Toyota Nagano - Nagano

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Toyota Nagano

住所 :

2558-3 Inaba, Nagano, 380-0917, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 380-0917
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM

2558-3 Inaba, Nagano, 380-0917, Japan
まりまりこ on Google

I came to the store to change tires.
tatsuya on Google

The store where you purchased your current partner, Hachiroku (TOYOTA 86). The people in charge are all very good people, and if the timing is right, the car exhibited at the event is on the premises and you can freely see and touch it ? ✨
八田茂敏 on Google

I went to a regular inspection today. If you are in charge, take a break ? Show your sincerity. But the maintenance person did a good job. Thank you!
こう。 on Google

小室スタッフがとても説明が丁寧でとてもよかったです! 納車してからも色々面倒をみていただいてとても助かってます! 今後も利用させていただきたいと思います!!
Komuro staff was very polite and very nice! Even after the car was delivered, it was very helpful for me to take care of it! I would like to continue using it in the future! !!
なんじゃもんじゃ on Google

接客業としてありえないかなと。無料メンテナンスしていただきましたが、どこをどうしたとかお時間いただいたとか声をかけない。担当の方以外だとこのような接客なのかとビックリしました。 そもそも入店した時も挨拶ないし。
I wonder if it could be a hospitality business. I had the maintenance done for free, but I don't say what happened or what time I had. I was surprised if it was such a customer service except for the person in charge. In the first place, I didn't say hello when I entered the store.
中村和代 on Google

The air conditioner in the car wasn't working well, so when I talked to the receptionist, I immediately checked what seemed to be the cause and took action. I'm really glad I came here because I couldn't find the cause and deal with it no matter what I said when I had my usual repairs and inspections.
じゅんじゅん on Google

店の感じが悪くないのは当然の事として、契約してしまえば連絡無し、納車してしまえば関係無し、と売りっ放し感が凄いですね!(営業マンによるのかも) 大きな店ですが、サービスと対応の程度は低い残念なお店です。 2度と利用は無いと思います。
It goes without saying that the store doesn't feel bad, and if you sign a contract, you won't be contacted, and if you deliver the car, it won't matter. (Maybe it depends on the sales position) It's a big store, but it's a shame that the service and response are low. I don't think it will be used again.
橋本玲奈 on Google

どのスタッフさんもとても丁寧で感じ良い応対をしてくれます。 全国の、トヨタ以外の車屋さんもこんな感じだったらよいのに、と思います。
All the staff are very polite and pleasant. I wish car dealers other than Toyota all over the country would look like this.

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