健やか整骨院 豊玉

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 健やか整骨院 豊玉

住所 :

Toyotamakita, Nerima City, 〒176-0012 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89999
Webサイト : https://sukoyaka-seikotsuin.com/%25E8%25B1%258A%25E7%258E%2589
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Thursday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Friday 9:30AM–12:30PM
街 : Tokyo

Toyotamakita, Nerima City, 〒176-0012 Tokyo,Japan
U M on Google

慢性的に腰の痛みがあるので、1度骨盤や姿勢を診てもらいたいと思い予約しました。 初回は治療内容、費用、を丁寧に説明してくださり、とてもわかりやすかったです。 先生達はフレンドリーな方々なのでいつも楽しいです。痛みを忘れるぐらい話ししてる気がします笑 治療の効果は 腰の痛みは無くなりました。 骨盤は骨盤矯正を継続的にしているので足の動きが軽くなった気がします。 このまま継続的に通いたい整骨院です。
I have chronic lower back pain, so I made a reservation because I wanted to see my pelvis and posture once. At the first time, he explained the treatment details and costs carefully, and it was very easy to understand. The teachers are friendly people so it's always fun. I feel like I'm talking so much that I forget the pain lol The effect of the treatment My lower back pain is gone. Since the pelvis is continuously corrected, I feel that the movement of the legs has become lighter. It is an osteopathic clinic that I want to continue to attend.
小出智美 on Google

産後の骨盤矯正をずっとやりたいと思っていたので、保育士さんがいらっしゃるこちらの整骨院に思い切って、子連れで行ってみました! 院内の皆さんがとても優しく、説明もとても丁寧で、料金設定も明確だったため、安心して通わせていただいてます。 立っているのが辛く、すぐに座りたくなっていた身体が、通いはじめてから、腰が疲れることがなくなり、本当にありがたいです! わたし自身、近所で子ども向けのお教室を運営していることもあり、保護者の方々にも、何人かご紹介させていただき、教室帰りに通われている方もいらっしゃいます!
I've always wanted to do postpartum pelvic correction, so I took the plunge to this osteopathic clinic where a nursery teacher is and went with my child! Everyone in the hospital was very kind, the explanation was very polite, and the price setting was clear, so I can go with confidence. I'm really grateful that my body, which was hard to stand and wanted to sit down immediately, didn't get tired from the waist after I started going to school! I myself run a classroom for children in my neighborhood, so I would like to introduce some of my parents and some of them to go home from the classroom!
佐藤裕美 on Google

親身でアットホームなスタッフさん達で居心地の良い整骨院です。 産後骨盤矯正が終わり、猫背矯正を始めています。背中肩こりがだいぶ良くなってきています。 身体的に助かったのはもちろんですが、コロナ禍の育児となり社会的な繋がりの無い自分には、精神的に助けてもらっていたのが本音です。 息子が2ヶ月の時から通いもうすぐ1歳になりますが、保育士さんには本当にお世話になっています! 安心して子供を預けて身体のメンテナンスが出来るので、産後ママさんにはお勧めしたいです。
It is a cozy osteopathic clinic with friendly and cozy staff. Postpartum pelvic correction has been completed, and stoop correction has begun. My back and shoulders are getting better. Of course, I was physically saved, but my true intention was that I was mentally helped by myself, who had no social connection because I was raising a child with a corona virus. My son has been attending since he was 2 months old and will soon be 1 year old, but the nursery teacher is really indebted to me! I would like to recommend it to postpartum moms because they can leave their children with confidence and maintain their bodies.
辻愛実 on Google

週一で骨盤矯正とストレッチをして頂いてます。 座っても寝ても常に痛かった腰が、一度骨盤矯正をして頂いただけでびっくりするくらい良くなりました。 自宅でもできる簡単なストレッチも教えてくださり、日に日に良くなっていくのを実感してます。 先生方も優しく、アットホームな雰囲気なので通いやすいです。
I have my pelvis corrected and stretched once a week. My lower back, which always hurt when I sat down or slept, has improved so much that I was surprised to have my pelvis corrected once. He also teaches me a simple stretch that I can do at home, and I feel that it is getting better day by day. The teachers are also kind and the atmosphere is cozy, so it's easy to go.
土屋裕志 on Google

