TMK GYM - Minamikyobatecho

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

|奈良市|TMK GYM|トレーニング|ジム|パーソナルトレーニング|ダイエット|加圧|筋トレ -

TMK GYMパーソナルトレーニングとはトレーニングマシン&フリーウェイト特化型ジム。ダイエット・ボディメイク・筋力アップ・競技能力向上・栄養カウンセリングなど何でもご相談ください。パーソナルトレーニング・加圧トレーニングも行っています。初心者から上級者、中学生からシニアまで大歓迎のトレーニングジムです。

Contact TMK GYM

住所 :

Minamikyobatecho, 〒630-8141 Nara,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899
Postal code : 630-8141
Webサイト :
街 : Nara

Minamikyobatecho, 〒630-8141 Nara,Japan
大仏ぷりん ch on Google

I went to the gym for the first time, but I have plenty of training equipment and a shower so I can go comfortably! People who are enrolled in the gym can easily communicate and the environment is good!
kon kon on Google

パーソナルトレーニングでお世話になっています。 トレーニングの方法はもちろんのこと、食事や体調の変化のアドバイスなどいろいろ聞いても丁寧にカウンセリングしてもらえます。通いやすい価格でとてもありがたいです。 あと、犬ちゃんがとてもかわいいです
I am indebted to my personal training. Not only the training method, but also advice on diet and physical condition changes, etc., you can get counseling carefully. I am very grateful for the affordable price. Also, the dog is very cute
小林悠眞 on Google

ここのジムは中学生からで僕は中学2年で行かさしてもらってます‼️ 今で1ヶ月くらいたって筋肉の量がえげつなくなり自分の部活でもやくになってます。 中学校からとても近いので帰りによって行けるのでとても便利です 先生もめっちゃがたいがよく優しい先生です 中学生で「ジムに通いたいな」と思っている人は是非行って見てください 初めは自分にあったメニューも作ってくださるのでとてもいいジムです‼️
The gym here is from junior high school and I am in the second year of junior high school! ️ Now, after about a month, my muscle mass has become terrible and I am getting faster in my club activities. It's very convenient because it's very close to junior high school so you can go on your way home The teacher is also very kind but very kind If you are a junior high school student and want to go to the gym, please go and see it. At first, it's a very good gym because it makes a menu that suits you! ️
平山陽子 on Google

Parents and children are receiving personal training. At first, I was surprised at the number of machines, but in training, I am very grateful that you have assembled a program that fits your needs. In addition to using the machine, you will be kindly explained about where you should be aware of and what kind of effect it will have, so you can do your best while feeling the effect without waste as before! Is the weight increased without your knowledge? If you notice it, you can do your best every time! I will always arrive at a gentle and strict Nozomi trainer.
Ai Hirayama on Google

I will use it for personal training. After measuring your weight and muscle mass in each part, please propose a menu that suits your goals in detail. I've been to other gyms as well, but at the TMK gym, I've been able to feel the effects more than before because I was taught how to use the machine correctly and the muscles I'm aware of! Thanks to the bright and friendly trainer, I think I can reach my goal ?
さおりん on Google

パーソナルトレーニングで通っています。すぐ飽きてなかなか続かないトレーニングも、細かい指導やアドバイスで楽しく無理なく続けられています。 トレーナーさんとの会話もいい気分転換になり続けられている理由のひとつです。 トレーニングではどこの筋肉を使っているのか、このマシーンで鍛えたいところはどこか、効果的な使い方は、と、私だけでは使いこなせない所をカバーしてもらいながらできるのもパーソナルのいいところです。 楽しい自分磨きのための時間が過ごせています。
I go for personal training. Training that gets tired quickly and does not last easily is continued happily and reasonably with detailed guidance and advice. Conversation with the trainer is also one of the reasons why it continues to be a good change. What muscles I use in training, what I want to train with this machine, how to use it effectively, and what I can do while covering the areas that I can't master are also good points of personality. I am spending time for fun self-improvement.
M Sig on Google

県内でも有数のマシンの種類が豊富なジムですね。 さらに還暦越えした私のような年配者にも安心してトレーニングできるプログラムを提供してもらえます。 実際、数ヶ月のトレーニングで効果的かつ効率的に鍛えたい部位の筋肉を増強することができました。 将来のサルコペニアなどを未然に予防していくためにも、しっかりとトレーニングを続けたいです。
It's a gym with a wide variety of machines that is one of the best in the prefecture. In addition, even elderly people like me who have passed the 60th birthday can be offered a program that allows them to train with peace of mind. In fact, after a few months of training, I was able to effectively and efficiently build muscle in the areas I wanted to train. I would like to continue training firmly in order to prevent sarcopenia in the future.
五十嵐康之 on Google

個人経営のジムとは思えないくらいのマシンの充実ぶりです。 もちろんフリーウェイトもオッケーです! 冷房はよく効いてるし、集中してトレーニングにうちこめます。 ソッコー、会員になってしまいました。 奈良市で筋トレやってる人は是非一回は行ってみましょう。都度料金も良心的ですよ。
It's a full range of machines that you can't think of as a privately run gym. Of course, free weights are also okay! The air conditioner works well and I concentrate on training. Sokko, I've become a member. If you are doing muscle training in Nara City, please go there once. The price is reasonable each time.

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