(株)クレア ホームメイトFC志木店

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (株)クレア ホームメイトFC志木店

住所 :

Tohoku, Niiza, 〒352-0001 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://www.crea.jp.net/
街 : Saitama

Tohoku, Niiza, 〒352-0001 Saitama,Japan
杉山太郎 on Google

事前に聞いていた情報の誤りを指摘したら、オーナーなる人間から度重なる暴力的な発言を受けた。東建コーポレーションという会社のチェーン店らしいのでそちらに連絡したところ、不備を認めた上で指導(やりとりについてのロールプレイング、と言っていた)すると回答を得たが、オーナーなる人物は"そんなの関係ない"と開き直っていた。 志木駅前には他にも不動産屋があるのでそちらを利用するのがお勧め。 ただし、別の不動産屋が窓口になっていても契約先はこちらになっているケース(私の場合はそうなっていた)もあるので注意が必要
When I pointed out an error in the information I had heard in advance, I received repeated violent remarks from the owner. It seems to be a chain store of a company called Token Corporation, so when I contacted it, I got a reply that I gave guidance (role-playing about exchanges) after admitting the deficiency, but the owner said, "That's the relationship. It was reopening with "No". There is another real estate agent in front of Shiki station, so it is recommended to use that. However, please note that there are cases where the contractor is here even if another real estate agent is the contact point (in my case it was).
まこっちゃん on Google

Thank you for your polite response. It was very helpful for me to answer the unclear question with a chitin. It was a move to a place where I didn't know the land, but it was very nice to have an image of living.
kana on Google

I decided to live alone in a place where I didn't know the land, so I visited various real estate agents, but I got the most personal consultation! The inside of the store is also clean, and it was impressive that you took the time to carefully teach us the points and tips on how to select a property! I'm going to bother you several times, so I'd like to take a friend with me and recommend it.
ぺこぺこ on Google

父が急に転勤になりお世話になりました。 父一人だと不安だったので一緒について行き相談に乗ってもらいました。 駅近で店内もとても清潔感あるお店でした。 また土地勘なく不安だった父にも勤務先に合わせてどこなら住みやすいか丁寧に教えてくださいました。 そんなに頻繁にお世話になるようなお店じゃないからこそ第一印象が良いお店、優しい店員さんにお会い出来てお話を聞けて良かったです。
My father was suddenly transferred and was taken care of. I was worried that my father was alone, so I followed him and asked him to consult with me. The shop was very clean near the station. He also politely told my father, who was uneasy about the land, where to live according to his place of employment. It's nice to meet and talk to a friendly clerk who has a good first impression because it's not a shop that is taken care of so often.
doe john on Google

Search for properties around Shiki Station. For the time being, I saw this real estate agent when I thought about eating properly at Matsuya at the station. When I was young, I felt like a real estate agent was duckling, and it was difficult to enter, but I'm glad that this is a bright shop where you can enter with a "temporary" feeling. If you are looking for a property in this area, this is probably the first step.
Yuumi Tanaka on Google

店員の方の対応がとても良いです。 ペット可能・敷金礼金0、駅チカ徒歩15分圏内でお値段もできるだけ抑えらえるところなど、色々な注文をしてしまいましたが、根気強く住まい探しを手伝ってもらいました。 最終的に他の不動産屋さんとどちらにしようか迷う物件があったのですが、これからの手続きや今後のことも考えると、こちらの店舗の方が長く安心して任せられると思い、契約させていただきました。 おすすめします。
The correspondence of the clerk is very good. I made various orders such as pets allowed, no key money, and a place where the price can be kept as low as possible within a 15-minute walk from the station Chika, but I patiently helped me find a place to live. In the end, there was a property that I was wondering which one to choose with another real estate agent, but considering the procedure and the future, I thought that this store would be safer for a long time, so let me make a contract. I received it. I recommend it.
きたひろ on Google

駅からも近くて便利で、親切な定員さんの多い不動産屋さんです。 いまだに仲介手数料を借主の同意もなく1ヶ月分取る業者もある中で、仲介手数料0円からご案内頂けるのは大変良心的だと感じました。 地域の情報にも詳しく、わがままな条件を言っても親身になって物件を探していただきました。 また機会あれば利用したいと思います。
It is a real estate agent that is close to the station and convenient, and has a large number of kind people. While some companies still charge the brokerage fee for one month without the consent of the borrower, I felt that it was very conscientious to be able to guide you from the brokerage fee of 0 yen. He was also familiar with local information, and even if he said selfish conditions, he was kind enough to search for a property. I would like to use it again if I have the opportunity.
さかきゃんでい on Google

気に入った物件に引っ越し希望で、その志木駅前不動産やに、わざわざ車で来たのに駐車料金を確認したら、サービス無し。と言われ、自己負担でした? 駐車サービスも無い、客に対する上から目線的に、一人で来たのに、お一人様ですか?と、一人です。と答えたのに間を空けてまたしっこく、ひとり様ですか?と、何回も3度も聞かれ… 人を見下す最低な言葉使いに、うんざり疲れさせる不動産屋でガッカリしました。2件目の不動産に行く気力が無くまっすぐ帰りました。わざわざ来たガソリン代が無駄になり、ガソリン代返して欲しいです!!不愉快な気分になる不動産、駐車自己負担になるので、車で行く皆さんオススメしないので行かないほうがいいですよ。
I wanted to move to a property I liked, and when I checked the parking fee even though I came all the way to the real estate in front of Shiki station, there was no service. It was said that I had to pay for it ? There was no parking service, and I came alone from the top of the customer, but was it one person? I am alone. I answered, but after a while, I'm still sick, are you alone? I was asked three times over and over again ... I was disappointed at the real estate agent who was tired of the worst wording that looked down on people. I didn't have the energy to go to the second real estate and went straight back. The gasoline fee that came all the way is wasted, and I want you to return the gasoline fee !! Real estate that makes you feel uncomfortable, parking will be at your own expense, so everyone who goes by car does not recommend it, so you should not go.

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