osteria Zucca - Takamatsu

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact osteria Zucca

住所 :

3-13 Marugamemachi, Takamatsu, Kagawa 760-0029, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88789
Postal code : 760-0029
Webサイト : http://takamatsu-zucca.com/

3-13 Marugamemachi, Takamatsu, Kagawa 760-0029, Japan
かがわかつひこ on Google

Lunch is cut for 1000 yen, and pasta comes with bread, appetizers, salad, and soup, which is a great deal and highly satisfying. Highly recommended lunch.
Chia-Yin Hwang on Google

店家有些隱匿,位子不多總共十人座,餐點非常美味,章魚新鮮彈牙,紅酒燴牛頰燉得很入味且肉質軟嫩,是間CP值很高的餐廳。 The seafood is fresh and the red wine stew beef is tender and delicious. Highly recommended!
The store is somewhat hidden, the seat is not a total of ten people, the meal is very delicious, the octopus is freshly elastic, the red wine yak chew is very tasty and the meat is soft and tender, which is a restaurant with a high CP value. The seafood is fresh and the red wine stew beef is tender and delicious. Highly recommended!
明美 on Google

ランチギリギリの時間でしたが店員さんがすごく上品で優しく対応して下さり良かったです。 お料理も美味しく頂き、パスタモチモチであっという間に完食してしまいました!
It was the last minute for lunch, but it was nice that the clerk was very elegant and kind. The food was delicious, and the pasta was chewy and I ate it in no time!
リトルミイ(ミイ) on Google

I wasn't good at fresh pasta for a long time, and I was a dry noodle lover, but this fresh pasta was delicious.
Ù P on Google

Lunch was reasonably priced, so I thought it was a casual shop, but it was a higher-grade shop. It may take some time to serve the food because it is crowded when you enter the store, but isn't it in a hurry? Are there any ingredients that you are not good at when ordering? I felt a concern. The taste and quantity were elegant.
Toshio Ko on Google

While I was waiting outside, I was worried that I might not have noticed it, and after a while I was told that the counter was empty, and the rest was smooth. The tomato cream sauce homemade pasta Reginetta with mushrooms and bacon was delicious. It was a great lunch instead of a glass of wine.
taka on Google

自家製麺のもちもちパスタ、優しい味わいでとても美味しかったです。2日連続でランチ利用しました。前菜のミニスープやサラダも全てが丁寧なほっとする味でした。量も私はちょうど良かったです。 店内のインテリアも温かみがあって落ち着きます。随所にお店の方の心遣いが感じられました。パーテーションなどコロナ対策もしっかりされていますので安心して行けると思います。接客の方も笑顔が素敵で癒されました。
The chewy pasta of homemade noodles was very delicious with a gentle taste. I used lunch for 2 days in a row. The appetizer mini soup and salad were all polite and relieved. The amount was just right for me. The interior of the store is also warm and calm. I could feel the kindness of the shop staff everywhere. Corona measures such as partitions are well taken, so I think you can go with confidence. The customer service also had a wonderful smile and was healed.
UX211 L on Google

ランチはコスパ良いです。 味は全体的に薄めでした。 食後のドリンクは付いてませんが、別料金でホットのコーヒーか紅茶かジュースしかありませんでした。
Lunch is good at cospa. The taste was light overall. No after-dinner drinks, but only hot coffee, tea or juice for an extra charge.

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