Terubo - Arakawa City

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Terubo

住所 :

1 Chome-19-9 Nishiogu, Arakawa City, Tokyo 116-0011, Japan

Postal code : 116-0011

1 Chome-19-9 Nishiogu, Arakawa City, Tokyo 116-0011, Japan
のまた on Google

The cabbage is delicious ?
加藤 恒 on Google

The atmosphere of the shop was good, and the landlady was also a bright and good shop \ (^ o ^) /
山口秀城 on Google

홍호옹 on Google

親切!美味しい!!店は小さいけど、しかし,その点も良かったです。 店員たちが外国人の私たちにもとても優しかったので,母のご飯を食べたように気持ちよかったです。 もちろん料理もおいしかったです。 繁華街で食べたお好み焼きより安かったですが,味はずっと良かったです!
Kindness! delicious! !! The store is small, but that's also good. The clerk was very kind to us as foreigners, so it felt like I ate my mother's meal. Of course the food was delicious. It was cheaper than the okonomiyaki I ate in the downtown area, but the taste was much better!
Tomoaki MAN on Google

鉄板焼のお店☆ もんじゃ&お好み焼きがメインかな 店内は、こじんまりとした小さな作りですが、 テーブルと座敷ちゃんと両方あります。 料理は、どれも美味しく、 もんじゃ、お好み焼き、その他鉄板焼を食べたければ このお店が今の定番です。 私のお気に入りは、 牛そぼろもんじゃにチーズのトッピング☆ ただ、席数が多くはないので、 確実に入りたければ、少し早めに行をオススメします
Teppanyaki shop ☆ Monja and Okonomiyaki are the main The shop is small and small, There are both tables and Zashiki-chan. Every dish is delicious, If you want to eat Monja, Okonomiyaki and other Teppanyaki This shop is the standard now. My favorite is Beef soboro monja topping with cheese ☆ However, because there are not many seats, If you want to be sure, we recommend a row a little earlier
kao kaipo on Google

夫婦でやっているお好み焼き屋さん。 2人の雰囲気もよく、奥様の笑顔が印象的。 味も美味しく、お好み焼きを上手に作れないこと話すと奥様が作ってくれました!
An okonomiyaki restaurant that is performed by a couple. The atmosphere of the two is good and the smile of the wife is impressive. The wife made it by saying that it tastes good and I can't make okonomiyaki well!
Deju Lankert on Google

ご夫婦で経営されているこじんまりしたお好み焼き屋さんです。 イス席のテーブルが2つと小上がりにもテーブル2つのみ。 美味しい味噌ホルモンやもんじゃなどを鉄板で焼きつつ、ダラダラ休日の昼飲みを楽しむのも良し。もちろんお好み焼きも美味しいです。 焼酎のボトルキープが出来るとなお有難いのですが、あんまりオッサンが長居してもご迷惑だしなぁ・・
It is a small okonomiyaki restaurant run by a couple. There are only two tables in the chair seat and two tables for the small rise. It is also good to enjoy the lunch of the sloppy holiday while baking delicious miso hormones and monja with an iron plate. Of course okonomiyaki is also delicious. It's still nice to be able to keep the bottle of shochu, but it's bothersome even if there are too many old men staying there.
Maria on Google

The staff is super friendly, thought nobody speaks english they are super helpful when it comes to understand the menu. The okonomiyaki is kinda small but tasty and fresh since is made in front of you, in the hot table. Good to go with family and friends

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