Timeless Comfort Jiyūgaoka - Meguro City

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Timeless Comfort Jiyūgaoka

住所 :

2 Chome-9-11 Jiyugaoka, Meguro City, Tokyo 152-0035, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 152-0035
Webサイト : https://store.world.co.jp/s/brand/timelesscomfort/

2 Chome-9-11 Jiyugaoka, Meguro City, Tokyo 152-0035, Japan
aya yan on Google

Kitchen miscellaneous goods, kitchen appliances are substantial. There are many types of coffee drippers that you can pick up and compare while picking. There is also a kettle, electric kettle, enamel, stainless steel. There are also many items that are easy to use.
茶夢 on Google

センスの良い物が多いですね! 色々と購入してます、 2Fの店員さんの接客は良いし女優並みの美人さんでモジモジしてしまいます。
There are many good-looking items! I bought a lot, The customer service of the clerk on the 2nd floor is good and it is a beautiful woman like an actress and it gets moody.
kosho sansho on Google

I went for the first time in a long time, but I enjoyed the high quality products and kitchen furniture.
1958 aja on Google

一時期自由が丘でショッピングをするのが好きだった。 まずはお気に入りのfield/dreamで洋服を買ってからぶらぶら街歩きをして、ちょうどお昼時にタイムレスコンフォートの奥にあるカフェでランチというのがルーティンだったように思う。 もちろん雑貨やインテリアの品揃えも素敵だが、ロケーション的に駅からちょっと歩いた辺りに位置しているので、ランチ休憩したい時にぴったりだった気がする。 一度妻と近くを歩いていたら旧知の女友達とばったり遭遇し、女性同士は初対面だったが私そっちのけでタイムレスコンフォートのカフェで長々とお喋りに興じていたこともあるぐらい引き寄せ力も強いようだ。 長らく訪れていないが、各フロアの品揃えに変化があるのかとても気になる。
I liked shopping in Jiyugaoka for a while. I think it was a routine to buy clothes at my favorite field / dream, then stroll around the city and have lunch at a cafe in the back of Timeless Comfort at noon. Of course, the assortment of miscellaneous goods and interiors is nice, but the location is just a short walk from the station, so I think it was perfect when I wanted to take a lunch break. Once I was walking near my wife, I ran into an old acquaintance girl friend, and although the women met for the first time, it seems that they are so attractive that I have been chatting for a long time at a timeless comfort cafe. I haven't visited for a long time, but I'm very worried about the changes in the product lineup on each floor.
福島雄一郎 on Google

It is a favorite store that sells outdoor sundries and stylish sundries like wood. There are many types of frying pans. A leather sofa is on the second floor.
伊藤さつき on Google

It's fun with lots of sophisticated furniture and miscellaneous goods. I buy something every time I go.
itsuka on Google

キッチン雑貨から洗濯・お風呂の水まわりの小物類まで、気になる商品が揃ってます。タワー商品もあり。男性も見やすいお店だと思います。 2階にはソファやテーブル、ダイニングチェア、棚などの家具やインテリア雑貨。値段は自由が丘のこのあたりにあるIDEEなどと同じか少し安いくらいかな。 好きな店なので自由が丘に来た時はよく寄ります。
From kitchen miscellaneous goods to small items around the water in the laundry / bath, we have a wide range of products you care about. There are also tower products. I think it's a shop that is easy for men to see. Furniture such as sofas, tables, dining chairs and shelves and interior goods are on the 2nd floor. The price is the same as or a little cheaper than IDEE in this area of ​​Jiyugaoka. It's my favorite shop, so I often stop by when I come to Jiyugaoka.
るくしおさん on Google

店員のお姉さんがとーってもやさしかった! 新生活用の家具を買いに来てかなり長考しまったので申し訳なく感じていたが、一緒に考えてくれたり絨毯を広げて見せてくれたりして居心地が良かった。 2階が家具売り場になっていて、1階はキッチン雑貨売り場になっていた。他の家具屋さんとは少し違い、特徴がある家具が置いてあったので来た甲斐があったなと感じた。他にも取り扱っている家具を雑誌を通して紹介してくれた。ソファに座りながらゆっくり選ばせてもらえて嬉しかったです。
The clerk's sister was very kind! I felt sorry because I came to buy furniture for new use and thought about it for a long time, but it was comfortable to think with me and to show me the carpet spread out. The second floor was a furniture department, and the first floor was a kitchen miscellaneous goods department. It was a little different from other furniture stores, and I felt that it was worth it because there were unique furniture. He introduced other furniture that he handles through a magazine. I was happy to be able to choose slowly while sitting on the sofa.

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