Tokukura Castle Ruins - Okayama

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tokukura Castle Ruins

住所 :

Mitsukouchi, Kita Ward, Okayama, 709-2123, Japan

Postal code : 709-2123

Mitsukouchi, Kita Ward, Okayama, 709-2123, Japan
橋孝一 on Google

The highlight of the stone wall
Aki Okada on Google

It was nice to be able to take a walk between history, romance and work
奥住明正 on Google

The scale of the castle is not large, but the survivability of the stone wall is wonderful.
五郎八 on Google

永禄11年(1568年)宇喜多直家によって金川城の松田氏が滅ぼされ徳倉城も宇喜多氏の手に落ちた 山城にしては珍しい高石垣が見所
Matsuda of Kanagawa Castle was destroyed by Naotoie Ukita (1568) and Tokukura Castle fell in the hands of Ukita, too.
shinichi uchida on Google

たどり着けなかった。。。。 どこから入ってどう歩けばいいのだろう? 身の危険も感じるタイミングもありました
I didn't get there. . . . Where should I go from where to walk? There were times when I felt dangerous
西岡裕美 on Google

There are stone walls left and wells. There are places where you can see the scenery from between the trees to the distance ❗
美竹のぶ on Google

大手登山道の手前の溺手登山道から登りました。 結構大変でしたが、下りは大手の方だったので結構楽でした。でも大手の方は橋が壊れていたり溺手登山道よりも道が狭かったですが危険性は低かったです。 溺手登山道の方は行く途中に徳蔵神社があって平成5年に出来たものでしたので結構綺麗でしたし、お社も立派でした。 歴史マニア、城マニアにとっては1度は行きたい場所でしたね。 それに大手登山道では、今まで登ってきた人達の杖?として使っていた枝がありましたので。 僕も置いておきました(使っていた物を)それが一番太かったので安全に行けたのはこれのおかげなのかなと思いました。
I climbed from the drowning trail before the major trail. It was quite difficult, but it was quite easy because the downhill was a major one. However, the major people had a broken bridge or a narrower road than the drowning trail, but the danger was low. On the way to the Drowned Trail, there was Tokuzo Shrine on the way, and it was made in 1993. For history enthusiasts and castle enthusiasts, it was a place we wanted to go to once. And on the major trails, canes of people who have climbed so far? Because there was a branch used as I also kept it (the one I was using) because it was the thickest and I thought that it was because of this that I could go safely.
Adam Smith on Google

岡山県の調査報告によると中世の山城を大幅に改修して複合的な連郭式山城に仕立て上げられたと。 堅固な防御施設が確認できた。4,5mはある立派な石垣、折坂虎口、井戸跡、深い堀切跡などがあり、各尾根には重層的な曲輪群があるそうで、登山道沿いにも出丸などが確認できた。堅固な縄張りが山全体に施されていたらしい。 本丸のあった頂上部からの眺望は樹木で遮られていたが、眼下の三谷川は旭川に繋がり、金川城はその合流地点からは少し上流になる。 本丸の樹木のあいだから御津金川の中学校が見えた。その背後の山の向かい側に臥龍山があり、金川城があるはずだ。 徳倉城は、金川城の支城にあたるらしく、松田氏の一族の宇垣氏が護っていたらしいが、宇喜多直家との合戦により、宇喜多勢の支配にかわり、関ヶ原後には一国一城により廃城となったらしい。 岡山空港の滑走路の先に位置していて、石垣とジェット機が捉えられるかも。
According to a survey report by Okayama Prefecture, the medieval mountain castle was significantly renovated and made into a complex continuous mountain castle. A solid defense facility was confirmed. There are magnificent stone walls, Orisaka Koguchi, well traces, deep moat cut traces, etc. at 4,5 m, and it seems that each ridge has a multi-layered group of Kuruwa, and Demaru etc. can be confirmed along the mountain trail. It seems that a solid territory was applied to the entire mountain. The view from the top of the main enclosure was blocked by trees, but the Mitani River below is connected to Asahikawa, and Kanagawa Castle is a little upstream from the confluence. I could see Mitsukanagawa's junior high school because it was between the trees of Honmaru. There should be Wolong Mountain on the other side of the mountain behind it, and Kanagawa Castle. Tokukura Castle seems to be a branch of Kanagawa Castle, and it seems that it was protected by Mr. Ugaki of the Matsuda clan, but due to the battle with the Ukita Naoie, it was replaced by the Ukita group, and after Sekigahara it was abandoned by one country and one castle. It seems that it has become. It is located at the end of the runway at Okayama Airport, and you may be able to catch stone walls and jet planes.

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