澤田珈琲 - Tomigaoka

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 澤田珈琲

住所 :

Tomigaoka, 〒631-0004 Nara,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Postal code : 631-0004
街 : Nara

Tomigaoka, 〒631-0004 Nara,Japan
野口健一(ケンチ) on Google

Paper drip? You can enjoy delicious coffee. It is provided in adiabatic pot, for one person, and you can see the shopkeeper's attitude about coffee. The shop arranges relaxedly with two tables at the table 4 seats and at four table seats. There is a roasting room at the entrance and selling beans.
愛華 on Google

たまたま通りかかって、シンプルな看板に目を引かれ入店。 店内はとても綺麗で、でも堅苦しくなく程よい安堵感。 席は8席ですが、大変ゆったり取られています。 とてもお上品な方が丁寧に案内してくださいました。 ホットコーヒー(450円)は、お店に有る好きな豆を選べます。 初めてだったので、オリジナルのブレンドと 気になった豆を選ばせて頂きました。 プレス式のポットで、少したっぷり目に。 オリジナルの平城山ブレンドは、ミルクが合いそうな まろやかな優しい飲みやすいお味。 もう一つの方は、これまたとても飲みやすく、前者に比べて少し酸味が。 ふらっと立ち寄って本当に良かった!と思えるほどとても美味しかったです。 お茶請けのクッキーは100円。 珈琲のテイクアウトも出来るみたいです。(400円) 是非また訪れたいお店でした。
I happened to pass by and entered the store with a simple sign. The inside of the store is very beautiful, but it's not stiff and has a good sense of relief. There are 8 seats, but they are very spacious. A very elegant person guided me carefully. For hot coffee (450 yen), you can choose your favorite beans from the shop. It was my first time, so with the original blend I chose the beans that I was interested in. A press-type pot with plenty of eyes. The original Narayama blend seems to go well with milk A mellow, gentle and easy-to-drink taste. The other one is also very easy to drink and has a little sourness compared to the former. It was really nice to stop by! It was so delicious that I could think of it. Cookies for tea making are 100 yen. It seems that you can also take out coffee. (400 yen) It was a shop I definitely wanted to visit again.
H A on Google

It was shocking, maybe the best coffee I've ever had. When I poured it from the pot into the coffee cup, it had a soft and sweet fragrance, and it had a rich and firm taste. As you can serve in a large pot, you can enjoy 2 cups. I intended to add black for the first cup and a little sugar for the second cup, but I thought it was too delicious to mix something and I gave them both black. We had a very luxurious time, sitting by the window and looking at the flowers in the garden and having a delicious coffee. I think this is a good deal for 500 yen. There are quite a lot of types of coffee, so it's a good idea to order a different one each time you go and have a drink.
ミーグル on Google

前日、別の店で飲んだ薄いグアテマラに満足できず、美味しいコーヒーを求めて澤田珈琲で中深煎りのグアテマラをいただきました。以下素人感想です。 グアテマラを口に入れると、第一波で適度な重さの苦味と深みが来ると、第二波で甘みが口全体に広がり、最後に豆自体の風味が残りました。しかもその風味がずっと残り、リラックス感も持続する素晴らしいコーヒー体験でした。 自宅用にブラジル の中深煎りの珈琲豆を持ち帰り、早速飲みましたが、上記と同様の体験ができました。 澤田珈琲の存在は知っていましたが、外界と一線を引いたようなミニマルな店舗外観からいかにもマニア向けな印象を受け、これまで入店を躊躇していましたが、美味しい珈琲を飲みたい想いが極限にまで募り、今回思い切って伺いました。 実際の店内は明るくクリーン、ご主人は柔和で、ライトなjazzが流れるリラックス空間。全く事前の体育会的イメージを覆されました。
The day before, I wasn't satisfied with the thin Guatemala I drank at another store, so I had a medium-deep roasted Guatemala at Sawada Coffee in search of delicious coffee. Below are amateur impressions. When Guatemala was put in the mouth, the first wave brought the bitterness and depth of moderate weight, the second wave spread the sweetness throughout the mouth, and finally the flavor of the beans themselves remained. Moreover, it was a wonderful coffee experience that retains its flavor and keeps you relaxed. I brought back a medium-deep roasted coffee bean from Brazil for my home and drank it immediately, but I had the same experience as above. I knew the existence of Sawada coffee, but I got the impression that it was for enthusiasts from the minimalist appearance that set it apart from the outside world, and I hesitated to enter the store until now, but I want to drink delicious coffee. Was recruited to the limit, and I took the plunge this time. The actual interior is bright and clean, the owner is gentle, and a relaxing space with light jazz. It completely overturned the image of the athletic club in advance.
JP K on Google

