
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 天丸

住所 :

Togoshi, Shinagawa City, 〒142-0041 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
街 : Tokyo

Togoshi, Shinagawa City, 〒142-0041 Tokyo,Japan
Taku Nishizawa on Google

Visited for lunch on weekdays. Conger eels are big, but other ingredients are not very big. Impression that the taste is also normal.
m y on Google

カラッとあがった天ぷらホントにおいしいです。天ぷらはもたれるので普段あまり食べないのですが、おかわりしました。 ダンディな店主も素敵です!
The crispy tempura is really delicious. I don't usually eat tempura because it leans, but I have refilled it. The dandy shopkeeper is also nice!
森英晃 on Google

Isn't it about 10 years since you opened a store here? "It's a backpack, there's no demand for Tendon specialty stores around here." ... I thought it would disappear soon, but every time I passed by, the store continued to operate. It seems that the theory of tempura shop is to offer several kinds of course dishes to dinner at night and continue to operate, but even in the night section I visited, only bowls and set meals are served honestly. I had a bottle of conger eel tempura as a favorite for dry sherry and shrimp kakiage bowl. All of them were very delicious. I want to apologize for my unknown.
MiT on Google

ランチの特上天丼980円。はみ出る穴子さん。 商売気のない職人気質風の店主が一人で回す天丼専門店でした。 店内も飾り気なく、素朴、いや殺風景です。 でもそれだけに、サクッとした衣、加減のいいタレ バランスの良い種類の天ぷらが乗った天丼がなんとも絶妙で良いです。
Special Tendon for lunch 980 yen. Conger eel that sticks out. It was a restaurant specializing in tendon bowls, which was run by the owner of a shop with a taste of craftsmanship and no business spirit. The inside of the store is also plain, simple and murky. But for that reason, crispy clothes and a sloppy sauce The tempura bowl with a well-balanced type of tempura is exquisite and good.
hidenobu ohmori on Google

五反田の百反通り近くにある天ぷら専門店さん❗️ 天丼専門店 天丸さん✨ 近所にあったので、いつか行ってみたいと思ってたんですが、やっと来れました♪ 外で天丼を食べる機会って、なかなか無いんですが、好きなんですよね天丼♪ 家でやる時は、卵で綴じるけど、天丼屋さんのはタレかけたサクサクの天丼なのが好き✨ 今回注文したのは、特上天丸天丼‼️ まず、穴子でか❗️丼に乗り切ってないよ❗️ 蓋を開ければ、穴子、海苔、玉子、海老、烏賊と盛りだくさん✨ サクサクの衣と、ふっくらした穴子が美味い? 玉子も半熟とろとろで、噛むと黄身がとろ〜り、タレご飯と絶妙に合います♪ さりげなく散らしてある柚子とお漬物が舌をリセットしてくれて、最後まで美味しく頂けました✨
Tempura specialty store near Hyakutan-dori in Gotanda ❗️ Tendon specialty store Tenmaru-san ✨ I was in the neighborhood, so I wanted to go someday, but I finally came! I don't have many chances to eat Tendon outside, but I like it, right? When I do it at home, I bind it with eggs, but the tendon shop likes the crispy tendon with sauce ✨ This time I ordered the special Tenmaru Tendon! ️ First of all, I haven't survived the conger eel ❗️ bowl ❗️ If you open the lid, there are plenty of conger eels, seaweed, eggs, shrimp, and pirates. The crispy batter and the plump anago are delicious ? The egg is also soft-boiled, and when chewed, the yolk melts and goes perfectly with the sauce ♪ The casually scattered yuzu and pickles reset the tongue, and it was delicious until the end ✨
Hyatt on Google

1000円で満腹! サクサクでとても美味しかったです! 特上天丸天丼1000円 でっかい穴子! えび(小ぶり) 海苔 イカ(小ぶりだけど分厚くてめっちゃ柔らかい) 半熟卵
I'm full for 1000 yen! It was crispy and very delicious! Special Tenmaru Tendon 1000 yen Huge conger eel! Shrimp (small) Seaweed Squid (small but thick and very soft) Soft-boiled eggs
Maro tomy on Google

二度目の訪問です。天ぷら定食を注文しました。 着丼まで10分程か。揚げたての天ぷらは非常に美味しい。天ぷらの量はやや少なく感じる。価格からするとCPは良いと思います。追加で単品の天ぷらを注文するシステムのようです。
This is my second visit. I ordered a tempura set meal. It takes about 10 minutes to get the bowl. Freshly fried tempura is very delicious. I feel that the amount of tempura is a little small. I think CP is good from the price point of view. It seems to be a system to order additional tempura separately.
Sho5 UA on Google

戸越銀座から五反田側に歩いた先にある天ぷら屋さん。 建物は正直普通の家の扉みたいな感じで、大丈夫かなという雰囲気ですけど、しっかりとした天ぷらが食べられます。 特上天丸天丼を頂きました。 具材は、エビ、穴子、イカ、のり、玉子。 エビが小さいのが残念ですが、穴子は特大で玉子の天ぷらも半熟で美味しいです。 このクオリティで1000円ならお買い得です。 また近くでランチを食べる時があれば行きたいお店です。
A tempura shop located on the Gotanda side of Togoshi Ginza. To be honest, the building is like the door of a normal house, and it feels like it's okay, but you can eat solid tempura. I received a special Tenmaru Tendon. The ingredients are shrimp, conger eel, squid, glue, and egg. It's a pity that the shrimp are small, but the conger eel is oversized and the egg tempura is half-ripened and delicious. It is a bargain if it is 1000 yen with this quality. Also, if you have time to eat lunch nearby, this is the shop you want to go to.

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