TOUMA フレッシュマート

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact TOUMA フレッシュマート

住所 :

Ogikubo, Suginami City, 〒167-0051 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : Tokyo

Ogikubo, Suginami City, 〒167-0051 Tokyo,Japan
郡ちえ子 on Google

地元の小さなお店ですが野菜 魚 肉は新鮮で美味しいです 店頭に置いてある商品が日によって違いそれがけっこうお買い得です
It is a small local shop, but the vegetables, fish and meat are fresh and delicious The products at the store are different depending on the day and it is quite a bargain
ベル on Google

電子マネー使えるのがありがたいです。 野菜、果物、お肉、お魚かなり美味しいです。
I am grateful that I can use electronic money. Vegetables, fruits, meat and fish are quite delicious.
asuneko10 on Google

A safe store that has been rooted in the local community for more than half a century. There are all kinds of fresh vegetables, sashimi, meat, eggs, milk, sweets and seasonings.
たらりんみどりん on Google

Anyway fresh! ️ Eggplant is picky picker ? Green onions are so fresh. I definitely buy oden radish here ?
Sho ko on Google

That side is a bit far from the big supermarket, so fresh meat, fish and vegetables are very convenient and appreciated. However, as others have posted, the tobacco smell is terrible. In the back, the shop owner (?) Packs vegetables while adding tobacco. Cigarettes are truly tough right next to fresh food. Is there anyone who knows you at a store that is rooted in the area and loved by the locals?
あなご on Google

やすだクリニックに通院してますが 近くにこんなスーパーがあったとは(笑) 鮭の切り身買いましたが当たりでした!!!しかし、シャレール荻窪って荻窪なのに人里離れた感じで車も通らないような静かなマンション地域…。 ちょっと静か過ぎて怖い。
I go to the Yasuda Clinic There was such a supermarket nearby (laughs) I bought a salmon fillet, but it was a hit! !! !! However, even though Chalet Ru Ogikubo is Ogikubo, it is a quiet condominium area where cars do not pass because it feels remote. It's a little too quiet and scary.
Sousaku Ideta on Google

Anyway, this is a recommended shop with good quality vegetables and fruits. The price is higher than Seiyu and OK stores, but there are definitely good ones. Before the store was renewed, it was a Toma fruit and vegetable store, so it seems that a route to purchase fresh products has been established. We do not have many fresh fish, meat, and other groceries, but we do. It is a shop that has supported the food of neighboring residents since the time of the Ogikubo housing complex, which was rebuilt in Chalet Ru Ogikubo. There is a bicycle parking lot, but there is no parking lot.
Kanu Suguro on Google

A cornerstore that's somewhat of a vegetable specialist, and a bit of select fruits. Always stocked with fantastic produce, it's hard to leave empty handed. It's great they stock in season products, you naturally can get the best at the right time.

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