Tenman Shrine

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tenman Shrine

住所 :

Nagate, Yonezawa, 〒992-0113 Yamagata,Japan

Webサイト : https://www.city.yonezawa.yamagata.jp/1798.html
街 : Yamagata

Nagate, Yonezawa, 〒992-0113 Yamagata,Japan
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The precincts are very quiet, and the red triple drum bridge that continues from the opposite shore impressed me.
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春は天王川沿いに黄色の菜畑が広がり、赤の太鼓橋と、山々に残る白の残雪と、空の青と、緑の木々が一面に広がり幻想的な風景を生み出します。5月には鯉のぼりも見られるそうで、たいへん素晴らしい神社です。 以下『米沢の神社・堂宮9 -上郷地区-』より 長手地区の鎮守である天満神社は、伊達氏・上杉氏の統治よりも時代を遡り、長井時広が京都の北野天満宮から分霊を受けて創建したとされている。祭神は菅原道真公。 境内には念仏塔や己巳塔、庚申塔が確認できる。梵字が7字刻まれた石塔も見られたが、解読には至らなかった。 写真撮影月 令和2年4月
In spring, a yellow vegetable field spreads along the Tenno River, and the red drum bridge, the white snow remaining in the mountains, the blue sky, and the green trees spread all over, creating a fantastic landscape. It is said that you can see carp streamers in May, which is a very wonderful shrine. From "Yonezawa Shrine, Domiya 9-Kamigo District-" Tenman Shrine, the guardian of the Nagai district, is said to have been built by Tokihiro Nagai in response to a spirit from Kitano Tenmangu in Kyoto, going back in time from the rule of Date and Uesugi. The deity is Sugawara no Michizane. In the precincts, you can see the Nembutsu Pagoda, Yin Tower, and Koshinto. There was also a stone pagoda with seven characters engraved on it, but it could not be deciphered. Photographing month April 2nd year of Reiwa

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