里親募集型 ほご猫カフェ ねこまち

5/5 に基づく 4 レビュー

Contact 里親募集型 ほご猫カフェ ねこまち

住所 :

Imamachi, Mitsuke, 〒954-0111 Niigata,Japan

Webサイト : https://www.city.mitsuke.niigata.jp/22447.htm
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–4PM
Sunday 10AM–4PM
Monday 10AM–4PM
Tuesday 10AM–4PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10AM–4PM
Friday 10AM–4PM
街 : Niigata

Imamachi, Mitsuke, 〒954-0111 Niigata,Japan
Rie Sakai on Google

It is a warm cafe full of cat love.
みゃんユウ on Google

It may be difficult to understand because it is a part of a private house. Look for the poster at the entrance ? There are 4 parking spaces opposite the entrance!
まちゃ抹茶 on Google

猫たちがゆったりと過ごしていて安心していられるんだなぁと分かるお店でした スタッフの方もとても親切に色々教えてくれて本当に楽しい時間を過ごさせてもらいました。 是非また行きたいです
It was a shop where you can see that the cats are relaxing and can feel at ease. The staff were very kind and taught me various things, and I had a really good time. I definitely want to go again
tomomi on Google

初めてお邪魔しました。 猫さんが快適に過ごせるよう工夫され、綺麗だし愛されているなぁ?と感じました。触れ合える子はカフェスペースで自由に過ごしていましたし、人馴れしてる子は近付いてきて触らせてくれましたよ。猫さんの紹介や性格なども丁寧にお話してくださいました。 またお邪魔しますね?
I visited you for the first time. I felt that the cat was devised so that he could spend it comfortably, and that it was beautiful and loved ?. The children I could interact with were free to spend time in the cafe space, and the familiar children approached me and let me touch them. He also politely talked about the cat's introduction and personality. I will bother you again ?

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