Inoue Hospital - Adachi City

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Inoue Hospital

住所 :

5 Chome-12-11 Takenotsuka, Adachi City, Tokyo 121-0813, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 121-0813
Webサイト :

5 Chome-12-11 Takenotsuka, Adachi City, Tokyo 121-0813, Japan
sakurako on Google

入り口で、今日は乳腺科やってません、ウェブサイトは間違っているので電話で問い合わせてから来てください、と言われました。 確認して来院したのに残念です。
At the entrance, I was told that I am not doing mammary gland department today, the website is wrong, so please call me before coming. I am sorry that I visited the hospital after confirming it.
ヨコヤマカツタカ on Google

Patients should have the right to know the cause and how to spend it faster. It's my body and I don't want to have a hard time forever. That's why I ask the doctor. What's wrong with that? Well, I think it's part of the doctor. I want to believe that not all doctors are like that.
工藤スミスクライン on Google

福祉業界 on Google

It is an arrogant attitude to respond by phone to this free pick-up person. I don't want to ask if possible, but for the sake of livelihood protection, taxis cannot be used unless there are special circumstances ...
るるる on Google

コメントが消されているようだ…。 星一つをつける価値もない病院。 整形外科の手術で仕方なく入院したが、全てにおいてとにかく酷い。 【看護師】 入院病棟には9割がお年寄りで、患者がいる目の前で看護師同士でその患者の悪口を言ったり、患者を怒鳴りつけたり。 挙句には薬の渡し忘れがあったりで最低レベル。 【環境】 入院食は絵に描いた刑務所のような食事。そして病院だが味が濃い。 週末になると清掃が入らないのか、トイレの床は髪の毛でいっぱい。こんな所、普通のお店でも見たことない。とにかく不衛生。 【金】 設備も環境も看護師もレベルも最低の割に、金だけは高く取る。 衛生上と言いがかりをつけて、病院内のパジャマ歯ブラシタオル全て病院と結託した業者から強制的にレンタルさせられる。その割にタオルを毎回替えるでもなく、歯磨き粉は大きいのを初めにドン。しかし毎日の料金は一緒。 そして部屋も私の場合は短いため、お金が取れないせいか、初めは二人部屋、次の金具を取る時は個室にさせられた。日数が短い場合は二人部屋か個室で、と。しかも二人部屋は本来個室だった部屋を無理矢理ベッドを2つ入れた感じで狭い。 私の場合は主治医の先生の都合でこの病院を利用したが、もし初めから選べるなら他を勧める。
The comment seems to have been deleted ... A hospital that is not worth a star. I was hospitalized for orthopedic surgery, but everything was terrible. 【nurse】 90% of the inpatient wards are elderly, and nurses talk badly about the patient or yell at the patient in front of the patient. After all, I forgot to hand over the medicine, so it is the lowest level. 【environment】 The hospital food is a picture of a prison-like meal. And although it is a hospital, it has a strong taste. The floor of the toilet is full of hair, probably because it doesn't get cleaned on weekends. I've never seen a place like this in an ordinary shop. Anyway unsanitary. 【Money】 The equipment, environment, nurses, and level are the lowest, but only the money is expensive. All pajamas, toothbrushes and towels in the hospital are forcibly rented from a contractor who has colluded with the hospital, alleging hygiene. For that reason, I didn't change the towel every time, but the toothpaste was big first. However, the daily charge is the same. And because the room is short in my case, I was forced to make it a double room at first and a private room when I took the next metal fittings, probably because I couldn't get the money. If the number of days is short, use a double room or a private room. Moreover, the double room is small as if it was originally a private room with two beds. In my case, I used this hospital because of my doctor's convenience, but if I can choose from the beginning, I would recommend another one.
にゃんにゃん on Google