「カフェ」ではなく「コーヒーを飲む」ところです 個人で経営されている小さなお店で中の雰囲気が解らないので躊躇しました。こういう個人の所はちょっとヘンクツなごっついおっさんが出てくるのかと思いきやとても品の有るマダムがお出迎えしてくれました。入ってすぐガラス越しにPROBAT の焙煎機もお出迎えしてくれます。ルート納品豆ではなく生豆を店で焙煎している所が気に入りました。入るまで自家焙煎が解らない主張の薄さは勿体ない。豆自体はノーマルです。店内では煎りたての新鮮な豆を販売してます。コーヒーは何種類かありますが、個人的にはエチオピアかモカ、グアテマラがお勧めです。コーヒーはポットで出てくるフレンチプレス。余分なメニューは無く(食べ物はクッキーとトーストのみ)カフェ気分で行くとスイーツが無い!と裏切られます。あくまでコーヒーを楽しんで下さい。 車は4台スペースが有りますが、一番奥に停めてしまうと出せません。駐車しにくさと客席レイアウト工夫必要点がマイナスです。
It ’s not a “cafe” but a “drinking coffee” I hesitated because I couldn't understand the atmosphere inside the small shop run by an individual. I was wondering if a strange old man would come out in such an individual place, and Madame, who is very elegant, welcomed me. Immediately after entering, the PROBAT roasting machine will welcome you through the glass. I like the fact that raw beans are roasted at the store instead of the root delivery beans. It's a shame that the claim that home roasting isn't understood until it's in. The beans themselves are normal. Freshly roasted beans are sold in the store. There are several types of coffee, but I personally recommend Ethiopia, Mocha, or Guatemala. Coffee is a French press that comes out in a pot. There is no extra menu (food is only cookies and toast) and there are no sweets when you go like a cafe! Betrayed. Please enjoy coffee to the last. There is space for 4 cars, but if you park at the back, you can't put it out. The difficulty of parking and the need to devise the layout of the audience seats are negative.
aki on Google

落ち着いたアットホームな空間において、存在感抜群の焙煎機が、ここがカフェであることを思い出させます。フレンチプレスで美味しい一杯を楽しむことができました。 また、持ち帰りで豆も購入しました。少しお高いですが、苦さで誤魔化さないフルーティーな一杯に仕上がって満足です。
In a calm and cozy space, a roasting machine with an outstanding presence reminds us that this is a cafe. I was able to enjoy a delicious cup at the French press. I also bought beans to take home. It's a little expensive, but I'm satisfied with the fruity cup that isn't fooled by the bitterness.
山平崇智 on Google

物静かでシャイな感じのマスター(50代かな?)とそのお母様らしきお二人でされている様子。 フレンチプレスで珈琲を出して頂けます。 入って直ぐにロースター室(っていうのかな?)が見えて、すぐ横に4人掛けのテーブル3つ位のお店です。 自宅の一部をカフェ仕様にされてるので、凝った感じじゃないけど、清潔感があります。 人待ちで時間があったので長居させてもらいましたが、嫌な顔せず、放っておいて頂き、仕事も進みました。 珈琲は普通に美味しく、一緒に頼んだフィナンシェ(60円)は大変美味しかったです。
It looks like a quiet and shy master (Is it in his 50s?) And his mother-like two people. You can serve coffee with a French press. Immediately after entering, you can see the roaster room (what is it?), And right next to it is a shop with 3 tables for 4 people. A part of my house is made into a cafe specification, so it's not elaborate, but it has a clean feeling. I had time to wait for people, so I stayed for a long time, but I didn't look unpleasant and left it alone, and my work went on. The coffee was usually delicious, and the financier (60 yen) I ordered together was very delicious.
ぽんぽこさん on Google

自家焙煎の美味しいコーヒーをフレンチプレスで入れてくださいます。 特に中煎りの甘味があるタイプの豆のチョイスが最高ですね。 濃厚でフルーティーな本格的なコーヒーが飲める、数少ないお店の一つだと思います。
Please make delicious home-roasted coffee with a French press. Especially, the choice of beans with the sweetness of medium roast is the best. I think it is one of the few shops where you can drink rich and fruity authentic coffee.

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