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Contact 金谷八幡両所神社

住所 :

Banseicho, Yonezawa, 〒992-1124 Yamagata,Japan

街 : Yamagata

Banseicho, Yonezawa, 〒992-1124 Yamagata,Japan
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大正四年、金谷地区の金谷神社と堂森地区の八幡神社を併合し遷宮した神社。その際の合祀記念碑が境内に建つ。ただし鳥居の紀年銘には明治三十壱年とあるので、いずれかの神社の鳥居が利用されていると考えられる。祭神は応仁天皇・熊野大神・天思兼命・三宝荒神・金山彦命・金山姫命。 境内は鬱蒼としており、神聖な雰囲気がある。 私が確認できた石塔を以下に列挙する。 ・湯殿山 (嘉永二年・己酉、1849) ・金華山 (嘉永二年・己酉、1849) ・飯豊山 ・庚申塔 (嘉永年間) ・庚申塔 (大正九年・庚申、1920) ・湯殿山 ・板碑 ・文殊講供養塔 ・馬頭観世音 (嘉永元年・戊申、1848) ・庚申造林記念塔 写真撮影月 令和2年3月、9月 参考文献 『米沢の神社・堂宮1 ー万世地区ー』米沢市教育委員会
A shrine that was relocated by merging Kanaya Shrine in the Kanaya area and Hachiman Shrine in the Domori area in the 4th year of the Taisho era. A monument to the memorial service at that time is built in the precincts. However, since the chronogram of the torii is in the 30th year of the Meiji era, it is considered that the torii of one of the shrines is used. The deities are Emperor Ojin, Kumano Ogami, Tenshi Kanmei, Sanpo Aragami, Kanayamahikomei, and Kanayamahimemei. The precincts are dense and have a sacred atmosphere. The stone towers I have confirmed are listed below. ・ Yudonoyama (Kaei 2nd year, Rooster, 1849) ・ Mt. Kinka (2nd year of Kaei, Earth Rooster, 1849) ・ Mt. Iide ・ Koshinto (Kaei year) ・ Koshinto (Taisho 9th year, Koshin, 1920) ・ Mt. Yudono ・ Itabi ・ Manjushri memorial tower ・ Hayagriva Kanzeon (1st year of Kaei, Yang Earth Monkey, 1848) ・ Yang Metal Monkey Forest Memorial Tower Photographing month March, September, 2nd year of Reiwa References "Yonezawa Shrine, Domiya 1-Mansei District-" Yonezawa City Board of Education
koji koyama on Google

It is near Zenkoji Temple and Shiroko Inari Shrine in Banseicho Domori. It seems that it was enshrined in the Taisho era, but the history is unknown. There are six pillars such as Emperor Ojin and Kumano Ojin, and the location is Mansei, so it seems that they have been enshrined for a long time.

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