3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact TOKYO THE MABO 六本木

住所 :

Roppongi, Minato City, 〒106-0032 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
街 : Tokyo

Roppongi, Minato City, 〒106-0032 Tokyo,Japan
JUNKO MJ on Google

It was normal. I wonder if I should go once. I want more richness and umami in Mapo tofu.
ハレ on Google

平日のランチはいつも白いご飯が美味しいです。 しかし、土曜日のランチで前日の残りとしか思えない不味いご飯を出されて二度と行かないと思いました。
White rice is always delicious for lunch on weekdays. However, at lunch on Saturday, I was served a tasty meal that seemed to be the rest of the previous day, and I thought I would never go there again.
c e on Google

I was able to eat lunch alone in a very beautiful shop without feeling uncomfortable. The taste is too normal, so I will not return. I expect addictive spiciness.
Hachi Kuji on Google

It's delicious, but the taste is too strong and salty, so I couldn't eat it all. I want you to be a little more modest in seasonings. But I am very happy that there is sour cai fish on the menu.
コアラと呼ばれた男 on Google

Four people come to the store, and four people can share and eat various things, all of which are delicious. The chef was originally from Chen Mapo Tofu, so the taste is great.
hayato 5010 on Google

2021年07月22日 六本木一丁目駅直結・六本木グランドプラザB1Fに7/20オープン。 本物の四川料理をカジュアル&リーズナブルに供する「TOKYO THE MABO 六本木」 ランチタイムは11~17時と長く、提供スピードも早いので、近隣ビジネスマンのランチ需要にジャストフィット。 ランチメニューは、「陳麻婆豆腐」「担々麺」「ハーフ麻婆豆腐&ハーフ担々麺」「四川式エビチリ」「四川式ホイコーロー」の5種類。 「四川式エビチリ」「四川式ホイコーロー」は15時まで。 「四川式ホイコーロー」1,100円 ランチで唯一の辛くないメニュー。 ライス・卵スープ・四川浅漬け・杏仁豆腐付。 オーダー時にライスの量を大・中・小から選択。 日本のホイコーローは豚肉とキャベツの味噌炒めだが、四川式を謳うこちらは、ひと口で食べやすい大きさにカットした薄切り豚肉と、ニラ的香りと甘さが特徴の葉ニンニクのみのシンプルな構成に豆鼓と赤花椒で仕上げた正統派。 日本のホイコーローほどガッツリ濃厚ではなく、豆鼓と赤花椒が適度に効いて、ライスが食べ進む上質な仕上がり。 ただ、ライスの質がそれなりだったのは残念。 杏仁豆腐はややトロみがあるタイプ。 お会計は、Suica・iD・PayPay・d払い・メルペイ決済可。
July 22, 2021 Directly connected to Roppongi 1-chome Station, opened on 7/20 on Roppongi Grand Plaza B1F. "TOKYO THE MABO Roppongi" that serves genuine Sichuan cuisine casually and reasonably Lunch time is long, from 11:00 to 17:00, and the serving speed is fast, so it fits perfectly with the lunch demand of neighboring businessmen. There are five types of lunch menus: "Chen Mapo Tofu", "Tantan Noodles", "Half Mapo Tofu & Half Tantan Noodles", "Sichuan Shrimp Chili", and "Sichuan Hoikoro". "Sichuan-style shrimp chili" and "Sichuan-style hoikoro" are open until 15:00. "Sichuan style Hoikoro" 1,100 yen The only non-spicy menu for lunch. With rice, egg soup, lightly pickled Sichuan, and almond tofu. Select the amount of rice from large, medium, and small when ordering. Japanese hoikoro is stir-fried pork and cabbage with miso, but this one, which sings the Sichuan style, has a simple composition of thinly sliced ​​pork cut into a size that is easy to eat with a bite and leaf garlic, which is characterized by a garlic aroma and sweetness. Orthodox school finished with bean drum and red pepper. It's not as rich as Japanese Hoikoro, and the soybean drum and red pepper work moderately, giving it a high-quality finish that the rice eats. However, it is a pity that the quality of rice was reasonable. Annin tofu is a type with a little tofu. Payment can be made by Suica, iD, PayPay, d payment, or Melpay payment.
Ryota Saito on Google

麻婆豆腐は意外に辛かったですが、自分の中では味を楽しめるギリギリの辛さでした。味は嫌いではありませんが、ライスはもう少し乾いた感じのほうが好きです。 ライスの大盛りは本当に大盛りで、途中で飽きてきてしまって、なんとか全部食べれましたが、普通の量のほうが最後まで味を楽しめたかも。
Mapo tofu was surprisingly spicy, but it was just barely enough to enjoy the taste. I don't hate the taste, but I prefer the rice to be a little drier. The large serving of rice was really large, and I got tired of it on the way, so I managed to eat all of it, but the normal amount may have enjoyed the taste until the end.
Hossy at Trinity, Inc. (Hossy at Trinity, Inc.) on Google

週末のランチタイム。他の店舗が軒並み営業してない中で、営業していたので陳麻飯好きなので入ってみました。 残念ながら、ほとんど人はおらずガラガラ。飲食店の大変さが感じ取れます。 坦々麺と麻婆豆腐が売りだということで、両方食べられるハーフセットを注文。 ライスは小でとお願いしたものの、このサイズできました。こらが本当に小だとしたら、普通サイズはかなり大きいということになるので注意が必要です。 麻婆豆腐は、それっぽい味はするのですが、パンチが足りなかったので物足りない感じでした。かなりラー油に頼っていて山椒の痺れる感じが少なかったかなと思います。 坦々麺も同様で、あまり尖った感じはなく、割と普通ではないかと思ってしまいました。 全体的にオープンしてそんなに経ってないので綺麗ですし、悪くないですが特長はあまりなかったかなと思います。 最近の飲食店なので、キャッシュレス決済が各種可能なようです。
Weekend lunch time. I went in because I like Chen Mahan because it was open while other stores were not open. Unfortunately, there are few people and it is rattling. You can feel the difficulty of the restaurant. Since Tantan noodles and Mapo tofu are on sale, I ordered a half set that can be eaten both. I asked for the rice to be small, but I was able to make this size. If these are really small, it means that the normal size is quite large, so be careful. Mapo tofu tastes like that, but it wasn't enough because it didn't have enough punch. I think I relied heavily on chili oil and felt less numb with Japanese pepper. The same is true for dandan noodles, which don't feel very sharp, and I thought it was rather normal. It's beautiful because it hasn't been opened so much, and it's not bad, but I think it didn't have many features. Since it is a recent restaurant, it seems that various cashless payments are possible.

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