could eat deliciously ? Less vegetables, 200g noodles, garlic, garlic! ️ I ate it deliciously ~ I think the noodles are a little too hard ~
ブータナキ on Google

二カ月に一度くらい食べたくなって訪問します。 写真は肉ラーメン麺300グラム野菜油少なめの少なめです。 塩辛い味で油ギトギトで麺は太くてゴワゴワ厚いけど柔らかいチャーシューが乗ってます。何の工夫もないヂャンク感満載のラーメンです。 限定メニューがあるようなので二カ月後に挑戦してみようと思います。 久しぶりに訪問しました。このゴワゴワした感じのラーメンをワシワシ食する時の緊張感がたまりません! 食べ終わると、チョッピリ後悔するんですが暫くするとまた食べたくなります。 中毒になりかけてるのかな。
I visit there about once every two months because I want to eat it. The photo shows 300 grams of meat ramen noodles with less vegetable oil. It has a salty taste, is oily, and the noodles are thick and stiff, but it has soft char siu on it. It is a ramen full of junk feeling without any ingenuity. There seems to be a limited menu, so I'll try it in two months. I visited after a long time. The tension when eating this rugged ramen is irresistible! When I finish eating, I regret it, but after a while, I want to eat it again. I wonder if I'm getting addicted.
albelt T on Google

食券購入し席に着き麺量を選び野菜とアブラの増減を告げます。 「麺200g、野菜普通、アブラ少なめ」を頂きました。 二郎に似た感じの味わいで美味しかったです。 壁にサンプル写真が有り凄く多そうに見えますが普通で麺300g、丼も二郎系の小さめ丼なので心配する程でもないかな。 駐車場無し。
Purchase a meal ticket, sit down, select the amount of noodles, and tell the increase or decrease of vegetables and abra. I received "200g of noodles, normal vegetables, less abra". It was delicious with a taste similar to Jiro. There is a sample photo on the wall and it looks like there are a lot of them, but it's normal, 300g of noodles, and the bowl is a small bowl of Jiro type, so it's not enough to worry. No parking lot.
mao umeboshi on Google

November 23, 2021 An extra order for special ramen. When you hand over the meal ticket, you will be asked for the amount of yasai, garlic, ginger, etc., so personally it is easier to enter than other Jiro Inspire (the clerk's attitude is also good) Since the amount that can be increased with free toppings is larger than other stores At a store, it costs about 1500 yen to add toppings and so on, but it can be kept to 980 yen, so cospa is good. The height of the chair and the height of the table do not match, so it is minus 1 star 4
なんとかJasmine on Google

駅近back streetにある黄色い看板、お兄さんと小顔のモデルさんのような2人でまわしてたので、大丈夫かな?と一瞬思ってしまったが、ちゃんと二郎でした。 11時のピーク前だからか、ここのシステムか不明ですがトッピングは麺の量と同時に先に聞かれました、コールはニンニクマシマシ野菜少なめショウガで、逆に亜流のジローなので卓上にもギザミ大蒜は嬉しいサービス
The yellow signboard on the back street near the station, two people like an older brother and a model with a small face, so is it okay? I thought for a moment, but it was Jiro properly. I don't know if it's the system here because it's before the peak at 11 o'clock, but the topping was asked earlier at the same time as the amount of noodles. Nice service

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