(株)リゾン 志木支店

2.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (株)リゾン 志木支店

住所 :

Tohoku, Niiza, 〒352-0001 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88877
Webサイト : https://lizon.co.jp/store_guide/shiki/
街 : Saitama

Tohoku, Niiza, 〒352-0001 Saitama,Japan
森下佳寿美 on Google

good luck.
yasuhiro koakutsu on Google

ここの営業レディは誰も彼もお金さえもらえば手のひらを返したように約束を守らないし嘘を平気でつくろくでもない集団。本当に使えない不動産屋でした。 守れない約束なんてしないで下さい。 屑なのかアホなのか判断出来ません!
The sales lady here is a group of people who don't keep their promises and don't lie as if they have paid for him. It was a real estate agent that couldn't be used. Do not make promises that you cannot keep. I can't tell if it's rubbish or stupid!
a b on Google

I will refrain from mentioning specific things because it will be specified, but since I am a transfer family, I have contracted with various real estate agents, but this is really the worst. Please read the contract carefully. The contents of the contract are often unreasonable, so if other real estate agents have the same property, it is better to compare the contents of the contract. I regret having signed this real estate agent.
Shinichi Sano on Google

感情的で破天荒な対応をする営業の女性がいるので要注意。 対応方法に疑問を呈し拒否したにも関わらず、唯我独尊、聞く耳を持たずに変な処置を強行し、事態は悪化。 不動産屋に安心感を求める人は避けることを強く薦めます。 入居してしまった者としては、変な対応をされたことによる実害と引っ越し費用の天秤。
Be careful as there are sales women who respond emotionally and wildly. Despite questioning and refusing to respond, Yuigadokuson forced a strange treatment without listening, and the situation worsened. Those who seek peace of mind from real estate agents are strongly advised to avoid it. For those who have moved in, it is a balance between the actual damage caused by the strange response and the moving cost.
T M on Google

受付にて女性の営業達が割と大きな声で客の悪口を言っていて、終始居心地が悪かった。よく他の客がいる前で言えるよな。 他にもたくさん不動産はありますから、他に行くことをお勧めします。とくにここの女性営業に当たったらハズレと思った方がいいでしょう。
At the reception, the female salespeople were swearing at the customers in a rather loud voice, which made me uncomfortable from beginning to end. You can often say it in front of other guests. There are many other real estates, so I recommend you to go elsewhere. Especially if you hit the women's business here, you should think that it is a loss.
ko t- on Google

部屋探しから入居まで迅速、丁寧に対応していただきました! またお世話になる際はよろしくお願いします!
From finding a room to moving in, we responded promptly and politely! Thank you for your continued support!
yusuke watanabe on Google

あまりにも失礼で、イラつきました。 自分だけがそう思ったのかと思いましたが 他の方の投稿を見て安心しました。 賃貸契約中の質問に推測の話しを返すだけ…。 仲介しているのだから 大家に確認すると答えるべきで その場の推測で適当に考えた返答に ハンコを押して支払うのも嫌な感じです。 リゾンプレミアムサポート? サービス? 高いし必要無い くだらない内容 面倒なので支払いました。 リゾンとか2度と利用したくないです。
It was too rude and frustrating. I wondered if only I thought so I was relieved to see other people's posts. Just answer the question in the rental contract with a guess ... Because it is an intermediary You should answer to check with the landlord For a response that was thought out appropriately by guessing on the spot I don't like to push the stamp and pay. Rizon Premium Support? service? It ’s expensive and it ’s not necessary. Stupid content I paid because it was troublesome. I don't want to use Rizon again.
T Y (ゆうちゃん) on Google

皆さんが口コミしていて不安な気持ちで来店して見ましたが・・・ 酷い対応ではなく、寧ろ親切で丁寧な接客でした。また、良いお部屋も見つけて頂きました!いつも気持ちよく過ごしています。所帯をもったら、またお世話になろうと思います。
Everyone was word-of-mouth and I came to the store with anxiety, but ... It was not a terrible response, but rather a kind and polite customer service. Also, you found a good room! I'm always comfortable. If you have a family, I will take care of you again.

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