Torikizoku - Funabashi

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Torikizoku

住所 :

13-13 5F 2 Chome Maebaranishi, Funabashi, Chiba 274-0825, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 274-0825
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 5PM–4AM
Sunday 5–11:30PM
Monday 5–11:30PM
Tuesday 5–11:30PM
Wednesday 5–11:30PM
Thursday 5–11:30PM
Friday 5PM–4AM

13-13 5F 2 Chome Maebaranishi, Funabashi, Chiba 274-0825, Japan
佐藤サトウ on Google

Young and correspondence of tall male clerk was wonderful in a very polite and adult support. However, yakitori is Kogekusaku is regrettable that not only eat a little. Taste It was not perfect. I want to use it again.
ha ha on Google

平日のお客さんがほとんどいない時間帯に男女2人で行きました。 案内されたのはトイレの真横の席。 トイレのドアも開けっ放しにされていてにおいがキツく、閉めてもにおいがすごかったです。 出された料理もトイレのにおいによって食べる気がしませんでした。 満席なら仕方ないと思いましたが、人が全然いなかったのにわざわざにおいのキツいトイレの真横に案内されたのが不快で仕方ありません。 鳥貴族は安くておいしいのですが、ここの店舗にはもう行きたくないです。
I went with two men and women during the week when there were few customers. I was guided to the seat right next to the toilet. The toilet door was also left open, the smell was hard and the smell was amazing even when it was closed. I didn't feel like eating the food served because of the smell of the toilet. I thought it would be unavoidable if there were no seats, but it was uncomfortable and uncomfortable to be guided right next to a hard toilet with no smell. The aristocrats are cheap and delicious, but I don't want to go to this store anymore.
ryota (RYO) on Google

味とコスパはそこそこですけど有働さんの接客で疲れが吹っ飛びました! 最高の接客でした! また来ます!
The taste and cospa are decent, but the tiredness was blown away by the customer service of Mr. Udo! It was the best customer service! I'll come back later!
ryo haru on Google

混んでいる中でも、店長さんの気配りが素晴らしい。 安いし気兼ねなく飲食できて、大人も子供も楽しめる。 入り口の席だと客の出入りで、きちんと扉を閉められない人が多く、その都度閉めにいかないと寒いので、自動ドアか、必ず閉めるよう書いてあるといいなと思った。 また利用させていただきたい。
Even though it is crowded, the manager's attention is wonderful. It is cheap and you can eat and drink without hesitation, and adults and children can enjoy it. There are many people who cannot close the door properly because of the entrance and exit of customers at the entrance seat, and it is cold unless you close it each time, so I thought it would be nice to write an automatic door or make sure to close it. I want to use it again.
T S on Google

With two friends. I entered because it is not in Hokkaido. As was rumored, all the food and drinks were cheap. It was a seat that was not suitable for a long stay, but I had a few drinks and was able to return just in time. Cospa is good!
イワタカ on Google

やはり、コスパは良いですね。 もう少しあっさりしたメニューが欲しいのと席が広ければなお良いですね。
After all, cospa is good. It would be even better if the seats were large and I wanted a slightly lighter menu.
英治松田 on Google

やはり若者達で大変賑わっていて、おじさんの2人組には賑やか過ぎな感じでした。 でも、焼き鳥も煮卵も美味しかったです。
After all it was very crowded with young people, and it felt too lively for the uncle's duo. But the yakitori and the boiled eggs were delicious.
shan ben on Google

コスパも悪くないのでたまに利用しています。 接客もうぬぼれちゅう、の看板とは逆でしっかりしていてとても好印象でした。 串カツ田中とのコラボの奴は結構好きです タルタルと揚げたお肉なんて美味しくないわけがないのですが、良き! 西京味噌風の串?は味噌の味がある場所ない場所があった ある場所はすごいおいしかったので、ムラがなくなればレギュラー化して欲しいくらいのお味でした。 鳥貴族というとかなり賑やかな店内なのと、仕方ないのでしょうがコロナ対策用のビニールカーテンみたいなものが、あったのですが これで声も届かず聞こえずで会話になりませんでした… 時代だから仕方がないものの少し残念… そのビニールも絶妙に嫌な高さで、グラスが触れてしまったり、毎回店員さんが拭いてるのは見えたのですが 素材の関係か曇っていてあまり綺麗に見えないのでちょっと嫌でした? 使用する場面を選ばないといけないなーと思いました。 お店自体は好きで、普通にまた使わせていただくつもりです! あと、外の客引きは、知らないくせに鳥貴族満席なのでー とか言ってきます。注意してください 普通に席ありました。
Cospa is not bad, so I use it occasionally. It was a very good impression because it was solid and solid, contrary to the signboard of "Customer service". I really like the guy who collaborated with Kushikatsu Tanaka. There is no reason why tartar and fried meat are not delicious, but it's good! Saikyo miso-style skewers? There was a place where there was no taste of miso One place was so delicious that I wanted it to be regular if there was no unevenness. Torikizoku is a very lively store, and I think it can't be helped, but there was something like a vinyl curtain for corona countermeasures. With this, I couldn't hear and hear the voice, so I couldn't have a conversation ... It can't be helped because it's an era, but it's a little disappointing ... The vinyl was also exquisitely unpleasant, and I could see the glass touching it and the clerk wiping it every time. I didn't like it because it was cloudy and didn't look very beautiful ? I thought I had to choose the scene to use. I like the shop itself and will use it again as usual! Also, the outside bargain is full of Torikizoku, even though I don't know it. I will say. be careful There was a seat normally.

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