デジキューBBQテラス 津田沼パルコ店

2.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact デジキューBBQテラス 津田沼パルコ店

住所 :

Maebaranishi, Funabashi, 〒274-0825 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Webサイト : https://digiq.jp/portal/experience/73843/0
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Maebaranishi, Funabashi, 〒274-0825 Chiba,Japan
今野正博 on Google

May be close to the station
kusu on Google

この店は酷いですよ。 スタッフの態度が悪すぎ。時間制限あるのに肉が解凍されてないので焼くまでに時間が掛かるしビアガーデンなのに冷えたビールでは無くて作り置きした泡の消えた常温のビール。 「冷えてないから作り直してって」って伝えると明らかに嫌そうな顔される。 挙句の果てには酒を作るところでスタッフが飲酒と喫煙。 酔っ払ったスタッフ同士が店内のBGMに合わせてダンスして遊んでました。 帰ろうとしたら店員がゴミ袋持ってきてテーブルは片付けて帰ってだって。片付け不要で手ぶらプランで予約したのに… こんなダメな店は人生で初めて。行かない方が良いですよ。
This store is terrible. Staff attitude is too bad. It takes a long time to bake because the meat is not thawed even though there is a time limit, and it is not a cold beer but a beer garden at room temperature with foam disappeared. When I tell her, "I'm not cold, I'm going to start over," she's obviously disgusted. At the end of the ceremony, the staff drinks and smokes where the sake is made. The drunk staff danced and played along with the BGM in the store. The clerk brought a garbage bag when he was going home, cleared the table and went home. Even though I made a reservation with a hand-free plan without cleaning up ... Such a bad store is the first in my life. It is better not to go.
あずき on Google

コロナ対策をしているとホームページに記載があるが、そこまで徹底しているようにはみえなかった。 外だからか、隣のテーブルとの間隔もかなり近く、アルコール消毒もエレベーターの付近に1つ置いてあるのみで、全員消毒必須ではなかった。 ドリンクを受け取るときも、長蛇の列だが、ソーシャルディスタンスは確保されておらず、このご時世では不安な環境だった。 全体的に清潔感もあまり感じられず、残念だった。 料理は持参したため、わからないですが、上記の状況もあり、どんな物が出てくるか怪しいため、頼まなくて良かったと思いました。
Although there is a statement on the homepage that it is taking measures against corona, it did not seem to be thorough. Perhaps because it was outside, the distance between the table next door was very close, and there was only one alcohol disinfection near the elevator, and not everyone needed disinfection. Even when receiving drinks, it was a long line, but social distance was not secured and it was an uneasy environment in this age. I was disappointed that I didn't feel a lot of cleanliness overall. I don't know because I brought food, but I was glad that I didn't ask because I was skeptical about what kind of food would come out due to the above situation.
敬史 on Google

普段レビューは全く書かないが、ここまで酷い施設は初めてなので被害者が少しでも減ることを願いレビューを書く。長文になるがここを利用しようとしてる人には是非読んでもらいたい。 手ぶらでコースを利用。時間にルーズというか一方的。利用時間は準備、片付けも含まれると記載しておきながら施設側の準備ができておらず、開始できたのが受付を終えてから20分過ぎ。 飲み放題一杯目はこちらからテーブルにいきます(全くこない) 飲み放題終了間際にはテーブルにいきます(こない) それでいて1分すぎたら飲み放題は終了。おかわりを断られる。 衛生面も最低で床には前日の人が捨てた枝豆の殻が放置。調味料の入った袋やまな板が雨で濡れている。まさか野ざらし? コスパも悪く4人前で頼んだが、きた量はせいぜい2人前。肉は全部味付き(日持ちしますからね) 野菜はセット(笑)はズッキーニ1枚、パプリカ2切れ、芯のついたキャベツ少量。申し訳ない程度の海鮮。これで4000円はもはやぼったくり。 サービス面もゴミでベビーチェアを頼んだらびちゃびちゃに濡れた椅子を拭かないどころかタオルも渡さずに平気で「どうぞ」と出してくる対応。 スタッフが飲み物を作るカウンターで堂々と喫煙、飲酒… ポケットに手を入れて電話対応をするスタッフ。まるでヤク◯のやる的屋。 全ての要素が最低限にすら達していないBBQ場。絶対に利用するべきではない。
I usually do not write reviews at all, but I am writing a review hoping that the number of victims will decrease as it is the first such facility so bad. It's a long sentence, but I'd like anyone who wants to use it to read it. Use the course empty-handed. It is loose or unilateral in time. Although it was stated that the use time included preparation and cleaning up, the facility side was not ready, so it was only 20 minutes after the reception was finished. The first all-you-can-drink will go to the table from here (no at all) Just before the end of all-you-can-drink, go to the table (do not come) Still, all-you-can-drink is over after 1 minute. I can refuse the refill. The hygiene is also the lowest, and the edamame shells discarded by the person the day before are left on the floor. The bag containing the seasoning and the cutting board are wet with rain. Is it really wild? The cost performance was bad and I ordered it for 4 people, but the amount I got was at most 2 people. All the meat is seasoned (because it lasts a long time) The set of vegetables (lol) is 1 zucchini, 2 slices of paprika, and a small amount of cabbage with a core. Sorry seafood. With this, 4000 yen is already rip-off. On the service side, if you ask for a baby chair with trash, instead of wiping a wet chair, instead of handing a towel, you can simply say "Please". The staff proudly smokes and drinks at the counter that makes drinks... Staff who put their hands in their pockets and respond to telephone calls. It's like a yak ◯ shop. A BBQ field where all the elements have not reached the minimum. You should never use it.
むいむい on Google

