いろはな ⇒ 野饗(のあえ)名前が変わりました。

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact いろはな ⇒ 野饗(のあえ)名前が変わりました。

住所 :

Minamifujisawa, Fujisawa, 〒251-0055 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : http://www.odakyu-dept.co.jp/index.html
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Minamifujisawa, Fujisawa, 〒251-0055 Kanagawa,Japan
櫻子 on Google

海老と帆立の塩昆布炒めを注文しました。味は中。少しボリューム感不足なmenuを注文してしまいました? ご飯と味噌汁はお代わり自由。 ※白米(山形県産はえぬき米)ツヤ、甘味、程々のモチモチ感?? 白米➰❤️美味しかったです☺️ お米はココ近年でのNo.1かも? ✨レディースランチセットも良さそうでしたよ✨?
I ordered shrimp and scallops with salt kelp. The taste is medium. I ordered a menu with a little lack of volume ? Rice and miso soup are free to substitute. * White rice (Yamagata Prefecture Haenuki rice) gloss, sweetness, moderate feeling White rice ➰❤️ was delicious ☺️ Rice may be No.1 in recent years ✨Ladies lunch set looked good too✨?
村瀬淑恵(ターラ) on Google

いろはなの時から時々食事しに来ていました。野饗に変わってもお食事の美味しさは変わりませんでした。 松茸の土瓶蒸しを今年は食べられなくて残念でしたが…。
I've been coming to eat from time to time since Irohana. The deliciousness of the meal did not change even if it changed to wild food. It was a pity that I couldn't eat the steamed matsutake mushrooms in a clay bottle this year ...
池田和也 on Google

海鮮丼専門店とありますが、定食や肉類も幅広くあります。 ややヘルシー志向のメニューが多いので、ファミリー層と女性客が比較的多く見えます。 彩り天丼を食べましたが、衣はさっくり、タレも美味しい天丼でした。 天丼にも定食のように味噌汁・漬物・小鉢・デザートが付きます。 一品料理も多めだったので、お酒が飲める時に来たいお店でした。
There is a seafood bowl specialty store, but there are also a wide variety of set meals and meats. There are many healthy-oriented menus, so there are relatively many families and female customers. I ate a colorful Tendon, but the clothes looked really good and the sauce was delicious. Tendon comes with miso soup, pickles, small bowls and dessert like a set meal. Since there was a lot of one dish, it was a shop I wanted to come to when I could drink.
Gaku Yamasaki on Google

品の良い和食レストラン。小田急周辺のランチ選びで迷ったら、選択しても後悔はしないと思います。(デパートに入っているレストランはどれも悪くないですが。) ランチタイムにも酒肴セットがあります。小鉢の一品一品がクオリティ高いと思います。
A fine Japanese restaurant. If you are uncertain about choosing lunch around Odakyu, I don't regret choosing it. (Every restaurant in the department store is not bad.) There is also a sake side dish set at lunchtime. I think the quality of each small bowl is high.
Yumi on Google

I used this shop often, the food was delicious, and all the elderly clerk felt good, but when I went today, only the young clerk couldn't hear the order for two people, otherwise I couldn't serve tea. After all, the set was placed with a good noise. Only one of the two is clumsy, but the other clerk doesn't feel like paying attention ... I was often told to have tea from here and there while we were eating. When I'm an elderly clerk, I'm the people who go to pour tea from me if I have a free hand. Maybe I won't go for a while.
Takehiro Matsumoto on Google

友達から藤沢で乗り換えるからランチでもどお?とお誘いして貰ったのでこちらのお店に。 ハンバーグ御膳キノコデミグラスソースを注文 お友達はステーキ御膳 0.5%のビールで乾杯 早く普通に飲める日来ないかなぁ 近況を話しながら、すぐに配膳。 刺身や小鉢、デザートの杏仁豆腐も付いてボリュームたっぷりですね 出汁の効いたお味噌汁、炊きたてツヤツヤのご飯。 お刺身はマグロの赤身で新鮮で美味しい。 メインのハンバーグは肉肉しくてジューシー、濃厚なデミグラスソースも美味しいですね❣️ デザートの杏仁豆腐もトロっとした滑らかな食感でこれまた美味しい 帰り際傘を忘れてたようですぐにお店の外まで持ってきていただき助かりました‍♀️
I'm transferring from a friend to Fujisawa, so why not have lunch? I was invited to this shop. Order hamburger steak with mushroom demiglace sauce Friends are steak set Toast with 0.5% beer I wonder if the day will come when I can drink normally soon Serve immediately while talking about the recent situation. It has plenty of volume with sashimi, small bowls, and dessert almond tofu. Miso soup with soup stock and freshly cooked shiny rice. The sashimi is lean tuna, fresh and delicious. The main hamburger is meaty and juicy, and the rich demiglace sauce is also delicious ❣️ The dessert almond tofu is also delicious with a smooth texture. It seems that I forgot my umbrella on my way home, so it was helpful to bring it outside the store immediately ‍♀️
けんぴ on Google

少しリッチにデパートランチ 寿司食べるつもりが最低2500円で、、 スシローで満足しちゃってるのでなかなか高級寿司行けない。また、臨時収入入った時にでも 隣の和食の店にこちらは1000円オーバですが、デパートなんでこんなもんかな せっかくなので焼き魚。期間限定っぽいサケカマの西京焼きあったので注文。 カマといっても骨は少なく、ほとんど身で大きな切り身二つついていてボリュームある。西京焼きの甘みとコクと相まって濃厚で、ご飯と合う。ついついおかわりしてしまった。コスパいい店かも
Department store lunch a little rich I'm planning to eat sushi for at least 2500 yen, I'm satisfied with Sushiro, so I can't go to high-class sushi. Also, even when you get extra income This is over 1000 yen at the Japanese restaurant next door, but I wonder why it's a department store Because it's a big deal, grilled fish. I ordered Saikyo-yaki of salmon kama which seems to be for a limited time. Even though it is a sickle, it has few bones and is almost full with two large fillets. Combined with the sweetness and richness of Saikyo-yaki, it is rich and goes well with rice. I just got another one. Cospa may be a good store
横須賀VONVON on Google

小田急7階のレストラン街 可もなく不可もなく。 レストラン調の和食屋さん。 居酒屋の延長的な感じがする。 店員さんの接客は良いが、厨房の板前さん達が偉そうで、それがライブキッチンさながらでみえるので、余り気分は良くない。 人に見られてる事は自覚した方が良い。 ホールスタッフの接客は二重丸
Restaurant area on the 7th floor of Odakyu It's neither good nor bad. A restaurant-style Japanese restaurant. It feels like an extension of an izakaya. The clerk's customer service is good, but the Itamae-san in the kitchen seem to be great, and it looks like a live kitchen, so I don't feel very good. You should be aware that people are watching you. The customer service of the hall staff is double circle

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