Terrace 8890

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Terrace 8890

住所 :

Kanda Awajicho, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0063 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://terrace8890.gorp.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Kanda Awajicho, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0063 Tokyo,Japan
たか on Google

The number of seats was not very large, but it was a quiet and comfortable space with plenty of space. The building is new so the inside of the store is very clean. I visited on a holiday evening, but there were so many people, many of whom were working and studying, such as PCs.
i east on Google

The ceiling is high and is located inside the glass vents, so the feeling of openness is pleasant. It is calm down that it is all seats sofa. It was a feeling that there was a relatively large number of nomadic users alone. There was also a small library and gallery space on the aisle side of the bathroom. Tea cake set was a little expensive setting at 1200 yen, but there are 3 cups of teadeling with Sedell blend and it was very delicious. By the way, blended coffee was 480 yen.
NAO. S on Google

ランチメニューのガーリックトマトステーキをいただきました。少々ためらいましたが、お昼に食べても大丈夫な位のガーリック! セットのドリンクはフタ付きの紙コップで提供されるのでそこで飲んでも、持ち帰ってもOKです。 時間の限られたお昼休みには嬉しい配慮です。
I had a garlic tomato steak on the lunch menu. I hesitated a little, but garlic that you can eat at lunch! The set drinks are served in paper cups with lids, so you can drink there or take them home. It is a nice consideration for lunch breaks when time is limited.
kk mi on Google

雰囲気もよくスタッフもキビキビ働いている。 味も悪くなくインテリアもグット。 食事もイタリアやスペインを連想させていて、 女性はもちろん男性も好きなメニューも多い。
The atmosphere is good and the staff is also working hard. The taste is not bad and the interior is good. Meals are also associated with Italy and Spain, There are many menus that women like men as well as men.
Haruna Ishimatsu on Google

平日17時ごろ訪問。 閉店近くまでカフェの大テーブルにてPC作業させてもらいましたが、混雑もせず、店員さんの距離感もほどよく、BGMは心落ちつくボリュームと選曲で、最高の時間を過ごすことができました。 空調もほどよくあたたかく、椅子もフカフカすぎないどっしり感があって、リラックスしたいときにも、集中したいときにも適した環境です。 男女分かれたお手洗いはとても清潔で、女子トイレの中には3つの個室があり、混雑時も入れる安心感があります。 8席ある大テーブルには電源もあり。WiFiもパスワードを教えていただき、利用することができました。速度にもストレスありません。 しっかりチェックするのを忘れてしまいましたが、ドリンクメニューは500円台が相場といったところでしょうか。この雰囲気の中滞在できるなら、高くない値段だと思います。 今回は3階のカフェのみの滞在となりましたが、2階のコミュニティスペース(写真2枚目)もとても落ち着いた雰囲気で、別の機会にまた利用したいと思いました。 ※ほかの方のコメントによると、日中はもう少しガヤガヤするみたいですね。再チャレンジしてまたレビュー書きにきます。
Visited around 17:00 on weekdays. I worked on the PC at the big table of the cafe until near the closing of the store, but it was not crowded, the clerk's sense of distance was moderate, and the BGM was able to spend the best time with a calming volume and song selection. .. The air-conditioning is moderately warm, and the chairs are not too fluffy, so it is a suitable environment for both relaxing and concentrating. The men's and women's restrooms are very clean, and there are 3 private rooms in the women's restroom, so you can rest assured that you can enter even when it is crowded. There is also a power supply at the large table with 8 seats. I was able to use WiFi by telling me the password. There is no stress on speed. I forgot to check it carefully, but the drink menu is in the 500 yen range. If you can stay in this atmosphere, I think it's not expensive. This time I stayed only at the cafe on the 3rd floor, but the community space on the 2nd floor (second photo) has a very calm atmosphere, and I wanted to use it again for another occasion. * According to other people's comments, it seems to be a little more jarring during the day. I will try again and come back to write a review.
s t on Google

とてもお気に入りの場所で多い時は週に2.3回ランチをしに行っています。 空間が広く人目を気にせず1人でものんびりできる、店員さんが丁寧で嫌な思いをしたことが一度もない、1000円でとても美味しいちょうど良い程度にお腹がふくれる量のランチ&持ち帰りできる容器に入った美味しいドリンクつき、なところが気に入っています。 他のレストランにランチをしに行っても「値段、美味しさ、量、居心地のよさ、飲み物の美味しさ、何をとってもやっぱワテラスのレストランがいいな〜」と考えてしまうくらいお気に入りです。
I go to lunch 2.3 times a week when I have a lot of favorite places. The space is wide and you can relax by yourself without worrying about the eyes, the clerk has never felt polite and unpleasant, it is very delicious for 1000 yen and it is a container that you can take home with just the right amount of lunch I like the fact that it comes with a delicious drink. Even if I go to another restaurant for lunch, I like it so much that I think "Price, deliciousness, quantity, coziness, delicious drinks, I really like the restaurant in WATERRAS".
Omri R on Google

Very cool lunch spot above a gallery/library in the new Waterrace complex. Lunch is 1380 yen and includes a small beer/wine and coffee.
Xiro Arai (Alphonz) on Google

Nice cosy café restaurant in one of Chuo-ku’s community cultural centres,“WATERRAS Common”. Their tea menu and lunch plates, especially, Premium European tea, Hainan chicken rice set and Hamburg set are highly recommended (1kY~). Downstairs there’re a florist’s, local specialty shop, small library and study/working/event room... Getting relaxed in there for a couple of hours was like just a 15 minute daydreaming to me.

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