ここまで最悪な病院は初めて見た。 受付の態度も高圧的。医師も流れ作業という感じ。 受付の患者への対応も馬鹿にしてる感じで鼻で笑い、非を認めない態度に腹が立ちました。 電話で予め聞いていた診察料と違うことを指摘したら、謝りもせずにこちらではそういう案内はしていないと。流石に清々しくて笑った。 医療費のぼったくりにも程があるし二度と使わない。
I've never seen the worst hospital so far. The attitude of the receptionist is also high pressure. The doctor feels like an assembly line. I laughed with my nose as if I was making a fool of dealing with the patient at the reception, and I was angry at the attitude that I did not admit. If I pointed out that the examination fee was different from what I had heard in advance on the phone, I wouldn't apologize and said that I didn't give such guidance here. I was refreshed and laughed. There is a rip-off of medical expenses and I will never use it again.
ししょの on Google

喘息の発作での初診時に、喘息だから咳が出るのは仕方ないのに看護師に「この人?」と少し嫌そうな顔をされました。 その後診てくれた先生はちゃんと話を聞いて診察してくれたので、数ヶ月後別の症状で受診したら2時間待たされて検査等色々した挙句、別の先生(先生とも呼びたくない)に「なんだろうね?分からないね」とだけ高圧的かつ適当に言われ、その後の助言や薬も何もないまま帰りました。別の病院を受診したらすぐ丁寧に診てくれて薬をもらい落ち着きましたが、先にここに行ったのは完全に無駄金無駄足でした。 今日コロナのワクチンを打ちに行きましたが、問診票に持病を書いたのに問診票を見てるのかすら分からないくらい事務的で適当な1人5秒くらいの問診でした。「本当にそれで大丈夫?」と不安になるくらい雑。 ワクチンを打つ人も私が腕を出すと「うわぁなんか…」とぶつぶつ言っているし、私の指に針が当たっても何も言わないし、本当にこの人が打って大丈夫なんだろうかととても不安になりました。 いつ行っても受付、呼び出しが適当で事務的。中待合室では必ずおばさん看護師の雑談が聞こえるし、診察中にもすぐ後ろで私語が聞こえるし、診察中なのに他の看護師をおばさん看護師と医者が「なんで分からないの全く。いい加減にしてよ」と馬鹿にしていました。 最悪な病院なのでもう二度と行きません。人の命、身体、人生に直接関わることなのだからもっと責任感と緊張感を持って仕事して欲しいです。自分よりひと回りふた回り上のいい大人があんな態度で働いているのは、とても残念で不愉快です。
At the first medical examination for an asthma attack, I couldn't help coughing because of asthma, but the nurse made me look a little disgusted, "Is this person?" After that, the teacher who consulted me listened to me and examined me, so after a few months I had to wait for 2 hours when I had a medical examination with another symptom. I was told with high pressure and appropriateness, "I don't know what?", And returned without any advice or medicine. As soon as I went to another hospital, he gave me a polite examination and got me some medicine, but I was completely wasted money when I went here first. I went to get the corona vaccine today, but it was a clerical and appropriate interview for about 5 seconds per person, so I couldn't even tell if I was looking at the questionnaire even though I wrote down my illness on the questionnaire. It's so miscellaneous that I'm worried, "Is that really okay?" The person who hits the vaccine also mumbles when I put out my arm, "Wow ...", and even if the needle hits my finger, he doesn't say anything, and I'm very worried if this person is really okay to hit. became. Reception and calling are appropriate and clerical whenever you go. In the middle waiting room, you can always hear the chat of the aunt nurse, you can hear the private language right behind you during the examination, and even though you are in the examination, the aunt nurse and the doctor said, "I don't know why. I was making a fool of myself. It's the worst hospital so I'll never go there again. I want you to work with a sense of responsibility and tension because it is directly related to human life, body, and life. It is very disappointing and unpleasant for an adult who is a little better than me to work with such an attitude.
Suresh Nepal on Google

When I visited this hospital I feel so good because I like all doctors.they examined me very nicely

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