串カツ酒場 塚本店

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 串カツ酒場 塚本店

住所 :

Tsukamoto, Yodogawa Ward, 〒532-0026 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8 87
街 : Osaka

Tsukamoto, Yodogawa Ward, 〒532-0026 Osaka,Japan
藤崎桂 on Google

Every family eats out at this shop. The oil is clean and the skewers are healthy but healthy. Price is also cheap. Coin parking available nearby.
Eddy Arie on Google

東京からおじゃまさせて頂きました 何より安く料理も文句なしに美味しかったです! お二人でお店を切り盛りしていてとても忙しいのにも関わらずお酒も料理もそれほど時間がかからず出てきました! それにとてもお店の方は気前がよく また来たいと思いました^^ 大阪に来てよかった!!
I was disturbed from Tokyo Above all, the food was cheap and delicious! Even though we were both busy running the shop, the sake and food came out in less time! Besides, the shop staff was generous and wanted to come again ^^ I'm glad I came to Osaka !!
A-chan ymsk on Google

カウンターと2名テーブル2つ、奥に少し広いテーブル席がある小さな落ち着けるお店です。 串カツはサクッとしていて、油が良いのかとても軽くて油もの感をあまり感じません。串カツや天ぷらって途中で飽きてくることも多いのですが、それが全然なくて色々楽しめます。 ワインが色々置いていますが、私のオススメはサングリア。フルーツがしっかり入って、あまりお酒が強くないのですが、これはとっても美味しくいただけます(o^^o) マスターもとても優しい雰囲気の方なので、ひとりでも行けそうです。 駅前にも串カツはありますが、ひとりやカップルさんには断然こちらがおススメです!
It is a small and relaxing shop with a counter, two tables for 2 people, and a slightly wider table seat in the back. The kushikatsu is crispy, and I don't feel the oiliness because it is very light, probably because the oil is good. I often get tired of kushikatsu and tempura on the way, but I can enjoy various things without it at all. There are various wines, but my recommendation is sangria. The fruit is well contained and the alcohol is not very strong, but this is very delicious (o ^^ o) The master also has a very gentle atmosphere, so I think I can go alone. There are kushikatsu in front of the station, but this is definitely recommended for one person or a couple!
キサラちゃん on Google

Not only kushikatsu, but also the side menu and wine are delicious. It is a restaurant that will satisfy your desire to eat. I'm happy with the 〆 mini series.
Shinya on Google

I can't go there, but the potato salad and kushikatsu are really delicious! I want to go again!
浮村晋也 on Google

A bowl of lightly-dressed pork cutlet that can eat any number of books. There are various menus and all are delicious! The master is also easy to talk to and comfortable! I will carry my feet if I have ever been close after moving.
G慶 on Google

イカ姿焼き、安くてビールに合いました!5種盛り頼みましたが、海鮮が美味しかったです。 JR塚本駅界隈の個性ある穴場的なお店の一つでした。
Grilled squid, cheap and suitable for beer! I ordered 5 kinds, but the seafood was delicious. It was one of the unique and well-known shops near JR Tsukamoto Station.
木津川哲三 Studio Funtas on Google

上質の油を使ったサクサク感溢れる串カツ。その他の一品メニューも揃っており、色々と味を楽しめる店。音楽好きのマスターとの会話にも花が咲き、運が良ければギターの弾き語りも聴けるかも? ワインも数多く取り揃えており通を唸らせるセッティングであることは間違いございません。 ひとりでも楽しめ、仲間とならばさらに楽しめ、またファミリー層もテーブルで食事ができるので近所の方は是非ともどうぞ。
Kushikatsu is a crispy cutlet made with high quality oil. There is also another one-item menu, so you can enjoy various tastes. There will be flowers in conversation with the music lover's master, and if you are lucky, you may be able to listen to the guitar playing story. There is no doubt that it is a setting that grows well with a large selection of wines. You can enjoy it alone, if you are friends, you can enjoy it further, and family members can also eat at the table, so please do not miss the neighborhood.

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