Tenhachi - Shizuoka

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tenhachi

住所 :

天八 448-3 Oya, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, 422-8017, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 422-8017

天八 448-3 Oya, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, 422-8017, Japan
Gogo Godspeed on Google

地元の方々にはうれしい価格帯。 御夫婦2人で。 繁盛店なんでしょうね。 地元にあったら仕事の帰りにビールと夕飯で必ずお世話になり常連さんの仲間入り確定のお店です。 提供までの時間も早いし 駐車場もあるし。 大変おいしくいただけました。 御馳走さまでした。
A nice price range for the locals. Two couples. It's a prosperous store. If you are in the local area, you will definitely be taken care of by beer and supper on your way home from work, and it is a shop that is confirmed to be a regular customer. The time to offer is fast There is also a parking lot. It was very delicious. Thank you for your treat.
M T on Google

界隈では有名なデカ盛り店。 大学生と思わしき客がいてかならずいる気がする。 以前に豚肉のバター焼きを食べて美味しかったので再訪。 カレーがなんか珍しいとの事で注文。 値段は学食並みの安さ。 飯の量がとにかく多いので自信がないなら絶対に少なめで頼むべき。 少なく頼んだつもりでいたがルーが少なく1/3くらいご飯を残してしまった。 使ってる脂があまり新しくないのか、店を出た後気づいたが服に油の匂いがこびりついていた。 女と子とは一緒に行けない店だと思う。 ただバイトはたぶん大学生の女の子。 安く腹一杯食べたい人にはいいと思う。
A big store that is famous in the neighborhood. I feel that there are always customers who seem to be university students. I ate pork butter grilled before and it was delicious so I visited again. I ordered it because curry is rare. The price is as cheap as a school cafeteria. The amount of rice is large, so if you are not confident, you should definitely order a small amount. I intended to ask for less, but there were few roux and I left about 1/3 of the rice. After I left the store, I noticed that the fat I was using wasn't very new, but the smell of oil was sticking to my clothes. I think it's a shop where women and children can't go together. However, the part-time job is probably a college girl. I think it's good for people who want to eat cheaply and full.
ペカキンχ 466 on Google

昭和な感じです。 平日だったのでそれなりに空いていました。店内はそこまで広くなく テーブル3✖️4脚 座卓3✖️4席 くらい 味が薄いとクチコミあったのでこちらをオーダー 豚キャベツキムチいため定食 530円 濃かったです。 ご飯美味しく、おかずも良し。 カツ丼 520円だったかな…
It's like Showa. It was a weekday, so it was vacant as it was. The inside of the store is not so large Table 3 ✖️ 4 legs Table 3 ✖️ 4 seats About There was a word of mouth that the taste was light, so I ordered this Set meal for pork cabbage kimchi 530 yen It was dark. The rice is delicious and the side dishes are also good. Katsudon was 520 yen ...
山野央雄 on Google

A set meal shop in your neighborhood. Since it is near Shizuoka University, it is often used by many students and those who work in the field. The price range is also in the 500 yen range, which is very attractive. But please be careful when you go to eat! ️ Especially for women, the amount of rice is small ?
食堂探検家 on Google

安くて盛りが素晴らしい!! 狙ったデカ盛りじゃないところが好感持てます。 定食のご飯は並盛でどんぶり一杯、フタが丁度被さる位。大盛はフタが閉まらずご飯の上に乗ってます。小食の方は少なめコール必須です。 味噌カツ定食を頂きました。もちろんご飯は大盛です。これで580円は超お得。さすが大学生の町です。 程よく焦げた感じのカツです。味噌の味は薄め。おかずとご飯の量がアンバランスなので考えながら食べないとご飯が余ります。何とか完食しました。 いいですね、この感じのお店。永く続けてもらいたいものです。
It's cheap and the prime is wonderful !! I like the fact that it's not the big one I aimed for. The set meal is a regular serving, a bowl full of rice, and the lid just covers it. Omori is on top of the rice without closing the lid. For small meals, a small call is required. I had a miso katsu set meal. Of course, the rice is great. This is a great deal for 580 yen. It is truly a college student town. It is a cutlet with a moderately burnt feel. The taste of miso is light. The amount of side dishes and rice is unbalanced, so if you don't eat while thinking, you will have too much rice. I managed to finish it. It's nice, this kind of shop. I want you to continue for a long time.
にがり on Google

ご夫婦2人で切り盛りされているため提供までに時間がかかるので、時間に余裕がある時に行くことをお勧めします。 先客がいるときは提供までに30分程度はかかります。 この日は11時47分に入店し料理が運ばれてきたのは12時27分でした。カツ丼大盛りで570円です。 お料理はどれもボリューム満点でとっても満足できます。お店の方のお人柄もとても素敵で温かい気持ちになれます。 厨房の方からご主人も「ありがとうございます」と声をかけてくださいます。地元に長く愛されている名店だと思います! ごちそうさまでした☺︎☺︎
It takes time to serve because it is cut by two couples, so it is recommended to go when you have time to spare. If there is a customer, it will take about 30 minutes to serve. On that day, I entered the restaurant at 11:47 and the food was delivered at 12:27. A large serving of katsudon is 570 yen. All the dishes are full of volume and very satisfying. The personality of the shop staff is also very nice and warm. The owner from the kitchen also says "Thank you". I think it's a well-known store that has been loved by the locals for a long time! Thank you for your feast ☺︎☺︎
たけのこ on Google

A set meal shop that will be loved by the old-fashioned locals. The amount of rice was too much and I left 2 / 3rd place. Excuse me. The omelet contains a lot of vegetables and is healthy and delicious. It seems that two people are doing it, so please be aware that it will take time when you have a customer.
Catur Putra Satgada on Google

The size of the food is incredibly insane. Also the taste is really good for me.

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