
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 買取コレクター

住所 :

Toyotamakita, Nerima City, 〒176-0012 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://kaitoricollector.com/
街 : Tokyo

Toyotamakita, Nerima City, 〒176-0012 Tokyo,Japan
桂木拓也 on Google

I decided to move and had them buy old toys and games. I was planning to throw it away, but I was surprised that it was more expensive than I expected. I will use it again when I have to buy toys that I no longer need.
藤原雅紀 on Google

I had a lot of One Piece figures, so I decided to dispose of some of them. It was very convenient because I was able to come to my house and make a collective assessment.
yuuki yamada on Google

以前宅配買取お願いしましたが買取明細がなくまとめての金額提示しかされないのは謎。最初に提示された金額はあまりにも安すぎてポカーンとなり、その後のやりとりである程度金額上げてもらいましたが本当にちゃんとした鑑定士がいるとは思えない。ちゃんと他の業者さんも 自分で調べて売った方がかしこいのだと良い勉強になりました。
I asked for home delivery purchase before, but it is a mystery that there is no purchase details and only the total amount is presented. The amount offered at the beginning was too cheap and became a poker, and I was asked to raise the amount to some extent in the subsequent exchanges, but I do not think that there is a really proper appraiser. Properly other vendors It was a good study that it was smarter to research and sell by myself.
坂本雄司 on Google

I used the purchase collector for the first time and purchased figures, Pokemon cards, etc. I am very satisfied with the purchase price, which is more than I expected.
アルファエルーン同好会 on Google

量もそこそこあって宅配などは時間が無いから出張で買取来てくれませんか?と言ったら量が少ないので無理と言われました。 出張買取してくれるとか嘘っぱちです。多分出張買取するほどレア物ないから面倒で断った感じをひしひしと感じました
Since the amount is so large that I don't have time for home delivery, would you please buy it on a business trip? I was told that it was impossible because the amount was small. It's a lie to buy it on a business trip. Maybe it's not so rare as to buy it on a business trip, so I felt like I refused it because it was troublesome.
あめのこゆき on Google

It was the first time for me to purchase by courier, but although I had to pack it myself, it was very easy to just ship it and wait for the result. The purchase collector was polite and easy to use even for the first time, and the correspondence was polite and it was easy to ask questions. The purchase price was a little higher than the store-type purchase stores so far, but I think that it is a level that is not a problem at all considering the transportation cost and the time and effort to wait for the assessment.
Kouji Kimura on Google

I used this for the first time because the nearby purchaser has disappeared. We responded quickly to inquiries and were satisfied with the assessed amount, so we asked them to buy two figures. If I have a chance, I will use it to buy toys.
miau handmade on Google

主人の転勤が決まり、急遽引っ越しをすることになり自宅の片付けをしたところ、子どもたちが小さい時に遊んでいたおもちゃやゲームなどがたくさん出てきました。 処分に困っていたところ、買取コレクターさんに買い取りして頂き大変助かりました。 今回初めて利用させて頂きましたが、親切丁寧な対応で査定額も予想以上でとても満足しております。 お世話になり、ありがとうございました。 また機会がありましたらぜひ利用したいと思います。
When my husband's transfer was decided and I had to move in a hurry and cleaned up my house, I found a lot of toys and games that the children were playing when they were small. When I was having trouble disposing of it, I was very grateful to have the purchase collector buy it. I used it for the first time this time, but I am very satisfied with the assessed amount, which is more than expected due to the kind and polite response. Thank you a lot for your hospitality. If I have another chance, I would definitely like to use it.

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