Trattria Lipagio - Hirosaki

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Trattria Lipagio

住所 :

56 Hyakkokumachi, Hirosaki, Aomori 036-8035, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87889
Postal code : 036-8035
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 5–7PM
Wednesday 5–7PM
Thursday 5–7PM
Friday 5–7PM

56 Hyakkokumachi, Hirosaki, Aomori 036-8035, Japan
に“ろ”わ on Google

美味しいお料理はもちろん、店員さんの細やかな接客にいつも癒されます^^ 旬の県産食材を使ったお料理も多く 毎回メニューを聞くのが楽しいです。 メインのお肉·お魚どちらも美味しいので 二つ味わえるフルコースがおすすめかと思います。 麺類が苦手なのですが こちらのパスタが美味しすぎて 年に数回だったパスタを食べたい欲求が 格段に増えてしまいました。 オレキエッテ、オイシスギルーー 今の時代、検索すれば お店レベルレシピが沢山ヒットしますが こちらでは家庭では絶対真似のできない 美味しすぎるお料理が頂けます。 (美味しすぎて言葉で表せないのでご自身で体感してみてください) ナニコレ、オイシスギルーーと 美味しさにだけ集中して 頭が良い意味でからっぽになり 日々のストレスも吹っ飛びます。 大好きなお店です^^ 弘前でこんなお料理を頂けるなんて幸せだー!
Not to mention delicious food, the clerk's delicate customer service will always heal you ^^ Many dishes use seasonal ingredients from the prefecture It's fun to listen to the menu every time. Both the main meat and fish are delicious I think the full course that you can enjoy two is recommended. I'm not good at noodles This pasta is too delicious The desire to eat pasta, which was several times a year It has increased dramatically. Orecchiette, Oysis Gillou In this era, if you search There are a lot of shop level recipes that hit You can never imitate here at home You can enjoy dishes that are too delicious. (It's too delicious to express in words, so please experience it for yourself) With Nanikore and Oysis Gillou Focus only on the deliciousness Be smart and empty Daily stress is also blown away. This is my favorite shop ^^ I'm so happy to have this kind of food in Hirosaki!
ろみひ on Google

たまには豪華なランチが食べたい!と母と行きました。全部美味しい!お料理の説明もしっかりしてくれます。感動したのは、母は甘いものが苦手なので、デザートの選択の時にこれ甘いですか?とスタッフの人に問うと、甘くないものにもできますよ!と母の分は小さなチーズのセットにしてくれました!臨機応変に対応してくださりうれしかったです。 また来たいなぁと思い、メニューは月ごとに変わるのか?と聞いたところ、予約したことがある人には明日来ても違うメニューをお出ししていますよ♪との回答。なんて素晴らしいんだと母と目を合わせて仰天しました。また来ます!
Sometimes I wanted to have a gorgeous lunch! I went with my mother. Everything is delicious! The explanation of the food is also solid. What impressed me was that my mother is not good at sweets, so is this sweet when choosing a dessert? If you ask the staff, you can make something that is not sweet! And my mother made a small cheese set! I was glad that you responded flexibly. Do you want to come again and the menu changes every month? When I heard that, for those who have made a reservation, I will offer a different menu even if I come tomorrow ♪. I was surprised to see how wonderful it was with my mother. I'll come back later!
sp no on Google

Each dish was well devised, and I felt it was delicate and very delicious. The inside of the store is also clean and fashionable. I had the opportunity to have a conversation with the shop staff, so I will write a little information that I learned at that time. The chef is kind to people and has a low profile, which makes a very good impression. His wife is familiar with wine and remembers people's faces and names well, which was of course a good impression. Because it uses carefully selected materials, the price will be reasonable, but it is a shop that you want to visit regularly.
Baobab Mr. on Google

スッタフはフレンドリーで料理も美味しかったです シーフードが駄目な連れのためにわざわざメニューを作って下さったのは感動しました また行きたいです
The staff was friendly and the food was delicious I was impressed that you took the trouble to make a menu for your companion who is not good at seafood. I want to go again
Momo K on Google

祖母の家に帰省時に利用しました。ゴールデンウィーク中で、全て予約で満席でした。なので、お料理が出てくるのに時間がかかって、ゆっくりとした食事となり、かなり満腹感がありました。 パスタのコースにみんなでお肉をシェアしました。 写真はないですが、松阪ポークは美味しいです! どれも美味しく、弘前の豊かな食文化を感じられるお店の1つだと思います。
I used it when I returned home to my grandmother's house. During Golden Week, all reservations were full. So it took a while for the food to come out, and it was a slow meal, and I felt quite full. We shared the meat on the pasta course. There are no pictures, but Matsuzaka pork is delicious! All of them are delicious and I think it is one of the shops where you can feel the rich food culture of Hirosaki.
西村行彦 on Google

店内はお洒落で店員さんの対応も素晴らしく、とても雰囲気の良いお店でした。 お料理も地元の食材をふんだんに使用していて美味しかったです。 次回はアラカルトでいろいろな料理を楽しみたいと思いました。
The inside of the store was stylish and the correspondence of the shop assistant was wonderful, it was a very atmosphereful shop. The cuisine was delicious with plenty of local ingredients. Next time I wanted to enjoy various cuisines in a la carte.
masayo ikeda on Google

ショートコース(お魚)¥5000- *前菜盛り合わせ、パン、パスタ、メイン、デザート、飲み物 地産の食材を使ったイタリアンレストランです? 電話予約の時から、丁寧な対応で良かったです。 店内は各テーブルが広く取られていて清潔でした✨ 食事もどれも大変美味しく、ゆっくり食べることができました? 地元をとても大切にされていることがわかる、あったかい雰囲気のレストランで、また訪れたいです?
Short course (fish) ¥ 5000- * Appetizer platter, bread, pasta, main course, dessert, drink It is an Italian restaurant using local ingredients ? From the time of making a phone reservation, it was good to have a polite response. Each table was wide and clean inside the store ✨ All the meals were very delicious and I was able to eat slowly ? I would like to visit again at a restaurant with a warm atmosphere that shows that the local area is very important ?
SADO Yuki on Google

普段は予約でいっぱいなのだそうですが、偶然1席だけ空いていました。運が良かったです。事前に予約したほうが吉です。 突然にうかがったのにスタッフさんは非常に丁寧かつフレンドリーに話してくれるのでリラックスできます。 料理は地元の食材を中心に使っているそうです。肉も野菜もぎゅっと旨味が濃縮される味付けで、青森の肉や野菜の美味しさがよくわかる料理でした。
It seems that it is usually full of reservations, but by chance only one seat was vacant. I was lucky. It is better to make a reservation in advance. Even though I was suddenly asked, the staff talks very politely and friendly, so I can relax. It seems that the dishes are mainly made from local ingredients. The meat and vegetables are seasoned with a concentrated flavor, and it was a dish that clearly shows the deliciousness of Aomori's meat and vegetables.

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