
3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact こんの眼科

住所 :

Tokiwa, Urawa Ward, 〒330-0061 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://konno-eye.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Thursday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Friday 9:30AM–12:30PM
街 : Saitama

Tokiwa, Urawa Ward, 〒330-0061 Saitama,Japan
海苔蔵7 on Google

当時ひとり親家庭だった頃、息子の結膜炎で受診。 視力が悪くメガネをしょっちゅう壊すので、オルソケラトロジー(寝ている間だけ角膜を強制するコンタクトレンズを装着する)を試してみようと相談したところ、ひとり親家庭医療受給証を見て、「ちゃんとお金払えるんですか?」だって。 自由診療だから20万円前後はかかるとわかって聞いてみたのですけどね。 二度と行きませんでした。
When I was a single-parent family at that time, I was consulted for my son's conjunctivitis. My eyesight is bad and my glasses often break, so when I talked about trying orthokeratology (wearing a contact lens that forces the cornea only while I was sleeping), I looked at my single-parent family medical certificate and said, "I can pay the money properly. Is it? " I asked him to understand that it would cost around 200,000 yen because it was a free practice. I never went again.
kana on Google

いつも混んでいるので2時間は最低でもかかります。診察は丁寧でスタッフの感じもよいです。 なぜか会計事務も便乗してるのか?遅くなった。会計だけで30分待たされた。 追記 WEB予約ができるようになり、土曜日でも時間が半分(1時間)になりました。
It's always crowded so it takes at least 2 hours. The examination is polite and the staff feels good. Why are you piggybacking on accounting affairs? It's late. I had to wait 30 minutes just for accounting. Postscript You can now make online reservations, and even on Saturdays, the time has been cut in half (1 hour).
前田健二 on Google

飛蚊症のレーザー治療で受診しました。 よかったところ ・診療自体に問題はなかった(今日受けたところですが今のところは)。 ・中の看護師の方たちはそれなりに丁寧というか常識を感じた。 悪かったところ。 ・20万円と提示され、両目で20万円で片目で10万円だと思っていたのですが(飛蚊症 レーザーで検索していたときの相場)片目で20万円でした。相場の2倍しますし、それならそれで片目で20万円であることを説明してほしかったです。 ・他の方も書かれていますが、受付。3人くらいみたいのですが、3人とも態度も悪いし、商品理解もありません。目薬を渡され、なんの目薬かと聞くと「えっと、レーザーの…」こんな薬剤師いるでしょうか。実際は角膜保護するための目薬でした。電話すると「院長は15時にお戻りになります」敬語がめちゃくちゃです。 ・この受付の方たちの仕切りが悪く、小学生が多く受診しているので、全部で3時間はかかる大混雑になっています。北浦和の眼科も、飛蚊症レーザー治療も、もっと競争が進んで、いいサービスのあるところが増えることを願っております。
I had a medical examination with laser treatment for floater. Good place ・ There was no problem with the medical treatment itself (I received it today, but for now). ・ The nurses inside felt polite or common sense. Where it was bad. ・ It was offered as 200,000 yen, and I thought it was 200,000 yen for both eyes and 100,000 yen for one eye (the market price when searching with a laser for floater), but it was 200,000 yen for one eye. I wanted you to explain that it is twice the market price, and that it is 200,000 yen with one eye. ・ Although other people are also written, reception desk. It seems that there are about three people, but all three have a bad attitude and do not understand the product. When I was given eye drops and asked what kind of eye drops it was, "Well, laser ..." Is there such a pharmacist? It was actually an eye drop to protect the cornea. When I call, the honorific word "The director will return at 15:00" is messed up. ・ The partition of these receptionists is bad, and many elementary school students are undergoing medical examinations, so it is very crowded, which takes a total of 3 hours. We hope that Kitaurawa's ophthalmology and laser treatment for floater will become more competitive and that there will be more places with good services.
ヤマモトジュンコ on Google

