
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact テラスメガネ

住所 :

Honmachihigashi, Chuo Ward, 〒338-0003 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : http://www.saitamaterasu.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : Saitama

Honmachihigashi, Chuo Ward, 〒338-0003 Saitama,Japan
777 itomasa on Google

目が疲れない、目に優しいメガネをかけたくて、検眼をしてもらいました。 検査は丁寧で、説明も的確でした。 目の焦点はが左右で片目は下向き、もう一方は上向きで1m先で1cmずれていることがわかりました。 眼科の先生の診察を受けて、医師からメガネの処方箋をもらってから作ることになりました。 ガッテンで紹介された検査をしてくれます。
I had my eyes examined because I wanted to wear eyeglasses that wouldn't tire my eyes. The inspection was polite and the explanation was accurate. It was found that the focal points of the eyes were left and right, one eye was downward, and the other was upward, 1 m away and 1 cm off. After seeing an ophthalmologist and getting a prescription for glasses from a doctor, I decided to make it. It will do the inspection introduced in Gatten.
san tabi on Google

1年程前、首の骨を折るほどの事故をしてしまった際、衝撃で目を支える筋肉に異常をきたし、物が二重に見える斜視、複視の障害を負ってしまいました。 以来片目を眼帯で隠して生活していましたが、元々目が悪く、眼鏡が欲しいと思っていたところ、斜視、複視矯正のプリズム眼鏡を作成していただけるこの店を紹介していただきました。 プリズム眼鏡だけなら他店でも作れるはずですが、元々凝ったデザイナーズブランドの眼鏡を愛用していたので、いかにも“医療用”眼鏡は着用したくないという捻くれが…ですが、この眼鏡店では、特殊な測定器でプリズム眼鏡が依頼出来ます。関東圏で「拘りのあるフレーム」のプリズム眼鏡を作成して頂ける店は、この店しかないと思います。測定も丁寧で、出来上がった眼鏡のお陰で不自由の少ない自然な視界で、かつ拘りのあるデザインのプリズム眼鏡が制作出来、大変満足しています。 少ないとは思いますが、眼鏡には拘りたいけど、一般のプリズム眼鏡のデザインは…という方には、大変オススメ出来る眼鏡店です。
About a year ago, when I had an accident that broke my neck, I had an abnormality in the muscles that support my eyes due to the impact, and I was injured with a double-eyed squint and double vision. Since then, I've been living with one eye hidden by my eye patch, but when I originally wanted to have glasses because I had bad eyes, I was introduced to this store where you can create prism glasses for strabismus and diplopia correction. .. You can make prism glasses only at other stores, but since I loved elaborate designer brand glasses, I don't want to wear "medical" glasses... You can request prism glasses with various measuring instruments. I think this is the only shop in the Kanto area where you can make prism glasses with a "frame with a sense of loyalty." I am very pleased to be able to produce prismatic glasses with a carefully designed design, with a natural field of view that is less inconvenient thanks to the finished glasses, and with a design that is intimate. I think that there are few, but I would like to stick to glasses, but for those who design general prism glasses...
河野弥生 on Google

We understand various cases regarding inspection and management, so you can consult with us with your eyes and feelings under the keyword "glasses".
to4 to4 on Google

昨年メガネを作りました 今までのメガネ屋さんとは全く違って、本当に丁寧で初体験の検眼でした。こんな検査も有るんだなと、感心した次第です。出来上がったメガネも細かな文字からパソコン、クルマの運転にも全て満足しています。
I made glasses last year It was a really polite and first experience of optometry, which was completely different from the conventional eyeglass shops. I was impressed that there was such an inspection. I am satisfied with the finished glasses, from the fine letters to the driving of the computer and car.
Kawata Aki on Google

I didn't like the thick lenses because of the strong degree from long ago, and I didn't know what to do because I couldn't see the contact lenses, so I found this and made glasses. Until now, eyeglass shops couldn't find the power that suits them even if they used expensive lenses or took a long time to inspect, but here you can look very carefully and make comfortable eyeglasses. I did. Please choose glasses that look good on many nice ones. It is a spectacles shop that will go until you are satisfied with a solid optometry.
Az Kyo on Google

いつも丁寧に対応いただいています。他店ではどうしても両眼視でボヤける感じが残りましたが、テラスメガネさんの検査で解決しました。メガネに対してマイナスイメージのある方、視ることに対して悩みのある方にお勧めします。 不定期で開催されているイベントも毎回大盛況でとても楽しいです♪
We always have you respond carefully. At other stores, I had a feeling that I could get rid of it by binocular vision, but I solved it with the examination of the terrace glasses. Recommended for those who have a negative image for glasses and those who are troubled with looking. The events being held irregularly are also very enjoyable every time ♪
Roberta on Google

長年右目の内斜視で悩んでいました。 こちらのお店で1時間以上丁寧に検眼して下さりとても自分に合ったプリズムメガネを作って頂きました。 感動してしまう程世界が変わり大変感謝しています。 お店の中はお洒落で落ち着いた雰囲気で本当におすすめです。 ご夫婦でお店をやられていますがお二人共とても親切にして頂きました。 自宅から少し距離がありますがアフターケア等もこれからお世話になりたいと思っています。
I have been suffering from esotropia of my right eye for many years. At this shop, I carefully examined my eyes for over an hour and made prism glasses that suit me very much. I am very grateful that the world has changed so much that I am impressed. The inside of the shop is really recommended because it has a stylish and calm atmosphere. The shop is run by a couple, but both of them were very kind. Although it is a little far from my home, I would like to take care of aftercare etc. from now on.
菅泉武宏 on Google

初老を過ぎて文字が見えづらくなり、眼鏡を作ろうと思い、ネット検索していたら偶然ヒット。 まず、お店のHPに記載されている情報量が豊富な説明で、熱意を感じた。それによると、「丁寧かつ詳細な検眼」「フィッティング」が大切とのこと。納得感が得られた為、訪問。 90分近くかけてじっくり検眼してもらった結果、これまで裸眼でよく視えていたと思っていた状態が実は「遠視(遠くにも近くにもピントが合わないため目の調節力を常に使う結果、眼精疲労が起きやすい)」でありそれに「老視」が加わって見えづらくなっていることと若干の内斜位であることが判明。 その後、予算や作成後の掛け方や将来の買い替え見込み等に応じた候補となるレンズ・フレームについてアドバイスをいただき、納得のいく眼鏡作成ができた。 御夫婦ともに(2022年度より国家資格となる)「認定眼鏡士」資格を有していることに加えて人当たりも良く、人生初の眼鏡作成となる私の疑問や不安に対して懇切丁寧に答えていただいた。
After the elderly, it became difficult to see the letters, so I thought about making eyeglasses, and when I searched the internet, I happened to hit. First of all, I felt enthusiasm for the explanation with abundant information on the shop's website. According to it, "careful and detailed optometry" and "fitting" are important. I visited because I was satisfied. As a result of having my eyes examined carefully for nearly 90 minutes, the state that I thought I could see well with the naked eye was actually "farsightedness (results of always using the accommodation power of the eyes because it is out of focus both far and near). , Eye strain is likely to occur) ”, and it was found that it was difficult to see due to the addition of“ presbyopia ”and that it was slightly inwardly oblique. After that, I received advice on candidate lenses and frames according to the budget, how to wear them after making them, and the prospect of replacement in the future, and I was able to make convincing eyeglasses. In addition to having the "certified spectacles technician" qualification (which will be a national qualification from 2022), both the couple have a good personality and answer my questions and anxieties that will be the first spectacles making in my life. I had you.

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