Tabata Shrine - Suginami City

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tabata Shrine

住所 :

1 Chome-56-10 Ogikubo, Suginami City, Tokyo 167-0051, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 167-0051
Webサイト :

1 Chome-56-10 Ogikubo, Suginami City, Tokyo 167-0051, Japan
Yoshihisa on Google

長いまっすぐな参道の向こうにあるとても清々しい神社です。 境内には2つの境内社があり、また重そうな力石が11個もあります。 庚申塔も3つありました。 かつては北野神社(天満宮)とも、あるいは社の場所が田の端にあったことから田端天神とも呼ばれ、村の産土神として崇められるようになったそうです。
A very refreshing shrine over a long, straight approach. There are two shrines in the precinct, and there are eleven heavy stones. There were three Koshinto towers. It used to be called Kitano Shrine (Tenmangu Shrine) or the location of the shrine on the edge of the field, so it was also called Tenbata Tenjin and was worshiped as a local god of the village.
はりはり on Google

近所に住んでます。2019年9月2日ごろにお祭りがあります。カラオケもあるので来て下さい✨意外に由緒ある神社らしいので、神社マニアさんは来てみるといいと思います。(謎の上から目線) お祭りに来るのは西田小学校の生徒が多いです。たまに先生も来ます(*´∀`)地元に愛されていておみこしもあります✌星★★★★★です(*^▽^*)
I live in my neighborhood. There is a festival around September 2, 2019. There is also karaoke, so please come in. ✨ It seems like a historical shrine, so I think it's good to see a shrine mania. (Looking from above the mystery) There are many Nishida Elementary School students who come to the festival. Occasional teachers also come (* '∀ `) It is a comet which is loved by the locals and is also a comet ★★★★★ (* ^ ^ ^ *)
高野康雄 on Google

水無月最終日前日、帰り道にて裏参道から参拝。ファミリーマートの横(天神橋)から入ると少し迷います。 歳をとると信心深くなり、夏越しの祓いということで茅の輪くぐりをさせてもらいました。帰りはしんとした表参道を通り、何か間違っているとは思いながらも心持ちは穏やかです。
On the day before the last day of Minazuki, worship from Urasando on the way back. I get a little lost when I enter from the side of Family Mart (Tenjinbashi). As I grew older, I became more pious, and I was allowed to go through a circle of kaya because it was a summer ritual. On the way back, I passed through Omotesando, and I feel calm even though I think I'm doing something wrong.
Jun-ichi homma (ダメおやぢ) on Google

神職在住、御朱印を記帳して頂ける氏子神社。 合祀以前は天神社で社紋は梅鉢紋。 社務所玄関のインターフォンで呼出、 玄関内で対応、初穂料:300円。
A shrine that lives in a priesthood and allows you to record your stamp. Before the shrine, the shrine was a Umebachi crest. Call with the intercom at the entrance of the office, Correspondence in the entrance, first ear fee: 300 yen.
絆絆 on Google

弊社支店の氏神神社です。 御朱印を頂きましたところ 御気持ちを御賽銭へと言うことで 御朱印代は気持ちの分だけ御賽銭箱へ!
It is Mr. Shrine of our branch. I received a red stamp By saying your feelings to money Mizuki stamp charges will go to the money box as much as you want!
山﨑清 on Google

I was awarded a red stamp. The red stamp fee was 300 yen. The priest gave me a shrine original ball pen. Thank you very much. The approach was beautiful. The cherry blossom season is good.
aam mee on Google

令和三年の夏越大祓の日に参拝。 小ぶりながらも距離のある参道と、年季の入った素木の両部鳥居が印象的です。 社務所玄関にある小学生の手紙からも、地域との関係が伺えます。 丁寧なご対応で御朱印を頂きました。
Worship on the day of Natsukoshi Oharae in the third year of Reiwa. The small but distant approach to the shrine and the ryōbu torii gates of the bare wood with the seasons are impressive. From the letter of the elementary school student at the entrance of the office, we can see the relationship with the community. We received a red stamp for your polite response.
masayoshi oda on Google

まっすぐな参道が特徴的な神社⛩ 参道にはサクラや梅が見事です。 境内はこじんまりですが風格があり歴史を感じます。 個人的にはここの狛犬がとてもかわいらしくて好きです?
A shrine with a characteristic straight approach ⛩ Sakura and plum blossoms are wonderful on the approach. The precincts are small, but they have a personality and feel the history. Personally, I like the guardian dogs here because they are so cute ?

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