ドンク・ミニワン テラスモール湘南店

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ドンク・ミニワン テラスモール湘南店

住所 :

Tsujidokandai, Fujisawa, 〒251-0041 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Webサイト : http://www.donq.co.jp/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Tsujidokandai, Fujisawa, 〒251-0041 Kanagawa,Japan
0 74 on Google

ここで食べると、自分がパン好きだったんだぁといつも思います。 厚切りトーストが好きです。 昨日は他にも店内からパンをいくつか購入して食べました?
When I eat here, I always think that I liked bread. I like thick sliced ​​toast. Yesterday I bought some other bread from the store and ate it ?
こふこふ on Google

店内で食べたことはないですが、毎週利用しています。 通路が狭いところが欠点ですね。。 店員の方の受け答えが好印象です。 コロナ対策もいいと思いますが、個人的には個別包装の方がいいと思います。 現状はケースのみです。 コストや労力などで厳しいんでしょうね。 よく買うのがメロンパンとガーリックフランスパンです。オススメです。
I have never eaten it in the store, but I use it every week. The drawback is that the passage is narrow. .. The answer from the clerk is a good impression. I think corona measures are good, but personally I think individual packaging is better. Currently it is only a case. I think it's tough due to cost and labor. I often buy melon bread and garlic French bread. I recommend it.
モナ上杉 on Google

パンは各々の方の好みが分かれるのですが私はドンクのパンは大好きです。料理パンはあまり好きではありません。 サンドイッチも種類が少ないと思いますが、店舗の大きさからしたら仕方の無い事かと思います。食パンを買いたくて寄りました。
Each person has different tastes for bread, but I love Donk bread. I don't really like cooking bread. I think there are few types of sandwiches, but I think it can't be helped given the size of the store. I stopped by because I wanted to buy bread.
kana S on Google

2021.12/7 レジのスタッフの方がとても感じ良かった!忙しい時間帯、バゲットのスライスも快く受けて、しかも手早い!また買おうという気になる対応でしたね。そうでない人もたまにいますが。。
2021.12 / 7 The cashier staff felt very good! It's easy to take baguette slices during busy hours, and it's quick! It was a response that made me want to buy it again. Sometimes people don't. ..
kit mat on Google

I went around the first floor of Terrace Mall to buy some sweets, and after all I was at a loss, I ended up buying bread from DONQ here. This is because my family will be happy as a pleasure after returning home. Everyone has their favorite bread and chooses according to their taste. There are many kinds of bread here, and it is amazing that they serve new and delicious bread. However, my standard is walnut cinnamon rolls, which is indispensable every time.
Y K. on Google

平日のモーニングに訪問。 朝9時からオープンしているので他の店舗は10時からのため便利です。テラス席もあり狭くないので良いです。店員さんも素敵な方がいらっしゃいました。 特別にモーニングメニューはないですが、500円位でホットドッグとサラダドリンクセットがあります。
Visited on weekday mornings. It's open from 9am, so other stores are convenient because it's from 10am. There are terrace seats and it is not small, so it is good. There was also a nice clerk. There is no special morning menu, but there is a hot dog and salad drink set for around 500 yen.
Sakai Bob on Google

Great small flavored Crossaunt. Chocolate the best
Betty Ogata on Google

You can have light meal with reasonable price and also many different kinds of pastries.

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