駅近が◎。混んでいても携わるスタッフが多数おられるので迅速に事は進みます。視力測定や、眼圧や、コンタクトレンズについての事など。ドクターは気さくにお話して下さるので緊張しやすい性格はかなり助かりました。こちらからの質問への回答などにもひどく誠意を感じます。 ドクターをはじめとした、スタッフ、そして受付の皆さんが優しいというか親切なので疲労困憊状態で行った日にも、どこか救われた気持ちになりたしま。感謝でしかない。ありがとうございました!
Near the station is ◎. Even if it is crowded, there are many staff members involved, so things will proceed quickly. Eyesight measurement, intraocular pressure, contact lenses, etc. The doctor talked to me in a friendly manner, so my personality, which was easy to get nervous, helped me a lot. I feel terribly sincere in answering the questions from here. The doctors, staff, and receptionists are kind or kind, so even on the day when I was exhausted, I felt saved somewhere. I'm just grateful. Thank you very much!
Katsumi F on Google

平日15時頃に初めて行きました。 予約無しでしたが検査・診察・お会計まで1時間くらい、スムーズだったと感じました。 夕方になるにつれ待合室と受付が混雑していました。 今回、こどもがお世話になったのですが、対応してくださったスタッフの方が終始優しく、こどもが怖がらずに診察まで終えられました。先生の説明も簡潔で分かりやすく安心いたしました。ありがとうございました。
I went there for the first time around 15:00 on weekdays. I didn't make a reservation, but I felt that the examination, medical examination, and checkout were smooth for about an hour. The waiting room and reception were crowded as the evening came. This time, the children were taken care of, but the staff who responded were kind from beginning to end, and the examination was completed without fear of the children. I was relieved that the teacher's explanation was simple and easy to understand. Thank you very much.
Yoshimi Chiba on Google

Only the director visited me at the time of the examination. I waited for 3 hours and had a medical examination, so when I asked, I was told in a cold tone, "I'm busy, so other people will answer." I've been waiting for a long time and can't tell me what I want to hear. I know I'm tired after seeing a lot of patients, but it's too bad. If you know that it will be crowded, please make a reservation system, limit the number of receptionists, or take measures. Also, the elderly woman at the reception is really sick and feels sick.
おぎ村 on Google

コンタクト買うのに2時間も3時間も待てん。 他のお客さんもイライラして帰る方や不満を言う方がちらほらと。そりゃそうだ。診察室はガラッガラ、待合室は外まで溢れる程の人の多さ。さすがに病院側のシステムや従業員のレベルに問題があると言わざるを得ない。 早急に改善を願う。
Wait two or three hours to buy contacts. There are a few people who are frustrated and complain about other customers. That's no surprise. The examination room is rattling, and the waiting room is full of people. I have to say that there is a problem with the hospital system and the level of employees. I hope for improvement as soon as possible.
y k on Google

今日の視機能検査の担当の方はとても良かったです。普段は患者さんが多いせいか検査するだけで特に説明などありませんでしたが、今日は結果説明が丁寧にありました。今日はたまたま空いていたからかもしれませんが。。。いつも検査しても特に説明なく、お金払っているの勿体ないな、他の眼科に変えようかなと思っていたこともあったので、ぜひこれからもお願いできたらと思います。 最初に受付の方に「視力が落ちていた際はメガネを作る」と確認したのにその話が伝わっていなかったようで残念です。 私から言ったのではなく、受付の方がメガネを作るか聞いてきたのですから、その点はきちんと連携してほしかったです、もしくは受付の人忙しいなら聞く必要ないのでは? 会計の患者さんがいると、来院しても受付の方に対応してもらえないことも多いので、来院の患者さんを待たせる位置を決めるなどされた方がいいのでは?とも思います。
The person in charge of the visual function test today was very good. Usually, there were many patients, so there was no particular explanation just for the examination, but today there was a polite explanation of the results. Maybe it happened to be vacant today. .. .. Even if I always inspect it, there is no particular explanation, and I was thinking about changing to another ophthalmology, so I would like to ask for it in the future. It's a pity that the receptionist first confirmed that he would make glasses when his eyesight was poor, but he didn't tell the story. I didn't say it, but the receptionist asked me if I would make glasses, so I wanted them to work together properly, or if the receptionist is busy, why not ask? If there are accounting patients, it is often the case that the receptionist will not be able to respond to them even if they come to the hospital, so it would be better to decide where to wait for the patients who come to the hospital. I also think.

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