骨盤矯正とストレッチを今やってます。 毎週1日通っています。 骨盤矯正はだいぶ良くなり、 2週に1回調整するだけで良くなりましたが ストレッチはまだまだという感じです。 通う様になりだいぶ体の調子が良くなり 日々の身体の重み?(怠さが)なくなりました。 身体のメンテナンスが大事なことが、 よく分かりました。
I'm doing pelvic correction and stretching now. I go there one day every week. Pelvic correction is much better, I only had to adjust it once every two weeks I feel that stretching is still a long way off. As I go to school, my physical condition improves a lot. Daily weight of the body? (Neglect) is gone. The important thing is that physical maintenance is important well understood.
H A on Google

昨年末、酷いぎっくり腰をしてからずっとお世話になっています。 通院する前は、軽いのも含め2ヶ月に1回はぎっくり腰を繰り返していましたが、こちらにお世話になってからは一度もなっていません。 不調の場所を訴えるとピンポイントで治してくださり助かっています。 今までいくつか整骨院に通いましたが、ここまでよくなったのは初めてでした! 先生方は明るく優しく雰囲気もとてもいいので通いやすいです。 保育士さんも優しいので安心して子どもを預けて治療してもらえます。 体の事で悩んでいる方や子どもがいて中々自分のメンテナンスができずにいるママさんにもおすすめの整骨院です。
I have been indebted to him since I had a terrible back pain at the end of last year. Before I went to the hospital, I had a lot of back pain once every two months, including light ones, but I haven't had one since I was taken care of. When I complain about a bad place, I am saved by pinpointing it. I've been to several osteopathic clinics so far, but it's the first time I've improved so much! The teachers are cheerful, kind and have a very nice atmosphere, so it's easy to go. The nursery teachers are also kind, so you can leave your child for treatment with confidence. This osteopathic clinic is also recommended for those who are worried about their physical condition or for moms who have children and are unable to maintain themselves.
asami nagata on Google

I chose this one with childcare to correct the stoop, which I was originally worried about as well as the postpartum pelvis correction. The inside of the store was beautiful and the staff were very cheerful and good people, so it was a long period of 30 times (1 week for about 8 months), but I enjoyed going there. I am looking forward to the result of the correction because it is yet to come. I would like to ask if something happens again.
u y on Google

開院当初から通わせていただいております。 立ち仕事で慢性的な腰痛に悩まされていたのですが、丁寧なカウンセリングから原因を探り出して、その時だけの一時的な解決ではなく根本的に解決を目指してくれます。施術は勿論、自宅でのストレッチ方法なども教えてくださっているので、だいぶ腰痛が緩和してきました。定期的に通院していますが、その時の調子によって増やしてみたり、ストレッチやマッサージの延長付けたりしてコントロールしているので、うまく自分の身体と付き合えているような気がします。 施術はもちろん先生方、皆さんとてもお気遣いが出来る方ばかりでお話も楽しくリラックスしてアットホームな雰囲気の中で過ごせます。接客対応のカードなどもあるので、もちろん静かにゆっくり過ごしたい方なども気軽に通うことが出来ます。 とても良い整骨院で人気なので飛び込みは難しい日程もありますが、LINEで予約状況のお知らせなどもありますし、通院する際には次回予約もしていくので予約について困ったことは特にありません。 とても素晴らしい整骨院なので、是非、悩んでいる方は通っていただきたいです!
I have been attending since the opening of the hospital. I was suffering from chronic low back pain from standing work, but I will find out the cause from careful counseling and aim for a fundamental solution rather than a temporary solution only at that time. As well as the treatment, he also teaches me how to stretch at home, so my back pain has eased considerably. I go to the hospital on a regular basis, but I try to increase it depending on the condition at that time, and I control it by extending stretching and massage, so I feel that I am getting along well with my body. Not to mention the treatment, all the teachers and everyone are very caring, and the talk is fun, relaxing and relaxing in a cozy atmosphere. There are also cards for customer service, so of course those who want to spend their time quietly can feel free to attend. It's popular at a very good osteopathic clinic, so it's difficult to jump in on some dates, but there are notifications about the reservation status on LINE, and when I go to the hospital, I'll make a reservation next time, so I don't have any problems with reservations. It's a wonderful osteopathic clinic, so if you're worried, please go!

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