
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 一切経山

住所 :

Tsuchiyuonsenmachi, 〒960-2157 Fukushima,Japan

Webサイト : https://www.data.jma.go.jp/svd/vois/data/tokyo/STOCK/activity_info/213.html
街 : Fukushima

Tsuchiyuonsenmachi, 〒960-2157 Fukushima,Japan
kikky kikky on Google

I climbed from Jododaira. Azuma's eyes were mysterious and beautiful.
hide kammpanela on Google

五色沼(通称 魔女の瞳)が眼下に望め、6月はイワカガミやチングルマが咲いています。
Goshikinuma (commonly known as the Witch's Eye) can be seen below, and Iwakagami and Cingles are in bloom in June.
豊田洋幸 on Google

磐梯吾妻スカイライン(浄土平)へ来る度に 「一切経山登りたい」と思っていましたが (規制のため)ようやく叶いました?
Every time I come to Bandai-Azuma Skyline (Jododaira) I was thinking "I want to climb all the mountains" It finally came true (due to regulations) ?
tainai iwana on Google

I'll come from Jododaira slowly for an hour. There is Goshiki Swamp a little ahead of the summit, so please take a look.
鈴あん on Google

初心者さんを始めに連れてくならココ! って、位楽に登れる上に絶景が見れるお手頃な山ですw
If you want to bring a beginner to the beginning, click here! It's an affordable mountain where you can easily climb and see a superb view.
あやまま on Google

浄土平から1時間ちょっとで登れます。 ガスがなければ魔女の瞳が綺麗。 軽装で登山されてる方がかなり見られました。登山できる格好で登る事をオススメします。
You can climb from Jododaira in an hour. Without gas, the witch's eyes are beautiful. There were quite a few people climbing in light clothing. We recommend climbing in a style that allows you to climb.
Satoshi. Y on Google

A superb view from the top of the mountain. If the weather is nice, it's a 360-degree panorama. I think you can reach the summit in about 40 minutes from the Jododaira parking lot.
遠藤真一 on Google

昨年に続き一切経山へ。 昨年は、8月のとても暑い日に登りましたが、今年は7月に。朝早く家を出発。 9時頃浄土平?️に到着。準備完了登山開始。今年は、一切経山、魔女の瞳、鎌沼、姥が原、浄土平へのコースです。 酸ケ平迄は沢山のハイカーが、道の譲り合いにも場所を考えないといけない位。 しかし、順調に高度を稼いで行きますが 家内が思ったより脚が重そうな感じです。待っては登り、待っては登りの繰り返し。酸ケ平でゆっくり休んで何とか回復、ソリタのゼリーをとって。 一切経山への登り、稜線迄の登りは比較的順調に登り稜線手前で家族で登って来られた方々と一緒に休憩、甘味と水分補給。振り返ると左に吾妻小富士、右に鎌沼が見えます。その後もくもくと登り順調に到着。 空気大感謝塔に手を合わせ、一切経山の頂上へ。三角点確認して待望の魔女の瞳へ。又逢えました、青く美しく、苦労して登らないと逢えない瞳に。 暫く言葉が出ません。 その後、昼御飯、お湯を沸かしてコーヒータイム。ガスが多い、ガスっては晴れ、ガスっては晴れを繰り返し、ゆっくり楽しみました。 鎌沼に向かってスタートです。 酸ケ平迄順調に到着。木道を右へ鎌沼へ向かいます。我々の前を5~6人の魔女じゃない、年頃の美女達が歩いて居ましたが、我々に気付きパスさせて頂きます。途中、木道から熊笹の中に転落、家内がちょっとよそ見した間に私が消えた❗あれ⁉️っと思った位静かに気付かれず消えたそうです。 そんなわけで姥が原、またもくもくと歩き真正面に吾妻小富士です、左側には一切経山の噴火口が白煙あげてます。 その時、又転けました。一回転して。 今度は靴紐、左の靴紐が右の靴に絡まり、ばったり❗と。脛を強打、今も跡が痛々しい⁉️ そんなわけで私1人で自作自演のドタバタ劇の末浄土平?️に到着。 ソフトクリーム買って一休み、その後 飯坂温泉向かってスタート。 ♨️がマッいま~~す?❗️ ちゃんちゃん?❗️
Continuing from last year, I went to Issaikyo. Last year I climbed on a very hot day in August, but this year in July. I left home early in the morning. Arrived at Jododaira ?️ around 9 o'clock. Ready to start climbing. This year, it is a course to Issaikyo, Witch's Eyes, Kamanuma, Maigahara, and Jododaira. A lot of hikers have to think about the place to give way to Shikodaira. However, although I will earn altitude steadily My wife seems to have heavier legs than I expected. Wait and climb, wait and climb repeatedly. I took a rest in sour kehira and managed to recover, and took Solita's jelly. Climbing to Mt. Issaikyo and climbing to the ridgeline are relatively smooth, and we take a break with the people who have climbed up in front of the ridgeline, sweetness and hydration. Looking back, you can see Azuma Kofuji on the left and Kamanuma on the right. After that, I climbed up and arrived smoothly. Join hands with the Air Great Thanksgiving Tower and head to the top of Mt. Issaikyo. Check the triangulation station and go to the long-awaited witch's eyes. I met again, the blue and beautiful eyes that I couldn't meet unless I had a hard time climbing. I can't speak for a while. After that, we had lunch and boiled water for coffee time. There was a lot of gas, gas was sunny, gas was sunny, and I enjoyed it slowly. Start towards Kamanuma. Arrived smoothly to Sokedaira. Follow the wooden path to the right toward Kamanuma. There were 5 or 6 beautiful women walking in front of us, not 5 or 6 witches, but we will notice and pass. On the way, I fell from the wooden path into the bamboo bamboo, and while my wife looked a little away, I disappeared ❗ That ⁉️ It seems that it disappeared quietly without being noticed. That's why my mother-in-law is Hara, and Azuma Kofuji is right in front of me, and the crater of Issaikyo is smoking on the left side. At that time, I fell again. Make one turn. This time, the shoelace and the shoelace on the left were entwined with the shoe on the right, and it was ❗. I banged my shin, and the marks are still painful ⁉️ That's why I arrived at Suejo Dodaira ?️, a slapstick drama that I made and performed by myself. I bought soft serve ice cream and took a rest, then Start towards Iizaka Onsen. ♨️ is crazy ?❗️ Chan-chan ?❗️

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