Toyota Chino - Chino

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Toyota Chino

住所 :

5番15号, Honmachihigashi, Chino, Nagano 391-0003, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 391-0003
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10AM–5PM
Wednesday 10AM–5PM
Thursday 10AM–5PM
Friday 10AM–7PM

5番15号, Honmachihigashi, Chino, Nagano 391-0003, Japan
kenichi suzuki on Google

旅先での故障で立ち寄りましたが細かいところまで親切に教えてくれました。 近所だったらここで買いたい。
I stopped by because of a breakdown while traveling, but kindly taught me the details. If you are in the neighborhood, I want to buy it here.
にさぶら。 on Google

東京トヨタカローラで買ったアクアを点検に出したら 良い顔されなかった 田舎のデーラー
If you check out the Aqua you bought at Tokyo Toyota Corolla Did not look good Country Dealer
ayano suzuki on Google

I visited due to a sudden trouble, but he was very polite and kind. It really helped me to solve the difficult matters quickly. Perhaps I think that he thought of a cram school to do something about it. The mechanics and the reception staff were all very hospitality staff.
ひろピョン on Google

There is no contact after the sales staff has changed their grades, and only regular inspection and vehicle inspection is required. At that time, it is a polite response, but Toyota is still bullish. I am grateful that the sales staff have been very good up until now. Now I also pay for tire replacement. Of course
keiichi watanabe on Google

旅先で車からエラーコードの表示。 心配と不安の中、道すがら飛び込みでこのお店に入店し 見ていただくことに。 購入した店でもないのに嫌な顔せず調べていただき 無事に自宅に帰ることができました。 ありがとうございました。
Displaying error codes from the car while traveling. In anxiety and anxiety, I jumped along the way and entered this shop To have you see. Even though it's not the store where you bought it, don't look unpleasant and check it out. I was able to return home safely. Thank you very much.
Arendt Hannah on Google

駐車場に車を止めても、誰も出て来ない。 店内に入っても、誰も対応しない。 人手不足なのか。 飲み物の一つも出て来ない。 飲み物を提供する基準を明記すべき。 費用対効果が高いのは明らか(たった数十円で印象が変わる)なのに、それをしない。自動車業界としての危機感が足りない。トヨタも例外ではないですよ。 私語は慎むべし。 説明が雑すぎる。(車に詳しくない素人は言われるがままにボッタクられるだろう。) 追記 後日再訪。店内がリニューアルされていた。カウンターの後ろの事務所が見えなくなっており、カウンターに受付の女性が一人いるといったスタイル。小奇麗かつスタイリッシュに外観はなったが、肝心の受付の対応が頂けない。愛想もなく、事務的。歓迎感もゼロ。ハードを変えてもソフトがこれでは。。。他の方も接客について書かれていたので、私だけが感じていることではないと確信した。
Even if I park my car in the parking lot, no one comes out. Even if you enter the store, no one will respond. Is there a shortage of manpower? None of the drinks come out. Criteria for serving drinks should be specified. It's clear that it's cost-effective (the impression changes for just a few tens of yen), but I don't do it. There is not enough sense of crisis as the automobile industry. Toyota is no exception. Please refrain from speaking privately. The explanation is too messy. (Amateur who is not familiar with cars will be bogged down as they are told.) Postscript Will return at a later date. The inside of the store was renewed. The office behind the counter is no longer visible, and there is a woman at the reception at the counter. The appearance has become neat and stylish, but the receptionist is not available. Unfriendly and clerical. There is no sense of welcome. Even if you change the hardware, the software is this. .. .. Others were also writing about customer service, so I was convinced that it wasn't the only thing I felt.
ramyutan on Google

お店に入っても挨拶もなく、話しかけてもこない。活気のない店舗という印象でした。 売る気がないのかと思うレベルです。 この店舗はもう行きません。
Even when I entered the store, I didn't say hello and didn't talk to me. It was an impression that the store was not lively. It is a level that I think I do not want to sell. I'm not going to this store anymore.
ななしゴンベエ on Google

他の客に失礼な振る舞いをしていたり野球観戦を楽しんでいる店員がほんの一部居た。が、概ねの店員の接客態度は丁寧。 ただ、店員とバックの工員との間の連絡の齟齬によって待ち時間が無駄に増えたり、車の各モデルを紹介する冊子をよく見ると埃が溜まってたりと否定的評価をする人達の気持ちも解らなくはない。
There were only a few clerk who behaved rudely to other customers and enjoyed watching baseball games. However, the customer service attitude of the clerk is generally polite. However, the inconsistency in communication between the clerk and the back clerk unnecessarily increases the waiting time, and if you look closely at the booklet that introduces each model of the car, there are also feelings of people who make negative evaluations such as dust accumulation. I don't understand.

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