Tsukashin Animal Clinic - Amagasaki

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tsukashin Animal Clinic

住所 :

4-chome-8-1 Tsukaguchihonmachi, Amagasaki, Hyogo 661-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 661-0001
Webサイト : https://www.tsukashin.com/view/shop/348

4-chome-8-1 Tsukaguchihonmachi, Amagasaki, Hyogo 661-0001, Japan
夢貌彪磨 on Google

つかしんに行ったら、必ず立ち寄ります。 ウサギや昆虫いろいろな小動物、フクロウにネコちゃん、ワンちゃんなどなど。たくさんの動物がいますね。いろいろ触れることができるのがいいですね。
If you go to the temple, stop by. Rabbits and insects Various small animals, cats on owls, dogs etc. There are many animals. It is good to be able to touch various things.
eme on Google

The veterinarian who is indebted to the cute seeds Momo-kun is Totemo friendly and willing to respond carefully.
古椿小烏丸 on Google

セキセイインコを死なされた 今年の夏に私が飼っているインコの様態が急に悪くなり、こちらの病院へ駆けつけた。 すると女性獣看護師が出てきたので、事情を説明すると「ドクターに聞いてきますね」と言われたので外で待つ。 15分間待ったが一向に出てこない。出てこないどころかその獣看護師は何事も無かったかのように外来受付に戻っている。 その間に私の手の上でインコはどんどん弱っていき、私の手の上で痙攣してそのまま動かなくなりました。 出来ないなら出来ないと一言いってくれれば良かったのに。 私はそのまま帰るしかなかった。
The budgerigar was killed The condition of the parakeet I keep suddenly deteriorated this summer, and I rushed to this hospital. Then a female veterinary nurse came out, and when I explained the situation, she said, "I'll ask the doctor," so I wait outside. I waited for 15 minutes, but it didn't come out at all. Far from not appearing, the veterinary nurse is returning to the outpatient reception as if nothing had happened. In the meantime, the parakeet became weaker and weaker on my hand, cramping on my hand and stuck. If I couldn't do it, I should have said that I couldn't do it. I had no choice but to go home.
ムーミンママ on Google

具合が悪く、検査をして貰った所、腎臓に腫瘍が… 余命1ヶ月…? にさん日入院して治療をと、でも…2日後に容態が急変し亡くなってしまいました、最後を看取れなくて… 寂しい思いをさせてしまった… でも、先生がづっと付き添って頂いてた見たいです! 事細かく、分刻みの状態でのカルテ、本当に有り難かったです❗️ 私は最後一緒に居てあげれなかったけど、先生が付き添って、懸命な処置をして頂いてたので、せめてもの救いでした❗️ 有り難うございました!
I was sick, and when I had an examination, I found a tumor in my kidney. Life expectancy one month... ? I went to the hospital for treatment on Sunday, but... two days later my condition suddenly changed and I died. I couldn't see the end... It made me feel lonely... However, I want to see the teacher was there with me! I was very thankful for the detailed and minute charts. I couldn't stay with me at the end, but my teacher was with me and he worked hard, so at least I was saved ❗️ Thank you!
白雪王妃 on Google

診察には予約が必要です。 先生は勿論、スタッフも皆さん優しい! 診察も丁寧に説明してくれます。
An appointment is required for the examination. Not only the teacher but also the staff are kind! The medical examination will also be explained politely.
たぶちまき on Google

イタグレちゃんの避妊手術と 乳歯遺残の抜歯、お耳のチェックと 爪切りまでして頂きました。 手術跡は とても小さくて 縫合も綺麗(^-^) 抜糸のいらないタイプでした。 何より「本当にお腹切ったの?」って思うくらい 痛がる様子もなく元気なので驚きました(^.^) 料金も かなり良心的で、ワンコにも お財布にも優しいクリニックです?
Itagre-chan's contraceptive operation, extraction of the remaining deciduous teeth, ear check and nail clippers. The surgical mark is very small and the sutures are beautiful (^-^) It was a type that did not require thread removal. (^. ^) I was surprised because I was fine without any pain. The price is quite conscientious and it is a clinic that is kind to both dogs and wallets.
まりんmount on Google

Teacher also was also very kind towards the staff.
中野有希 on Google

とても親切で丁寧に既往歴や日々のペットの生活を聞いて下さり安心出来る先生と看護師です。 うちは柴犬を飼っているのですが 今まで、教えてくれなかった事等聞いて腑に落ちました! 信頼出来る医師です!!
They are teachers and nurses who are very kind and polite and can be relieved to hear about their medical history and daily pet life. I have a Shiba Inu I fell in love with what I didn't tell you until now! A reliable doctor! !!

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