
2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 生協さくら病院

住所 :

Tonyamachi, 〒030-0131 Aomori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Webサイト : http://sakura-hospital.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–12:30PM
Thursday 9AM–12:30PM
Friday 9AM–12:30PM
街 : Aomori

Tonyamachi, 〒030-0131 Aomori,Japan
on Google

クマザサカスミ on Google

おまる on Google

自律神経失調症と抑うつ状態で一か月の入院を含む治療、診療をしてもらいました。 結果から言いますと、現在は寛解という状態でほぼ治ったようなものが7年続いていますので評価は☆5です。当時の先生、看護師さんありがとうございます。 診察の時間も少し長めに取っていただき、処方とカウンセリングの両方を受けられた感じがしました。 初診後、通院で予約を取ってもすごく待たされたりします。 が、丁寧な診察の内容を思うと仕方ないのかなと思います。
I was given treatment and medical treatment including a month of hospitalization for autonomic imbalance and depression. According to the results, the condition is in remission, which has been almost cured for seven years now, so the rating is ☆5. Thank you teacher and nurse at that time. I had the consultation time taken a little longer, and I felt that I was receiving both prescription and counseling. After the first visit, even if I make an appointment at the hospital, I will be very waited. However, I think there is no choice but to think about the contents of the careful examination.
Line Namahage on Google

2020年9月から初診も完全予約制になった。 初診は火曜と木曜の午後のみ 初診は内科若しくは精神科を自分で選択できた。 再診も予約制 予約の変更も電話でOK 待合室は広くゆったりした造りだが、入り口が少し分かりにくい。 看護師や医師の対応は丁寧だった 医師は患者の話を親身になって聞いてくれるため1人あたりの診察時間が他の病院と比べて長かった。
From September 2020, the first consultation will be by appointment only. First visit only on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons For the first visit, I was able to choose internal medicine or psychiatry myself. Re-examination is also by appointment You can change your reservation by phone The waiting room is large and spacious, but the entrance is a little confusing. The correspondence of nurses and doctors was polite Since doctors listen to patients' stories in a friendly manner, the consultation time per person was longer than in other hospitals.
藤本正秀 on Google

The nurses are always kind to me, and my doctor talks to me and listens to me well. If there is a problem with the prescription, it will be reviewed immediately and I have been watching it for a long time, but it suits me. Teacher Please do your best.
ふくふく on Google

異常な程薬を処方され、家族の分もほしいと言ったら家族分も処方される。 本人以外の薬を処方することは違反ではないでしょうか? しかも主治医は医院長でした。 病棟看護師の態度が悪い。(患者を人間だと思っていないような態度) 病棟の車椅子用トイレの横に無造作に使用済みオムツを置いていて衛生面がとても劣悪。 せめてゴミ箱にいれるとかしたらどうですか。 今は医院長変わったようですね。異常な量の薬を処方したのは前の医院長です。
An unusual amount of medicine is prescribed, and if you ask for a family member, a family member is also prescribed. Isn't it a violation to prescribe a drug other than the person himself? Moreover, the attending physician was the director of the clinic. The attitude of the ward nurse is bad. (Attitude that does not consider the patient to be human) The hygiene is very poor because the used diapers are randomly placed next to the wheelchair-accessible toilet in the ward. Why don't you put it in the trash at least? It seems that the director of the clinic has changed now. It was the former director of the clinic who prescribed the abnormal amount of medicine.
マルーマ on Google

この病院の前院長、山崎は病院の売り上げの為に不必要な薬を副作用も考えず患者に処方する最低最悪のヤブ医者!入院中には不必要な薬をこれでもかって言う位の処方するヤブ医者でそれを飲まないと看護師の嫌がらせがあったという事実!老人の患者に対する暴力もあるとか、山崎前院長に処方された薬を違う病院で見せた所、法律で指定された越えてはならない成分の量が入った薬を処方されていたと言う事実もある。先ほど誰かのコメントを見て思った事は今の院長も不必要な薬や法律違反の処方もする病院だと思った。 前、山崎院長も息子のヘタウチで浅虫病院に飛ばされたと聞いてはいるがそんな事よりも不必要に強く法律に違反する位の成分の薬の副作用で両足の血管が痛くて苦しいし恨んでも恨みキレない思いでいる。多分この痛みは一生続くだろう。医者と言う患者を治してくれるはずの人間が自分の私利私欲の為に弱い立場の患者に副作用のある薬を出して苦しめる事など有っていい物だろうか?そんな人間を院長にさせたこの病院はどうなの?私意外にもこの病院に入院して必要以上の強い薬のせいでおかしくなった患者を二三人知っている。 この病院が狂っているのか? 院長が狂っているのか? どっちもか? とにかく私の両足の痛みはこの病院で出された法律違反の薬の副作用のせいだ! この話を公にしたのはこれが初めての事です。これは本当の事実の話です。
Yamazaki, the former director of this hospital, prescribes unnecessary medicines to patients for the sake of hospital sales without considering side effects. The worst and worst quack doctor! The fact that a quack doctor had harassed a nurse if he didn't take it! There was also violence against an elderly patient, and when he showed the medicine prescribed by former director Yamazaki at a different hospital, it went beyond what was specified by law. There is also the fact that he was prescribed a drug containing an amount of ingredients that should not be used. Looking at someone's comment earlier, I thought that the current director is also a hospital that prescribes unnecessary medicines and violations of the law. I heard that Dr. Yamazaki was also sent to Asamushi Hospital by his son Hetauchi, but even if he had a pain in the blood vessels of both legs due to the side effects of the drug that was unnecessarily strong and violated the law. I don't have a grudge. Maybe this pain will last a lifetime. Is it okay for a person who is supposed to cure a patient called a doctor to give a drug with side effects to a vulnerable patient for his own self-interest and torment him? What about the hospital? Surprisingly, I know a couple of patients who have been admitted to this hospital and have gone crazy because of stronger drugs than necessary. Is this hospital crazy? Is the director crazy? Which one? Anyway, the pain in my legs is due to the side effects of the law-breaking drug issued at this hospital! This is the first time I have made this story public. This is a true fact story.
ライエルサイザー on Google

民医連の病院です、普段は読む機会の少ない新聞赤旗が読めます 生活保護の人が多いせいか、もう要らないと言ったのにも関わらずまたその薬が処方されることが度々ありました いくら薬を出されても無料の方ならいいかもしれませんが、自分は多少は負担があるので少し痛いです 薬剤師の人に言っても「先生に確認するのに数十分かかります」と言われ 泣く泣く諦めてもらってしまいますが… ちな今も続いています
It is a hospital of the Japan Federation of Democratic Medicine, and you can read the red flag of the newspaper, which you usually do not have much chance to read. Perhaps because there are many people on welfare, the drug was often prescribed even though I said I didn't need it anymore. No matter how much medicine you give, it may be better if it is free, but it hurts a little because I have some burden. Even if I say to a pharmacist, he says, "It takes tens of minutes to confirm with the teacher." I'm going to give up crying, but ... By the way, it's still going on

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