
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ジャンクガレッジ熊谷店

住所 :

Miharashicho, Kumagaya, 〒360-0824 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Webサイト : http://www.junk-garage.net/
街 : Saitama

Miharashicho, Kumagaya, 〒360-0824 Saitama,Japan
中田すず on Google

スープの乳化具合、味のバランス、麺の小麦感、コシ、豚の味、食感が完璧だと思ってます。ひばりの二郎、高坂の一心に続き好きな二郎系ラーメンに君臨するここ熊谷のジャンクガレッジ。以下の写真は全てヤサイ、アブラ、ニンニク(ちょい)+2豚です。 麺やヤサイの前にまず豚をかじると口の中いっぱいに暴れ回る豚豚豚!!極上のやわらかさに仕上げられた豚としょっぱ過ぎないこの極上テイスト!たまりませんねぇ。これならいくらでも食えそうですが、増しすぎるとラード効果で後半戦苦労するので、個人的には2豚増しくらいが好みですね。もうこの時点で絶頂の頂きに到達してしまったのですが、続いてアブラとヤサイ、これに下からすくい上げたスープを絡め、口の中へ。!!!。これが究極のアブラ温野菜サラダってやつか、、スープとヤサイの相性が抜群!!いくらでも食えそう!!と、思いますが、伸びる前に麺の発掘調査を始めましょう。どれどれー?ヤサイを深く掘らないと出てこない… !!発見!! 極太平麺を豪快に掴みあげ、豪快に啜る。途端に口の中は広大な小麦畑に。大地の神様ありがとうございますm(__)mm(__)mm(__)mm(__)mm(__)m スープはド乳化スープ。とてもまろやかでうまい。 その後はヤサイ、麺、豚のように食べながら、時に隅のニンニクを溶いたり、お酢を入れて味変。至福であります。そんなこんなであっという間に完食。ジャンクガレッジも他に何点かありますが、やはりここが一番好きですね。塩っぱい系のラーメンが好きな人には物足りないかと。
I think the soup emulsification, taste balance, noodle wheat feeling, stiffness, pork taste and texture are perfect. Hibarino Jiro, a junk garage in Kumagaya here, reigns in his favorite Jiro-style ramen following the heart of Kosaka. The following pictures are all yasai, abra, garlic (choi) + 2 pigs. If you first bite a pig before noodles and yasai, the pigs will go wild in their mouths! ! This superb taste is not too salty with a pork finished in the finest softness! I do not collect. It seems that you can eat as much as you like, but if you add too much, you will have a hard time in the second half due to the lard effect, so I personally like to add about 2 pigs. At this point, I had reached the top of the climax, but followed by Abra and Yasai, and the soup picked up from the bottom, and into my mouth. ! ! ! . This is the ultimate Abra hot vegetable salad, and the compatibility between soup and yasai is outstanding! ! You can eat as much as you want! ! I think, but let's start an excavation survey of noodles before growing. Which one? If you do not dig Yasai deeply, it will not come out ... ! ! Discovered! ! We grab the very thick noodles and sullily. Immediately the mouth turns into a vast wheat field. Thank you for the earth god m (__) mm (__) mm (__) mm (__) mm (__) m The soup is a demulsifying soup. Very mellow and good. After that, while eating like yasai, noodles and pork, sometimes the garlic in the corner is dissolved or vinegar is added to change the taste. Be blissful. Such a complete meal in a flash. There are some other junk garages, but I like this one the most. Isn't it enough for people who like salty ramen?
Kenken 815- on Google

Can more than 10 parking lots be parked here? Thank you. The shop also had a green sign that was easy to understand. It was my first time, but I was interested in shrimp mayo, so I ordered mixed soba for the time being. It seems that mixed soba can't be made with vegetables, but it can't be helped. Pepper wasn't too effective, so it was just right for me. For shrimp mayo, I highly recommend more than mashimashi for mayorers. It fits very well. The atmosphere of the shop was not bad either. I want to eat ramen this time too
kao ree on Google

ラーメン(並)1枚豚増し 全マシ(アブラダブル) 女性でも食べやすく おいしいです。 豚増しアブラダブルですけど… 次は、まぜそばに挑戦したいです。
Ramen (normal) 1 extra pork All Mashi (Abra Double) Easy to eat even for women it's delicious. It's a pig-added Abra double, but ... Next, I would like to try mixed soba.
Fin'z on Google

辛ラーメン(4辛)¥780円+豚2枚¥200円なり トッピングはヤサイ少なめ、生姜とニンニクはダブルになります。駐車場も広く十何台かは停められるスペースがあり、お弁当で持ち帰りの場合でも自分の車輌内で待機しておくことも出来るので、このコロナ禍の最中には大変助かります。 辛さは1〜4まで選べますが、激辛好きの方ならば4辛でも全然大丈夫ではないかと思います。とても美味しい一杯でした。ご馳走さまです( ´∀`)
Spicy ramen (4 spicy) ¥ 780 + 2 pigs ¥ 200 The toppings are less yasai, and the ginger and garlic are doubled. The parking lot is large and there is a space where more than a dozen cars can be parked, and even if you take it home with a lunch box, you can wait in your own vehicle, which is very helpful during this corona disaster. You can choose the spiciness from 1 to 4, but if you like spicy food, I think that 4 spiciness is okay at all. It was a very delicious cup. It's a treat (´∀ `)
ガリバタ on Google

The inside of the restaurant was clean and the staff were very enthusiastic and I was able to eat very comfortably. Junk mixed soba becomes so addictive that you want to eat it regularly.
K1 matsu on Google

辛ラーメン1辛ヤサイマシニンニク 麺とヤサイをひっくり返して頂きました 最初は辛さが丁度良いところでしたが、気温20度超えと花粉症のせいかキツイ ごはん?にさヤサイをバウンドさせて完食 ごちそうさまでした
山田太郎 on Google

平日 12時頃に伺い、ラーメン 全増し麺少なめを食べました。 3人ぐらい並んでいました。 女で普通の胃袋ですが、ちょうどいい量でした。 ニンニクがきいていて美味しいです。 ただ、胃もたれしたので次回はアブラ増しはやめます。。。
I visited around 12:00 on weekdays and ate a lot of ramen and a little noodles. About 3 people were lined up. It was a normal stomach for a woman, but it was just the right amount. The garlic is nice and delicious. However, since I had a heavy stomach, I will stop increasing the amount of Abra next time. .. ..
*_*えんユカ on Google

お腹空いてるからか 凄く美味しかった? ただ、野菜を増すのは 根性ないと「普通」にした方が良い。 「普通」でもモヤシかなり入ってます。 (スーパー小袋×1袋位かなぁ~)
I'm hungry It was really good ? However, adding vegetables If you don't have the guts, you should make it "normal". Even "normal" contains a lot of bean sprouts. (I wonder if it's about 1 supermarket pouch)

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