事前に直接受け付けに行き予約をしたのにも関わらず、当日お店に繋がるドアの前に行ったら鍵は空いていなくて、お店に電話した所繋がらずPARCOの受付に行き折り返し電話をしてもらうように伝え掛かってきたと思いきや、“申し訳ないが他の所に行って欲しい”と言われてしまいました。 持ち込みで予約していたので生肉や飲み物など材料を持って来ていたのでかなり迷惑な話だと思いました。 もっと予約する時の受付の人の態度も悪く、その人の予約ミスで今回この様な事になってしまったことを考えたら社員の教育をもっとしっかり指導するべきだと感じました。 久々に友達と予定を合わせて予約をしていたので材料費も返して欲しいくらいです。 二度と利用したくないと思いました。 最悪な気分です。お勧めしません
Even though I went to the reception directly and made a reservation in advance, if I went in front of the door leading to the shop on the day, the key was not empty, I went to the reception of PARCO without calling the store and called back and called back I was told that I was asked to ask, “I ’m sorry I want you to go elsewhere”. I made a reservation by bringing in, so I thought it was quite annoying because I brought raw meat and drinks. The attitude of the receptionist at the time of making more reservations was also bad, and I felt that the education of employees should be guided more firmly considering that this happened this time due to a mistake in the reservation. I made a reservation with a friend after a long time, so I want to return the material cost. I never wanted to use it again. I feel the worst. Not recommended
Kaho ringo on Google

去年から3~4回目利用しました。 最初から良くなかったけど、どんどん更に酷くなってます。 いつも食材は持参して、飲み放題だけ利用。飲み放題の飲み物は自分たちでカウンターまで取りに行かなくてはいけません。ひどいとそこが長蛇の列になります。 スタッフの態度は最悪。誰一人として普通な人もいません。場所も備品も汚い。 利便性を考えて利用してましたが、どんどん利用料1500円払うのも嫌になるぐらいです。。。 終わりの30分前に、まだ網の上に乗ってた物があってもお構いましに炭を撤去され、その時の態度も悪く片し方も雑で最悪でした。 もう使いたくないですね。
I used it 3-4 times since last year. It wasn't good from the beginning, but it's getting worse and worse. Always bring ingredients and use only all-you-can-drink. All-you-can-drink drinks must be picked up by ourselves at the counter. In the worst case, there is a long line. The attitude of the staff is the worst. No one is normal. The place and equipment are dirty. I used it for convenience, but I don't want to pay the usage fee of 1500 yen. Thirty minutes before the end, the charcoal was removed even if there was something still on the net, and the attitude at that time was bad and the way to dispose of it was rough and the worst. I don't want to use it anymore.
Tommy Chieko on Google

I made a reservation on November 9th and went there. It was cold, so we were chartered and we were the only family. When I arrived, everything was already set and there was a lot of meat and seafood. The salt, kosho, soy sauce, and BBQ sauce were kept clean one by one, packed in packs, and there were plenty of spares. A lot of chopsticks, plates and hand towels were prepared. The staff was also kind to me. The closing "yakisoba" was also very delicious. I don't know why the reviews here are so bad, but have they been improved? I was very happy.
にゃんちゅー- on Google

よくあるデパートの屋上の跡地?に作ったて感じです。その日は休日で風がものすごく強かったのですが、強風対策がなにもされてなく、、天気悪いなら行かない方がいいです。屋根ついてますが、溜まった水がドバーてたれますww ドリンクもソフトドリンクのみの提供です。場所代と思って割り切るしかないです?
The site of a common department store rooftop? It feels like I made it. It was a holiday and the wind was extremely strong on that day, but there are no measures against strong winds, and if the weather is bad, you should not go. It has a roof, but the accumulated water is dripping ww Drinks are only soft drinks. I have no choice but to think of it as a place fee ?

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