丼丸ちまやん 辻堂店

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 丼丸ちまやん 辻堂店

住所 :

Tsujidoshinmachi, Fujisawa, 〒251-0042 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Tsujidoshinmachi, Fujisawa, 〒251-0042 Kanagawa,Japan
Cannon Lee on Google

The CP value is super high. The seafood is also very fresh, but the portion is not large, the boys just order two bowls. The seats in the store are small and the guests are mainly outsiders. There is no toilet. The 100 yen soup is also not bad.
ガムシロップ on Google

今日はサーモンとえんがわ丼の特盛にイクラのトッピングに潮汁を付けて頂きました。 とても融通の利く店長さんで、満腹丼の桜でんぶが苦手な旨を話すと、外して代わりにトビッコにしてくれる等、嬉しい事をしてくれます。 時々、夜に伺い呑んだりすると刺し盛りや握り寿司や巻物も出ますから、これまた嬉しいです。
Today, salmon and engawa mushrooms were sprinkled with salmon toppings. He is a very versatile store manager who says that he is not good at full-bodied cherry blossoms. From time to time, if you visit us at night, sashimi, nigiri sushi and scrolls will come out, which is also nice.
板垣信之 on Google

お昼を何処にするか、思案中の車内でふと目に入ったメニュー看板につられて購入しました。 どのメニューも均一550円❗ 更に、シャリ大盛(+200円)、ネタ追加(+100円)と非常にリーズナブル❗ 味は値段相応⁉️と思ってましたが、鮮度も高く、とても美味しく頂けました。 特に家内が頼んだカニ三昧はミソも鮮度が良かったです。 店内には五名ほど座れるカウンターもありますが、基本はテイクアウトかと思います。
I bought it because of the menu sign that I suddenly saw in the car while I was thinking about where to have lunch. All menus are uniform 550 yen ❗ In addition, it is very reasonable with a large serving of rice (+200 yen) and additional material (+100 yen) ❗ I thought the taste was reasonable for the price, but the freshness was high and it was very delicious. In particular, the crab samadhi that my wife ordered was very fresh. There is a counter in the store where about 5 people can sit, but I think the basics are takeout.
田邉修久 on Google

満腹丼¥540(大盛 無料)を注文!このボリュームとネタの数は、お得ですね!? pay payの支払いも対応されていた良いですね!?
Manchudon bowl ¥ 540 (large free) order! This volume and the number of stories are good deals! ? It's good that pay pay is also supported! ?
NAKAなかAKIRAあきら on Google

以前から気になっていてやっと購入する事が出来ました。 丼の種類が多すぎて… 優柔不断な自分にとっては選ぶのが大〜変。結局、今回は迷ったらコレ!とあった「どんまる丼」を購入。 ネタも鮮度が良くコスパ高し。 今後も利用するお店の一つに加えちゃいます。
I've been interested in it for a long time and finally I was able to purchase it. There are too many kinds of bowls... For the indecisive self, it's a big to strange choice. After all, this time I bought "Donmaru bowl" which was said to be Kore! The material is also fresh and has a high cost performance. I will add it to one of the shops I will use in the future.
hisami on Google

いつも通るたび美味しそう… 食べてみたいなぁ~って思ってたけど今日食べる事出来た☺️? やっぱり美味しかった( ⑉¯ ꇴ ¯⑉ ) ちなみに私が食べたのはヅケねぎとろ丼 シャリ大盛り、炙りトロサーモーンのトッピングです。 種類が50種以上 あぁ~どれにするか迷っちゃう?
It looks delicious every time I pass ... I thought I wanted to eat it, but I was able to eat it today ☺️? After all it was delicious (⑉¯ ꇴ ¯⑉) By the way, what I ate was the Negitoro bowl A large serving of sushi rice, a topping of roasted trothermon. More than 50 types Ah ~ I'm wondering which one to choose ?
smitsu99 on Google

持ち帰り海鮮丼がお手頃価格で買えます。ネタも新鮮で美味しいのでついつい特盛(シャリ、ネタ共に大盛)頼んでしまって満腹です。 唯一の要望はワサビもうちょっと欲しいなと思うことあるのでワサビの小袋置いておいてほしいかな。
You can buy take-out seafood bowls at a reasonable price. The ingredients are also fresh and delicious, so I just ordered a special sushi rice (both sushi rice and sushi rice) and I'm full. The only request is wasabi, so I'd like you to leave a small bag of wasabi.
Hiddy on Google


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