Tokoji - Meguro City

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tokoji

住所 :

1 Chome-9-11 Yakumo, Meguro City, Tokyo 152-0023, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87788
Postal code : 152-0023

1 Chome-9-11 Yakumo, Meguro City, Tokyo 152-0023, Japan
神谷明夫 on Google

The graveyard is always clean.
shima on Google

At the back of the precincts, there is a space like a miniature garden where you can wonder where this is, and you will feel very calm when you are there.
望月貴史 on Google

I want you to care for the planting of the graveyard a little more. There were some roads with branches that were difficult to pass through with leaves.
Yoshihisa on Google

曹洞宗のお寺さんです。貞治四年(1365年)創建だそうです。 境内には多くの石塔石仏が建っており、たくさん写真を撮ってしまいます。
It is a temple of the Soto sect. It is said that it was built in the 4th year of Sadaji (1365). There are many stone pagoda stone Buddha statues in the precincts, and I take a lot of pictures.
masa BIGI.N on Google

都立大学駅下車徒歩10分お寺 ?5台完備。その先、坂を登と高級住宅地一軒家は、車が2台駐車出来るガレージ気がします。 お寺敷地内に幼稚園がある。 今日は、春入園される子ども達の保護者説明会があり、自転車が沢山停まっていて…春を感じます。 4年前位の話しですが、敷地内にて、野村監督亡き妻、サッチーさんと付き人がお墓参り参拝していた時に、お会いした事を思い出しました。
Get off at Tokyo Metropolitan University Station and walk 10 minutes on foot. ? 5 units equipped. Before that, I climb the slope and the luxury residential area house feels a garage where I can park two cars. There is a kindergarten in the temple grounds. Today, there is a briefing session for parents of children to be entered in spring, many bicycles are stopped ... I feel spring. Although I talked about four years ago, I remembered that I met you when Nomura's deceased wife, Satie and his attendant visited the graves in the premises.
8939 497 on Google

Taiyozan Reitoku Tokoji Temple. Temple of the Soto sect.
五十嵐孝代 on Google

私が入るであろうお墓があります。 お寺に足を踏み入れた途端に何故か気持が穏やかになれる、そんな場所です。
There is a grave that I will enter. It's a place where you can feel calm for some reason as soon as you step into the temple.
nori tomo on Google

2021年11月中旬訪問。 敷地内、工事中の部分が多かったですが、大きな大きなイチョウの木がとにかく圧倒的でした。ふさふさした覆輪で木枯らしにさらされても堂々としてます。
Visited in mid-November 2021. There were many parts of the site under construction, but the big ginkgo trees were overwhelming. Even if it is exposed to Kogarashi with a bushy cover ring, it will be imposing.

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